The Way of the Immortal Master

v2 Chapter 247: Avoid war

Aunt Jin glanced at Meng Zhang and said: "It's hard for Meng to be the head of Meng. She was seriously injured. When the three of us received signals for assistance, we were a step late when we went to reinforce Jindaomen."

   "The Golden Swordsmen team was completely annihilated under the siege of the sand monster army, and even Big Brother Ruan did not escape, unfortunately lost and fell into the sand monster army."

   "The three of us had a battle with the sand monster army, but it was really lonely and difficult to support."

   "We finally broke through, but got separated from the head of Meng."

   "Now that the head of Meng is safe, the old woman is finally relieved."

   After listening to Aunt Jin's words, Dao Guanghong said fiercely: "No one thought that this time the army of sand monsters would be so fierce."

   Zhao Jiudou said sourly from the side: "Your head of Lin Quanguan, Daoist Guanghui, personally led an army to chase the sand monster group. I don't know where he chased it. A large group of sand monsters actually appeared here."

   After hearing what Zhao Jiudo said, Dao Guang Hong's face was unhappy, but he did not speak.

   Seeing Meng Zhang's look a little puzzled, Jin Qigu explained to him.

   After receiving the signal from Jindaomen for help, the two Aunt Jin went to support her.

   As for whether the Golden Dao Gate was raided by the running sand monsters, or the sand monsters' nests were discovered, the two of them were unclear.

   The area where the Golden Sword Gate was originally located has been completely occupied by the sand monster army, and the two cannot get close.

   After the Jindaomen sent out the distress signal, the Linshan faction was also raided by sand monsters.

   Two Tier 2 sand monsters who are proficient in soil escape techniques sneaked into the vicinity of the Linshan faction camp from the ground, and suddenly attacked Xu Yishan and Lin Shenpo, two monks during the foundation construction period.

   Then the group of sand monsters rushing from a distance also rushed to the Linshan faction camp frantically.

   If it weren't for Dao Guanghong and Zhao Jiudou to reinforce them in time, the Lin Shan faction might be wiped out this time.

   After a **** battle, Xu Yishan was seriously injured, and Lin Shenpo was also not lightly injured. The disciples of the Linshan School during the Qi Refining Period suffered heavy casualties.

   After listening to Jin Qigu's account, Meng Zhang talked about the Taiyimen being raided by the sand monster group.

   The strength of the sand monster group that raided Taiyimen was greatly magnified by Meng Zhang. Taiyimen also suffered a lot of casualties, and the God of Thick Earth was severely injured by the sand monsters, and is still unable to move.

   Dao Guanghong originally planned to gather the three sect monks before launching a wave of counterattacks against the sand monsters. But after listening to Meng Zhang's words, he knew that the Taiyi Sect, like the Linshan Sect, had been hit hard, so there was no way to fight back.

   From the top of the flying boat, he glanced at the gloomy sky in the distance, the wind and sand that was rolling wildly, that was the army of sand monsters that was raging.

   Mr. Guanghong only ordered everyone to retreat together, temporarily avoiding the edge of the sand monster army. At the same time, he also contacted Daoist Guanghui, head of Lin Quanguan, through secret methods, and asked for reinforcements.

   Dao Guanghong led the army by himself, but he was frustrated when it came to such an end.

   As soon as the coalition forces of the three sects retreated, they completely exposed the Liujiashan gate to the army of sand monsters.

  The army of sand monsters surrounded the Liujiashan gate group and began to launch a tentative attack.

   The three sects were too busy to take care of themselves, and naturally they were unable to support the Liu family.

   Dao Guanghong and Zhao Jiudou can only pray that the Liu family’s mountain guards will be stronger, so that they can hold on for a longer period of time to support Dao Guanghui’s reinforcements.

   Given the attitude of the Liu family, Aunt Jin and others certainly would not take the life and death of the Liu family to heart. In Meng Zhang's heart, it was even more hopeful that Sha blamed the army for conquering Liu's mountain gate and exterminating Liu's family.

   Everyone discussed the next combat strategy, and then they dispersed.

   Meng Zhang left Feizhou and flew back to his team.

   The flying boat teams of the three sects dispersed separately to avoid being surrounded by the sand monster army together. But the distance is not far away, keep a distance where you can watch and help each other.

   Soon after Meng Zhang flew back to the Taiyimen's flying boat, Jin Qigu came to visit.

   Jin Qigu came to the door under the banner of discussing and cooperating, and stood on the head of the flying boat with Meng Zhang and talked.

   Jin Qigu talked about it for a while before starting to test Meng Zhang to see if he saw Ruan Dadao's death.

   Meng Zhang pretended to be confused at this time, saying that when Ruan Dadao was surrounded by sand monsters, he was too far away to come forward to rescue him, so he could only watch Ruan Dadao being besieged and killed by sand monsters.

   After hearing what Meng Zhang said, Jin Qigu stared at Meng Zhang for a while, and then said something about her privacy.

   Qiaoshoumen and Jinmamen are closely related, and some female disciples of Qiaoshoumen have married into Jindaomen.

   After many years of operation, among the golden swordsmen, Qiaoshoumen also have reliable eyes and ears.

   Ruan Dadao colluded with the demon of Huanglian Sect and leaked Jin Qiaoer's whereabouts, and only then did the ambush next to Huojingfang City occur.

   Speaking of this, Jin Qigu also specifically instructed Meng Zhang not to disclose this matter.

   The deceased has passed away, and the death is great, so let’s leave a little bit of face for the golden knife gate, so as not to ruin the reputation of Ruan Dadao.

   Anyway, Ruan Dadao is dead, and that's the end of this matter.

   After talking about this privacy, Jin Qigu also said that losing Ruan Dadao, the sect master of the mid-foundation stage, can't keep the Jindaomen's foundation by relying on the Jindaomen group of Qi-refining disciples alone.

   The decline of the Golden Knife Gate is a foregone conclusion.

   The site of the Golden Daomen itself, as well as the site that was later seized during the expansion, has now become an attractive piece of fat.

  Although Lin Quanguan will definitely occupy the largest and fattest piece, if the Qiaoshoumen and Taiyimen join forces, they can still tear off a small piece.

   Jindaomen is no longer enough to continue to exist as an ally of Qiaoshoumen.

   In the future, between Qiaoshoumen and Taiyimen, we should watch and help each to advance and retreat together.

   In terms of the distribution of benefits, the skillful door can follow the meaning of the Taiyi door.

   Meng Zhang looked at Jin Qigu, and remained silent for a long time.

   Many years ago, he deliberately made a good deal of Qiaoshoumen, hoping to relieve the pressure of Qiaoshoumen and Jindaomen on Taiyimen.

   He never thought that one day things would develop to such a degree.

   Even if the Golden Sword Gate does not perish this time, it cannot continue to retain its original status and benefits.

   By chance, Taiyimen and Qiaoshoumen actually came together and became allies.

   Regardless of whether Jin Qigu’s promise can be counted, whether the ally of Qiaoshoumen is reliable. But Taiyimen really needed an ally.

   Taiyi Sect was originally an inconspicuous little sect, and it slowly emerged after Meng Zhang took over.

   Taiyimen has insufficient accumulation in all aspects, lack of contacts and relationships, and it is easy to be isolated.

   With the unreliable ally of Qiaoshoumen, Taiyimen can slowly make up for the shortcomings.

   Taiyimen and Qiaoshoumen complement each other in many places, and Taiyimen really needs the ally of Qiaoshoumen more.

   Meng Zhang made up his mind and agreed to form an alliance with Qiaoshoumen.

   Of course, the two only formed an alliance verbally, and did not make a covenant, let alone a detailed agreement.

   Both of them are Lin Quanguan's vassals. Lin Quanguan thinks too much. It's okay to get closer, but it's best not to let Lin Quanguan discover that the two have formed an alliance.