The Way of the Immortal Master

v2 Chapter 2486: traitor

The Dark Alliance dared to fight against the Holy Land Sect with True Immortals, and of course it had trump cards at the level of True Immortals.

Tang Yuxuxian and Fengshang Xuxian temporarily raised their cultivation base to the level of true immortals and paid a huge price.

If they can't hold on for too long, their cultivation will fall from the level of true immortals.

Afterwards, both of them could not avoid serious damage to their vitality, damage to their cultivation base, and even a significant reduction in their lifespan.

But no matter what, no matter what the shortcomings, the two of them have true immortal-level power at this time.

It is too wonderful to have one enemy and two, and cannot completely defeat them in a short period of time.

Too wonderful to be entangled by them, naturally unable to continue to rescue those sacrifices.

The Dark Alliance Void Returners, whose morale had plummeted and had the heart to avoid war, saw that they were too wonderful to be able to continue being arrogant for the time being. They also regained their vitality, rushed to their opponents again, and fought fiercely with them.

During the war, due to the aftermath of the battle, the sacrifices on the ground and the low-level monks of the Dark Alliance all caused great damage.

The battle did not last long, and a large number of creatures died here.

Most of the bans and magic circles arranged by the Dark Alliance were destroyed, and even the large altar was lost.

Especially when the three floating cities that were too wonderfully destroyed before fell from the sky to the ground, they hit the ground with force and caused great damage.

If it wasn't for the Dark Alliance cultivator to stop it with all his strength, maybe this plain would have disappeared in the impact.

Despite this, the landscape of the plain has been changed for the most part, and countless creatures have died.

Even those spectators who watched the battle flew into the distance to avoid the aftermath of the battle and the damage caused by the war.

Feng Qing Shang Zun tried his best to keep the main altar under his feet unscathed.

At this time, his complexion was ashen, and he looked at Tai Miao in the distance with eyes full of murderous intent.

After some wonderful tossing, the situation on the field has undergone tremendous changes.

Some of the sacrifices were removed by Taimiao; some of the sacrifices died; the rest of the sacrifices fell into chaos, some knelt on the ground dumbfounded, and some fled around like headless flies...

After Tai Miao's previous deterrence, most of the low-level cultivators of the Dark Alliance were heartbroken and have not recovered so far.

Only a small number of Dark Alliance cultivators continued to slaughter those sacrifices.

In any case, killing so many souls in one breath still injected strength into the altar.

However, the slaughter is not carried out in the designated way, and the benefits of the ceremony are limited.

As more and more sacrifices were slaughtered, invisible forces continued to be injected into the altar.

Seeing the wonderful appearance of the True God, the allied forces of Taiyimen and Tiangong had an advantage, and the dark alliance fell to the disadvantage, and some of the cultivators who were watching the ceremony became alive.

Taiyimen has been actively befriending the Qi family located in the northern part of the Middle-earth continent, trying to pull it into their own camp, and it has achieved initial results.

Probably to please the Taiyi Sect, a monk from the Qi family yelled at the Dark Alliance monk who was slaughtering the sacrifices, and stopped the other party in a righteous manner.

Although this Qi family cultivator was quickly suppressed by Feng Yu Shangzun, the others also started to move.

In particular, the Snow Mountain faction and the Kou family cultivators were a little bit uncomfortable with the actions of the Dark Alliance.

On the other hand, the True Dragon Clan, who had long been suspicious of the Dark Alliance, has not expressed anything so far.

The Taiyimen and the Tiangong allied forces came here to wreak havoc, and after fighting with the dark alliance monks for so long, the dark alliance has not exposed any flaws.

The Tiangong cultivator accused the dark alliance of holding the ceremony for the sake of the devilish Junchen world, and so far there is no evidence to prove it.

The True Dragon Clan does not need to please the victors like other cultivation forces, but pays more attention to the truth of the matter.

On the contrary, those comprehension forces don't care what the truth is, they will only stand on the side of the winner.

For this ceremony, the Dark Alliance made preparations that they thought they would be perfect, and had also considered in advance that someone would cause trouble.

But now, because the strength of Tiangong and Taiyimen is too strong, the backhands prepared by the Dark Alliance have been cracked one by one.

This ceremony has been going on until now, and it has been a bit unsustainable.

The true immortal-level power of Fengshang Xuxian and Tang Yuxian cannot be maintained for too long.

If the time drags on for a long time, their power level will drop, and it will be even more impossible to stop it.

As long as Tai Miaokong takes action, the Dark Alliance will face a complete defeat this time.

Venerable Fengqing roared at a place in the sky: "How long do you have to wait? If you don't do anything, this ceremony will really be in vain."

"Do you really want the poor monk to take action? In this way, the relationship between you and me can't be hidden."

A voice softly rang in the ears of Fengqing Shangzun.

"When is it all, who cares about this?"

Venerable Fengqing roared in exasperation.

"Also, do you really think that others know nothing about the collusion between us?"

"Hurry up and take action, stabilize the situation, and this ceremony can continue."

After a while, an endless golden light lit up in the sky.

Accompanied by bursts of Brahma singing, a golden Buddha statue as tall as a hill appeared in the sky.

The golden Buddha statue clasped his hands together, and released bursts of Buddha light all over his body.

Wherever the Buddha's light went, the cultivators who were fighting felt peace of could no longer raise the slightest fighting spirit.

Those who fight fiercely in the sky are all the great powers of returning to the void, and they are outstanding people in the cultivation world no matter what.

Many people quickly broke free from the influence of Buddha Light and returned to normal.

People from Tiangong quickly recognized the origin of this Buddha statue.

"Tianlei, it's actually you."

"You traitor, when did you take refuge in Buddhism?"

The Taoist people of the ancient capital pointed to the Buddha statue in the sky and shouted violently.

"It's Tianlei Xuxian, when did he switch to Buddhism, and why did he appear here?"

Even during the battle, some Tiangong monks who were familiar with Tianlei couldn't help but talk.

At this time, Tianlei showed not the cultivation of immortals, but the breath of true immortals.

Among Buddhism, such practitioners are called Arhats.

Tianlei Xuxian, no, now it should be Tianlei Arhat, finally showing up.

Previously, due to the sudden betrayal of Tianlei Xuxian and the surrender of foreign invaders, Jiutian was broken so quickly, and the human race cultivators in Junchen Realm suffered heavy losses, and since then they have completely lost their frontal resistance to foreign invaders.

Tianlei Xuxian is the object that Tiangong cultivates vigorously, and Tiangong has invested a lot in it.

Tianlei Xuxian is also loyal to Tiangong and has made great contributions to Tiangong.

Tianlei Xuxian, as a well-known warrior in the Tiangong, once fought in the void for many years, fought in the north and south, and made illustrious feats.

Tianlei Xuxian's betrayal was beyond everyone's expectations.

Why he became a traitor, many people still can't figure out. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!