The Way of the Immortal Master

v2 Chapter 594: return

Jin Li Zhenjun took Meng Zhang all the way, chasing away and beheading Yun Beast, and collected the essence of Nine Heavens.

  Meng Zhang is limited to cultivation base, and can play a limited role. No matter how generous Jin Li Zhenjun is, he can't be too cheap for him.

   Meng Zhang counted, it has been almost half a month since the nine days, and his gains are not that much.

   If you enter here alone, the situation may be worse. It seems that collecting the essence of nine days is really not an easy task.

   It's better for those monks who came from big gates to have powerful elders to take care of them. A monk with a background like Sanxiu or Meng Zhang, who came from a small sect, seemed very strenuous.

   True Monarch Jin Li cannot carry Meng Zhang with him every time, and Meng Zhang will have to think of some new ways in the future.

   Generally speaking, the cultivators of the late Jindan stage enter within nine days a few times at first, and it is best not to delay them for too long. After staying for about half a month, he should leave.

  Because of the special rules of heaven and earth within nine days, it puts great pressure on cultivators. Even if Meng Zhang is exceptionally talented, he is unwilling to delay here for too long.

  Mr. Jinli naturally knows this truth, but this time he gained a very good result. The opportunity is rare, who knows if there will be such good luck next time, she is still unwilling to go back.

   Meng Zhang looked at Jin Li Zhenjun a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to go back alone.

   After this journey, Meng Zhang performed very well, fully demonstrating his strength and alertness.

   Jin Li Zhenjun hesitated and agreed.

   Before the separation, Jin Li Zhenjun also specially warned Meng Zhang. On the way back, don't have extra branches, just leave for nine days and try to avoid trouble.

  Meng Zhang naturally fully accepted Jin Li's kindness and fully agreed.

After    and Jin Li Zhenjun separated, Meng Zhang felt that he was in a good state, and he should be able to try to stay for two more days.

   Within nine days, the terrain is extremely complex and changes frequently. The spiritual mind and exploration spells of the cultivator are suppressed, and they cannot explore too far away.

  Under this situation, even if the comprehensionist has a good memory, he may get lost.

   At this time, Meng Zhang simply gave up the path finding, and proceeded directly according to the direction sensed by his spiritual sense.

   Meng Zhang’s return route is not the one he came. This route is still relatively safe. Not only did he encounter no danger, but he was quite rewarding.

  Meng Zhang not only harvested two groups of Nine Days Essence, but also captured a few cloud beast cubs.

   Taiyi Gate specializes in the Royal Animal Hall, which is responsible for breeding and taming various monsters, which are used by the sect.

  The elder in the door, Hu Jing, the original master of the Imperial Beast Hall, has a special mindset in cultivation, and can use his nourished spirit pets to strengthen his combat effectiveness.

   Within nine days, the cloud beasts are generally more powerful than the monster beasts in Junchen Realm, and they have more potential.

   Yun Beast’s intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary beasts, and it should be able to be domesticated.

   The only thing I am worried about is whether Yun Beast can adapt to the new environment after leaving such a special environment within nine days, and whether it can survive and continue to grow.

   Meng Zhang flew along the route of his spiritual sense induction for a full ten days before arriving at the boundary of nine days.

   Meng Zhang jumped vigorously, jumped out for nine days, and returned to the outside world.

   Meng Zhang felt the world spin for a while, and his head was dizzy. Then quickly returned to normal, and I felt a moment of relaxation, the invisible pressure that had originally enveloped my body completely disappeared.

   Leaving for nine days, the adverse effects of nine days on the body naturally quickly dissipated.

   At this time, Meng Zhang suddenly thought of the Yun Beast cub he had captured.

   He took out the pet bag and took a look. The Yun Beast cubs that were still alive and lively became weak and listless. On one side, the situation is the worst, it is dying.

   Meng Zhang did not dare to delay any more, and immediately accelerated his descent, hurried to the bottom.

   He rushed back to the mountain gate Baicaopo, handed a few cloud beast cubs to the elder Hu Jing, and briefly explained their origins.

   At this time, the cub in the worst condition has already turned into a cloud of energy and will disappear.

   There is a specialization in the art industry, and Hu Jing's attainments in the way of defending beasts are far above those of Meng Zhang. She took a few cloud beast cubs and went to find a way to settle them.

   Not long after Meng Zhang returned to the door, many things came to him.

   First, the eldest disciple Niu Dawei asked to see him, and reported to him the latest affairs in the door.

   Although Meng Zhang handed over most of the matters in the door to Niu Dawei, he still listened to his reports from time to time and gave him various instructions.

   Since the restoration of peace, Taiyimen quickly recovered its vitality. The large-scale development of the Demon Wind Gobi and the increasingly frequent business contacts with Dafeng City have brought more and more wealth to Taiyimen.

   The number of mortals currently possessed by the ether gate, the number of awakening spiritual roots is increasing. Even if the Taiyi Sect had already raised the barrier to entry, it was still able to ensure that there were enough disciples to join.

   Meng Zhang sat in his seat, half-opened his eyes, quietly listening to Niu Dawei's report.

   These trivial daily affairs are handled very well by Niu Dawei.

   After Jin Li Zhenjun agreed to join the Jiuqu League, Taiyimen, as a force under Jin Li Zhenjun, naturally became a member of the Jiuqu League.

   The relationship between Taiyimen and the Great Wind City and the Gu Yue family is getting closer and closer, and it has been integrated into the Nine Songs Alliance step by step.

   Soon, Niu Dawei talked about the issue of the Hedong branch of the Huanglian Sect and the Huoyun Sect.

   Meng Zhang and Taiyimen are currently unable to participate in the battle between the true primordial gods. His current target is the forces under True Monarch Yue Feng.

   Taiyi Sect is currently facing the two forces of the Hedong branch of the Huanglian Sect and the Huoyun Sect.

   Of course, Meng Zhang does not want the other party to unite, but find a way to divide and collapse from it.

   Taking advantage of True Monarch Yue Feng’s exploitation of the endless sea of ​​sand, Taiyi Sect used profit as a bait to lure the Huoyun faction to secretly participate in smuggling with Taiyi Sect.

The word   利 was headed, and he was not directly under True Monarch Yue Feng, the Huoyun faction was easily taken the bait.

   Even without the Taiyimen secretly agitating, in order to expand the income, the Huoyun faction secretly pulled the vassal forces under the Hedong branch of the Huanglian Sect into the water, and began to smuggle various characteristic resources produced by the endless sand sea.

  Actually, the senior leaders of the Hedong branch are not ignorant of the small actions of the Huoyun faction in private.

   It's just that they are also not irritated by True Monarch Yuefeng's exploits, they pretend to be deaf and dumb, and let the Huoyun faction act. Even, they will intentionally or unconsciously sell more resources to the Huoyun faction in various ways.

   After all, according to the orders of True Monarch Yue Feng, all the resources of the endless sand sea were sent to the mountain branch for sale, which would do too much damage to the interests of the Hedong branch.

   Taiyimen secretly contributed to this incident, not only caused the internal problems of the other party, but also reaped great benefits from the family.

  The various resources sold to the Taiyimen territory by the Huoyun faction. In addition to leaving part of the resources for their own use, the Taiyimen sent most of them to the Great Wind City for sale and made a lot of profits.

   Taiyimen has been secretly maintaining this smuggling route with all its strength. This is not only for profit, but also for greater goals.

   After listening for a long time, Meng Zhang listened to Niu Dawei's report and gave him some pointers before letting him retreat.

   Soon after Niu Dawei stepped back, the weak water **** general came back.

People without thought, he must worry about.

   Taiyi Gate currently seems to have a vast territory and a lot of income, but as there are more and more monks in the gate, especially the Jindan stage monks, it is inevitable to carry out a new round of expansion and obtain more resources.

   Taiyi Gate is naturally impossible to expand in the direction of Jiuqu League, and there is a new owner on the endless sand sea, and it is also impossible to invade.

   The northernmost sea of ​​death sand is barren, without the slightest vitality. Although it can produce some mineral resources, there are some special elixir. But ordinary humans cannot survive there, let alone have no spiritual veins, and their value is not high.

   Taiyimen currently has no plans to expand there extensively except for arranging some monks to go to the Dead Sea to obtain resources.

   The only possible expansion direction of Taiyi Gate is to the west, continuing to expand toward the depths of the Demon Wind Gobi.

   In these years, Taiyimen has strengthened its surveillance of the depths of the Demon Wind Gobi. The weak water **** will even sneak in many times to investigate the specific situation there.

   The weak water **** will bring bad news to Meng Zhang.

  The monsters of the Gobi Gobi, facing the invasion of the Sea Clan, lost all the way, and they were almost unable to support them.

   If these monsters cannot withstand the attack of the Sea Clan, they will be completely defeated. Their only escape direction is the current territory of Taiyimen.

   When the time comes, Taiyimen will bear the brunt, and will face the impact of a large army of monsters. After this, if the Sea Clan continues to expand Taiyimen will directly face the powerful enemy of the Sea Clan.

   Taiyi Gate only ended the last battle, it was only more than two decades, and the elites in the lost gate had no time to replenish, and the vitality did not recover. If a new battle is to be launched, it is really not a good thing for Taiyi Sect.

   Although Taiyimen currently has the blessing of Jinli Zhenjun, Jinli Zhenjun is not the nanny of Taiyimen, let alone the thugs of Taiyimen.

   Taiyimen cannot count on Jin Li Zhenjun to help solve every problem. If there is a big war, the main force of the battle is still the Taiyimen monks.

   After listening to the report of the weak water **** general, Meng Zhang also had no good way. It can only be ordered to strengthen the monitoring of the Demon Wind Gobi, and respond at any time. At the same time, Taiyimen also began to slowly prepare for the battle, preparing for the next battle.

  Meng Zhang returned to the door and after dealing with a lot of affairs in the door, he began to practice again.

   This time he practiced, he began to try to absorb the essence of nine days.

   After absorbing the essence of Nine Heavens for the first time, Meng Zhang finally understood why the essence of Nine Heavens was something that monks had been searching for in the late Jindan period.

   Compared to absorbing aura from the third-order spiritual veins, the nine-day essence brings a complete improvement to the cultivator.

   Every time he refines the essence of the nine days, Meng Zhang will enter a special state, feeling that his whole body and mind have been sublimated, and he is one step closer to the avenue.

   Absorbing the essence of nine days of refining is also a test for the Jindan monks. Only the monks in the late Jindan period can successfully absorb and refine. The stronger the foundation of the monk, the more benefits he will get from it.