The Way of the Immortal Master

v2 Chapter 769: Clear

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Huanglian Sacred Mountain, the main altar of the Huanglian Sect, is located about the south of the center of the Jiuqu League, which is regarded as the junction between the north and the south.

Since the establishment of the Jiuqu League, because the two giants Qing Yuanzong and Yujianmen are located in the north and south, they are faintly opposed, which has led to long-term disputes between the north and the south.

There are competitions between the cultivation forces in the South and the cultivation forces in the North in many aspects.

It's just that in the past two thousand years, these disputes have been confined within a certain range, and the level is not high. It was not long ago that the North and the South officially broke.

Qing Yuanzong Qinggu Zhenjun's deeds just confirmed Yujianmen's previous accusations against Qing Yuanzong.

Suddenly, the remaining cultivation forces in the Jiuqu League, as long as they didn't take refuge in the Dali Dynasty, all fell to the Jade Sword Sect.

At this time, Qingfeng True Monarch of Qingyuanzong led this group of Qingyuanzong disciples. After escaping from Qingyuanzong, they fled all the way north and fled to the north under the control of Yujianmen.

Because of the precedent of True Monarch Qinggu, many cultivators in Yujianmen and its camp have clearly expressed their distrust of True Monarch Qingfeng and others.

The head of Jade Sect Master Yujian Zhenjun personally rushed to the vicinity of Huanglian Sacred Mountain, where he met Zhenjun Qingfeng.

After some detailed discussions, True Monarch Jade Sword and True Monarch Aomine announced.

Qinggu Zhenjun is a traitor to Qingyuanzong, betraying the sect, betraying the Jiuqu League, the crime deserves death. The Qing Yuanzong under his rule was just a puppet of the Great Li Dynasty, not a sect at all.

True Monarch Qingfeng wants to rebuild Qingyuanzong, and the true monarch Qinggu and Dali Dynasty will never die.

True Monarch Qingfeng represented the orthodox of Qing Yuanzong, supported Yujianmen to become the leader of the Jiuqu League, and rebuilt the Jiuqu League in the north.

The content of the conversation between Jade Sword and Aomine was not leaked. But the two must have reached some agreement, and then these things happened.

With the support of True Monarch Qingfeng, Yujianmen became the leader of the Jiuqu League.

Although the Jiuqu League suffered heavy losses, it has not yet perished.

With Yujianmen stepping up and calling for everyone to resist the invasion of the Dali Dynasty, there was even more support from the reconstructed Qingyuanzong.

As a result, many cultivators in the south who were close to Qingyuanzong went to the north to join the camp of Yujianmen.

After all, the Jiuqu League has existed for more than two thousand years, with a long history and a long heritage. Even if it has undergone tremendous changes, the remaining prestige is still there, and it has not yet reached the point where the hearts of the people have dissipated and fell apart.

Especially Yujianmen, as a sword repair sect, has been dominating the foreign conquests of the Jiuqu League for many years. He has already established a magnificent military exploit and established a supreme prestige.

For Yujianmen's combat effectiveness, many cultivators in the Jiuqu League are still very confident.

In the eyes of many people, the Jiuqu League was only successfully attacked by the Dali Dynasty because of the betrayal of the Qinggu True Monarch, and thus lost the city.

Now that Yujianmen stood up, it would definitely be able to block the Dali Dynasty and stabilize the situation.

The Qing Yuanzong is headed by the Jindan Zhenren, who handles daily affairs, and the Yuanshen Zhenjun in the door serves as the Taishang elder, jointly acting as the master of the sect behind the scenes.

The situation outside Yujianmen is quite different.

The head of the Yujian Sect must be the strongest inside the gate.

When the head of the previous generation abdicated or sat down, the primordial spirit and true monarchs in the door competed with each other, and the victor took the position of head.

Of course, after the head takes office, several Jindan real people will be appointed as deputy heads to help deal with the general affairs of the door.

As the head of Yujian Sect, True Monarch Jade Sword is of course the number one master in Yujian Sect.