The Way To Escape the Scum

Chapter 49: .[Latest] The Encounter and Reunion of S

WED speech conference is one of the most influential public welfare speech conferences in the country. Every year, a theme is formulated, and then elites from all walks of life are invited to share their views.

They use their own experience and experience to convey the ideas they want to convey to countless audiences one by one. Each time is a festival of collision of ideas.

This year, the host venue is in City A, and the theme is—


Live broadcast, so everyone can relax.”

"Everyone has 20 minutes of recording time, please don't overtime. Ah, and if there is any problem with the PPT playback on the screen, just signal to the staff below the stage."

"There is still half an hour of rest time, please relax here. Then, on behalf of WED, I sincerely look forward to your wonderful speeches!"

The female staff member in a simple uniform nodded and saluted, briefly introduced the process, and then left first. And close the door intimately, leaving time for the guests to rest and prepare.

For a time, in the female-only dressing room, five people sat quietly on chairs, waiting for the start of the speech.

We were silent.

Suddenly a pleasant voice broke the silence, but it sounded a little hesitant.

"Excuse me... Are the names on your badges your real names?"

The other four turned their heads to look, and found that it was a very sweet-looking guest who was also very well-dressed.

The words "Designer - Yang Luoluo" were printed on her badge.

Speaking like this, I seem to have an impression. Recently, the hottest top female designers in China are called this name.

Several people didn't pay attention to other people's badges for a while. Dressed in a casual dress, the chic and capable short-haired woman nodded and said:

"Most of the time, at least I am. But if you're always using a pseudonym or a work name, that's fine."

She looks a little older than the others, calm and powerful. Everyone took a closer look and found that the words "Are you fat - Ling Yao" were printed on this badge.

This name will be familiar to everyone. She is currently one of the most valuable business women, and is committed to charity and public welfare, formerly known as Wang Zhaodi. She changed her name to "Ling Yao" when she and her best friend, Lu Hongyun, founded the chubby online platform together.

"I actually gave a speech with Mr. Ling! God, I have always admired you, is it convenient to take a video, I want my fans to see it!"

A girl who looked lively and cheerful exclaimed excitedly: "Ah, yes, I'm Cheng Xingguang, a public welfare propaganda blogger, mainly for online violence. Usually I also shoot for public welfare activities. Promotional photos, videos, etc."

Ling Yao smiled: "I have seen your video."

The calm and rational woman in a gray suit also smiled: "Yes, I have also watched your video and have a lot of ideas. And inspired by you, my companions and I also targeted the Internet Violence opens pro bono legal advocacy."

"Thank you, I'm lawyer Lu Yuanyuan."

"Ah, I know you, you and Chen Cheng have represented a sensational domestic violence counter-murder case," Cheng Xingguang shouted happily: "I didn't expect to meet you here. I'm really lucky today!"

I didn't expect to be able to meet someone I admired here. Cheng Xingguang had the most lively personality here, and couldn't help pulling Ling Yao and Lu Yuanyuan to talk.

The two sisters smiled and signaled the little girl to talk later, turned their heads and patiently asked Yang Luoluo:

"Why do you ask if the name is real?"

Yang Luoluo thought for a moment, then explained:

"Because I had persecutory delusions before, I am very sensitive to the surrounding environment and like to observe and collect all information first..."

Yang Luoluo hesitated, his eyes fell to the corner of the room, signaling everyone to look at the only one who did not speak.

"That, although it is very presumptuous, this '007' should be your code name?"

Several people noticed the strangeness of this brand.

The girl sitting in the corner has a straight back and a special kind of awe-inspiring righteousness. Just now everyone introduced themselves to each other, but she just listened silently and didn't speak until she was noticed.

"Yes, it's a random code name. I'm a criminal police officer. Because of the special nature of my job, I don't want too many people to know my real name."

"But when it's live, I always have to show my face."

"It doesn't matter, the organizer will do a portrait treatment for me alone."

The others nodded knowingly.

Cheng Xingguang asked carelessly: "Miss 007, are you here to share the theme of 'change'? The policeman, how handsome, have you ever experienced something and changed? Your whole life?"

Miss 007 smiled: "This is natural, I am also a human being. Presumably every one of us has had the same experience, perhaps painful, perhaps helpless, but it was that experience. and finally became who I am today.”

This is succinct and straight to the heart. Especially in this room, everyone has more or less secret thoughts that cannot be treated by outsiders.

Several people were silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Anyway, it's still early. The staff member said that it will start in half an hour? Why don't we talk to each other first and get to know each other?"

Cheng Xingguang is the most outgoing and lively here, and can't wait to talk to these powerful young ladies.

So they all laughed: "Okay."

Lu Yuanyuan spoke calmly first.

"Then let me tell my own story first, which is actually related to what I'm sharing today."

"Before becoming a lawyer, I was on the brink of death. At the time I thought this might be the case, but... luckily, at a critical moment, I looked at it from a different angle When it comes to life, there is another way to live.”

"At that time, I obeyed the arrangement of my family. After graduation, I married a scumbag, gave birth to a child, and became a full-time housewife. Then, there was endless domestic violence, and I was covered in scars. It's almost impossible to live."

The feeling of despair, each of them can feel the same.

"What happened later?" Several people asked in unison.

"Later, I took a self-defense against my husband who faced domestic violence, and he lost his proud organs and was sent to prison. Of course, I also successfully divorced and took my daughter with me A new life has begun." Lu Yuanyuan smiled.

"Then, I followed the footsteps of my good friends to study law and became a lawyer. After so many years of hard work, we have now established a non-profit law firm, mainly for disadvantaged groups. Legal aid, especially for women and children who cannot resist."

"Now, I'm very happy. Because I'm on the go, no one can stop me. Marriage? Family? No, I don't need false feelings to numb myself anymore, because there's enough So many things are enriching my life.”

"Everyone is an independent, free individual. That's what I want to convey."

When she brought up the unfortunate past again, she had become completely calm. Because every step of the down-to-earth life in the future is enough to cover those pains.

Several people could not help but applaud and sincerely celebrate for her.

"So, what is the opportunity for the change?" Cheng Xingguang interviewed.

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment.

Then she thought about it and answered cautiously.

"Because...a very important, very important person."

"Maybe others may think it's just a mental fantasy, but I know she's been here, just like another self."

But a few people here don't think so. They were stunned when they thought of their own experiences.

Another one...

The second is Yang Luoluo's opening.

"I...I'm Yang Luoluo, a designer." Her voice trembled a little, probably because she was still not used to communicating with others.

"Well, we know." Several people could see her nervousness, but they just waited patiently and didn't rush.

Yang Luoluo smiled gratefully and shyly, and with her delicate face, everyone couldn't help but want to go up and pinch, but finally held back.

"When I first started working, I met a senior, I thought she was a close friend, but I didn't expect she was just a perverted scum. Through various PUAs and even illegal means, I became a Having to cling to her toys made me suffer from severe persecution paranoia."

"Ah, how are you now?" Cheng Xingguang exclaimed. She has also encountered perverts, so she can understand the danger behind the words.

"As you can see, I'm still not very good at speaking, but I have been working hard. I used to be too sensitive and inferior, but I am very happy that now I can gradually distinguish and accept the kindness of others."

Yang Luoluo breathed a sigh of relief, a little embarrassed: "I'm just used to taking precautions, and always be cautious every time I go to an unfamiliar environment."

Lu Yuanyuan continued: "But the delusions of persecution overlap with caution to a certain extent, right? In fact, this is not bad. As a lawyer, I am also used to maintaining a sense of evidence at all times."

Yang Luoluo said with a smile: "Lawyer Lu, your words are very familiar, it reminds me of that person."

"You are right. Because I don't feel safe enough, I will often observe the surroundings, and I like to record all kinds of details on my phone. But it is very interesting that these cautions have also become my design inspiration. Part of it. This year’s winning works are actually inspired by details that are observed every day.”

"The opportunity for this change—actually because of one person."

"She is the most important person in my life. As Lawyer Lu said, she is like another self."

Yang Luoluo fell into a sad and beautiful memory, although it was only a few days, but it gave her an earth-shaking change, and the trajectory of her fate was completely changed.

"The scum planned to kill me to satisfy her perverted desire for dominance. I looked at myself who no longer placed my feelings on others, and calmly and decisively killed the scum. one strike."

"She is strong, free, and fearless. From then on, when I encounter difficulties, as long as I think about myself, I will be strong."

"Some people may think that even the weakest person at the juncture of life and death will burst into potential. Having said that, people in despair always need someone to pull her."

"So, call it a hallucination or call it another self. I'm very lucky to have such a person in my life who changed me."

This is very similar to Lu Yuanyuan's last statement.

The words of Yang Luoluo and Lu Yuanyuan made Cheng Xingguang also think of a person who cannot be respected by outsiders and who only knows in his heart.

She wanted to share aloud with the world, and her life was transformed into a truly star-studded one. However, it can only be deeply hidden in the bottom of my heart.

This is also the story she wants to tell implicitly through the theme of "change" when she came here today.

"I am a public welfare blogger and occasionally a part-time model. I have introduced it to you before, so I won't say more." Advertise on your own channel, "Please also pay more attention to Starlight Channel."

"Right, maybe I want to invite some excellent people to participate in the shooting of the next public welfare video, which is about workplace bullying. Thank you in advance."

Several people laughed and said that they had been following this rookie blogger for a long time.

It wasn't until he added a few people's contact information that Cheng Xingguang closed his hands satisfactorily and started talking about himself.

"Actually, my business is very simple. An ardent perverted fan who wanted to destroy me because I had a boyfriend. So he posted bad pictures and uploaded them online with my account . Later, he was going to throw sulfuric acid on me."

Yang Luoluo felt the same, a chill all over her body, and quickly asked: "Then what happened to this pervert?"

"Of course it's going to prison, is there any other place that suits him better?" Cheng Xingguang shrugged.

"Anyway, it had a great influence at the time. My family, so-called friends, and the company gave up on me. But what saddened me the most at the time was the overwhelming rumors. Once fans became sharp knives, the surrounding People pointed and pointed, and countless passers-by who didn't even know the cause and effect of the incident were also wanton abuse."

"And then what?"

"Well... then, I wanted to change, but I didn't know how to do it. That's when the other self appeared."

"In my mind, she's the most beautiful and handsome person in the world! Ah, no no, I'm not talking about myself...well, that is, I'm starting to learn not to swallow it, learn to keep it Kind but sharp at the same time. That oneself also told me that it is my right to live happily."

"So, to live happily is the right of all people to be human, right? No one can be hurt, so this is the original intention of my later establishment of the public welfare channel."

At this point, the atmosphere is slightly more subtle.

Another self who appears when fate is about to be destroyed by scum.

Handsome, calm, decisive, gentle.

And the words and actions that continue to inspire them.

…One or two is fine, why even the third person said that?

This is a coincidence!

At this point, it was Ling Yao's turn to speak. She is the oldest in this place, and the time she met that person was more than ten years ago. As the chairman of a top Internet company, he thinks more deeply than others.

She thought for a moment, and quietly began to tell her story.

"I'm Ling Yao. But maybe many people know that before I co-founded Fatty with Hongyun, my name was Wang Zhaodi - with these three words alone, maybe you can be about the same Peek into my past."

Lu Yuanyuan added: "Yes. When I traveled all over the country to promote the law, I also met many abused girls in many backward places. Most of their names are Call me brother."

Cheng Xingguang, Yang Luoluo and Miss 007 all nodded, indicating that there had been such girls by their side.

"Actually, my story is very cliché, nothing more than a poor village, patriarchal parents, a vampire-like younger brother, and endless abuse."

"This kind of thing has never stopped in this land, and even has a reasonable existence in some places. Maybe I am not the most miserable of them, because I still have a chance to step out of that place, To go to college in the outside world—even if I need to support my family all the time as the price of not being sold off and getting married.”

The past ten years ago is brought up again without any disturbance, because she already has a strong enough mind to live freely for herself.

"Later, in order to attack me, my competitors also took out this past incident as a public opinion attack, saying that it was not enough for me to send my biological parents to prison, and then completely changed my surname and The family has cut off contact, and he is a ruthless and cruel person."

Cheng Xingguang is very sensitive to this kind of question: "What does the public opinion say?"

"Most of them supported me, and a small number of them followed blindly. But so what? Can you knock me down with a few words? I don't care at all, a clear conscience is enough. "

Ling Yao shook his head and chuckled: "If you can't beat me upright in terms of strength, you just do these silly little things. It's really sad and ridiculous to talk about this in the mall."

"So, what is the reason for Mr. Ling's transformation?"

Cheng Xingguang applauded loudly, and asked curiously, "Speaking of which, why did you choose the surname 'Ling'? Legally speaking, it seems that you can't choose a surname other than your parents. "

As a lawyer, Lu Yuanyuan said rigorously: "Unless it is a person other than other immediate family members, legal guardians, and... benefactors and other legitimate reasons."

What is a valid reason? Could it be... Lu Yuanyuan looked over thoughtfully.

This surname is not uncommon, but every time it is mentioned, there is always a warm current in their hearts.

Ling Yao said unhurriedly: "Lawyer Lu is right. As for me, my situation is similar to the others. At the moment when I was about to die, I met myself and completely changed. fate."

"It's just that our names and personalities are completely different from mine. She and I are both teachers and friends, and they show me different ways of living. After I was ready for a new start, She left as if she had never been in the future."

Ling Yao carefully watched the expressions of the other people, and said meaningfully: "So, I finally chose the same surname as her."

Information added.

Similar situations, similar people with the same last name.

Some people suddenly became silent for some reason.

You look at me, I look at you, that strong intuition becomes clearer.

But they knew in their hearts that the experience that was like a dream of Nanke could not be understood by outsiders.

The dressing room was silent for a while, except for the ticking of the clock.

It's less than ten minutes before the show begins.

"Let's take a break and go to the live broadcast room immediately—" Cheng Xingguang suggested.


A calm voice came, interrupting the movement of several people to get up.

It is Miss 007 police officer who has been silent in the corner. The other four looked over in surprise.

Speaking of which, she just briefly introduced herself by code name, and did not reveal her real name. This is quite understandable. After all, she is engaged in secret economic investigation work, and she may need to carry out dangerous actions such as undercover. They show respect and admiration, and do not force it.

Several people chatted for a while, almost forgetting the silent Miss 007.

"What's wrong? Miss 007?" Cheng Xingguang asked suspiciously, and then suddenly realized, "Ah, do you want to share your own experience too? But you need to keep it secret, so you shouldn't be able to tell us a few people. Too much."

Yang Luoluo said angrily: "Listen to what others have to say first."

Lu Yuanyuan sat back down. Ling Yao also made a serious listening gesture.

"I listened to a few chats for a long time just now, and I seem to understand something."

Miss 007 said gently: "It's nothing, I just want to say...Although I am a policeman, I can tell you the truth about my information."

"Instead, I'd love to chat with a few of you from time to time."

She seemed to be holding back her laughter, clearly and with emotion.

"Then introduce myself formally, my name is—"

"Ling Xiao."



An unprecedented urgency followed, and the dressing room burst into an unbelievable din.

Ling Xiao was suddenly crowded with other people, jamming into this small corner.

"Wait, Miss 007. Can you say your name again?" Cheng Xingguang shouted in surprise.

"'Ling', is that Mr. Ling's surname? What character is xiao? I need to be completely sure." The always rigorous lawyer Lu confirmed.

"Am I hallucinating?" This is Yang Luoluo's muttering.

Ling Yao, the most calm one, saw the proud and proud expression on Miss 007's face, thought for a moment, and then understood.

"I think this surname is the surname I chose. The name - Xiaoyao Xiaoyao, it must be the 'Xiao'."

Four pairs of eyes looked over eagerly.

Although Miss 007 in front of her is not that person, the fate in the shadows brought them together here.

Those unspeakable secrets seem to be about to be revealed.

"My name is Ling Xiao. I was involved in a pyramid scheme, and then I met someone at the moment of my death. The trajectory of my life that was originally doomed to death was changed."

She smiled: "Unlike the others, she has the same name as me. Well, every time I introduce myself, it makes me a little happy."

"It's a pity I'm not her. But luckily, now..."

"We are all her."

In this moment, all is said and done.

The pieces of information that are constantly being pieced together gradually converge into a complete outline.

They know that the blurred figure under the outline does not know where they are at the moment, and may still be walking alone in the long night. They also knew that the person they saw was just a corner of the sea, and perhaps even that name was just a code name.

But after they met that person in different time and space, they did indeed change their lives.

I don't know whose tears came out first.

Obviously, my heart is surging, and I have a thousand words to talk about, but in the end, the lingering thoughts just calmly turned into short words.

"Yes, she is us, another self."

"And we, finally, became her."

The hope left behind burns in the bottom of their hearts, and they will proudly inherit, continue, and move forward.

dong dong—

The door was knocked gently, and the voice of the female staff was gentle and calm.

"The time has come. Can I invite you to the studio?"


Several people formed a circle and folded their palms together, feeling the same heat and power.

Then smile.

"This year's theme is 'change', which is really suitable for us to convey. I hope more people will hear and see it, and they can also change their lives."

"Come on. It's our turn."

The door was pushed open, and the five people left here firmly and forcefully.

There is a vast stage in front of them. They have worked hard for so long, and they are finally about to stand there and convey the voice they want to convey.

The female staff in uniform stood at the door with a smile and quietly watched them go away.

Until those figures are no longer visible.

A chuckle echoed in the hallway.

"Ling Xiao, what are you laughing at?"

A suspicious electronic sound rang out.

"No, nothing."

"I'm just very happy that the former children have become excellent adults. Whether it's windy rain or huge waves, they can bravely sail alone."

"What a wonderful coincidence. Look, I said-"

When you pass by.

Maybe, it's time to meet me again.