The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses

Chapter 509: The Secret of His Life (127)

Jin Qingyue looked up at her, and felt very uncomfortable.

Get up and walk to the door and ask, "Do you really want to live with your dad?"

"Um." She nodded heavily.

Jin Qingyue asked again, "I don't want to live with my mother anymore?"

"It's not ... I'll talk to my mother when I go to school."

Jin Qingyue took her hand and walked towards the door.

Go all the way to the gate.

Shi Shaochuan was still standing outside the door and saw their mother and daughter come out. He stepped forward and snatched Jin Baoer from her and directly held it.

"Jin Qingyue, I tell you again, you dare to fight Baoer and scold Baoer to try again."

"Shi Shaochuan, I also told you that you will instill some bad things in the children in the future, you also try it, and also, please ask your daughter, did I hit her and scold her, has Baoer been so young Will lie, it seems to be hereditary ten times ten, you still have face to say! "

Shi Shaochuan looked impatient, "I'm too lazy to tell you."

Hugging her daughter directly into the car and left.

Jin Qingyue went back and took the bag and went directly to Ling Ciye's house.

Because there was no maid at home, she had to do the housework by herself, clean up the house, and then took a shower and slept in the nightdress for an afternoon.

When I opened my eyes, it was already dark outside.

I turned on the light and found that Lingci Ye had not returned. She was afraid that she knew that Baoer had returned, thinking that she lived with her brother?

She went to the kitchen to cook and heard the door ring while she was cooking.

Jin Qingyue had just left the kitchen door and saw Ling Ci return with a bag of food at night.

Seeing her at home was a little surprised, "I was downstairs and saw the window was lit, I knew you were home."

"Shi Shaochuan picked up Baoer, and I came back." Jin Qingyue took the things in his hand, "What is this?"

"I ate outside with Duan Yan, and one of the dishes was particularly delicious, so I packed another one and prepared to take it back to you, but I saw the window lighted up, so I brought it home and ate it. ?"

"I cooked the porridge, which is just right for you." Jin Qingyue took the plate, held the dish on the table, and placed it on the table.

"Why are your eyes a little swollen?" Lingci Ye asked.

"Ang ... sleep well, I slept all afternoon."

She turned to the kitchen. "I'll see if the porridge is ok."

Ling Ciye obviously felt that she was not in a good mood, and went into the kitchen together.

"Si Ye Ye, would you like some porridge?"

"Okay." He leaned back against the cupboard, leaning his head slightly towards her. "Is it crying?"

"No." She smiled, "How can I cry, don't you know I'm strong? I won't cry whoever cry."

"I only know that you are brave, and I don't know if you will still lie." He grabbed her two wrists and looked at her face seriously. "Don't try to lie to me, why are you crying? It was the grandson who provoked you ? "

Jin Qingyue fluttered and laughed, "That grandson?"

"Shi Shaochuan, did he say something again?"

When Jin Qingyue could not hide him, he had to explain frankly, "It is Baoer."

"Boa? What's wrong with her?"

Jin Qingyue told him what had happened, and said afterwards, "You said, this is my dear girl. In order to give birth to her, I am as fat as a dead pig, and I take care of her from a young age. As for the wolf, I really feel that the emotions of many people in this world are inexplicable. Is it really because of the lack of fatherly love? "

"Maybe it is. The child is young and ignorant."

"People really can't do it for their children. Really, they still have to live for themselves. I have decided."

"What was decided?"

Jin Qingyue said earnestly, "I want to live for myself. I long for happiness and a new family, Si Ye brother, aren't you like me?"

"It's the same as you."

She put out the fire, filled the porridge into a bowl, and handed her a bowl. She held a bowl and took out chopsticks and a spoon. The two sat face to face.

"During my time with you, I felt at home," Jin Qingyue said while eating. "My ideal home is like this. Waiting for you every day is like waiting for your husband."

Ling Ciye didn't speak at all. In fact, when he came back every day, he had to look at his window first and see that the lights were on, as if he saw a wife waiting for himself at home.

Coincides with her thoughts.

Ling Ciye stretched out her hand and held her hand directly. The two looked at each other, and he could feel her hand trembling.

"I feel very comfortable during this short period of time with you. It is natural for me to get along with each other with men and women. I hope that I will always be like this. It is the premise of being together, right? ? "

She nodded. "I think so too."

"The porridge made tonight is delicious and delicious."

The haze in Jin Qingyue's heart swept away, looking at him, smiling up.


Bu Xianxian stood by the garage and waited, and finally waited until Jin Qingyan returned.

"Xianxian, what are you doing here?" Jin Qingyan pressed the car key and the car was locked.

"That, Nick, haven't I talked to you for a long time? I just want to chat with you."

"How long, but only a few days."

"But it has been a long time for me. I heard that your wife is on a business trip again?"

Jin Qingyan naturally got his hands behind him, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing……"

"Xianxian!" Bumu trot over from a distance and ran to the two, "I didn't tell you not to run around at night?"

"Mom, I'm a person, not a bird. It must be kept in a cage in the dark."

Bumu stretched out her fingers and poked her brows. "Put your mouth out as soon as you say it, Nick, can I trouble you?"

"Auntie you say."

"Then you see that we entrust your blessing and the whole family has come here, but now we are a bit weak on the language, can you find a language teacher to teach us the language, because after all, Slim will start a family here? , Your uncle and I don't want her to be hindered by the language problem. "Bumu said very pertinently.

"Okay, no problem, I will arrange for you tomorrow." Jin Qingyan agreed quickly.

"Nick, thank you so much."

"Don't say that, I should thank you."

Bumu's mood was a bit complicated. She nodded and pulled Buxian. "I and Xunxian will go back to rest first. You should also take a rest. It's weird to work for a day."


He kept pulling Buxian into the room before Bumu released her.