The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1008: Jump into the trenches

"Quick. Shoot." Captain Zhao Jun shouted loudly at this time. At this time, their combat distance is more than three hundred steps away, and the 200-step shooting distance is far from being reached.

"Yes, sir." The second lieutenant reminded intentionally.

"Don't worry about so many, shoot immediately, don't let them come close, otherwise we will be finished. The people of Qi want to find us desperately, let them come, we will be in trouble." Captain Zhao Jun said loudly.

"Shoot. Shoot." The ensign shouted loudly at this time.

"Shoot. Quickly. Shoot." The sergeants immediately executed their orders.

"Bang." A Zhao Jun soldier picked up his rifle and fired.

"Damn it, I got a rifle, and the combat distance is not far away, let's waste bullets?" a Zhao Jun soldier shouted loudly.

"Being nonsense, shooting. Executing the order." A sergeant scolded.

"Damn it," the soldier with the rifle scolded.

"Boom." There was a loud sound. His rifle shot countless bullets. But the killing distance of these projectiles is far from reaching. In the hands of Zhao Jun soldiers, there are still a considerable number of rifles and pistols, and their combat distance is very close. Only some soldiers temporarily changed into long rifles. Although many of them were unwilling, the long rifles came in handy at this time.

You know, they are cavalry who dismount. There is a big difference between the combat weapons of the cavalry and the weapons of the infantry. The cavalry still relies on impact to kill the opponent, that is to say, their tactic is to rely on the impact of the horse to attack the opponent. The saber is mainly used to hack and kill opponents. pistol. The rifle only meets the needs of short-range shooting.

The long rifle is very unsuitable for infantry, because after the first shot, it is very troublesome to pull the second time. Rather, it is also a burden to the cavalry. Therefore, the cavalry needs shorter shooting weapons, such as pistols, rifles and so on.

The long rifle, for them, is not a handy weapon. But after dismounting and fighting, they felt the important role of rifles.

"Save bullets and don't obey those **** orders." At this time, the lieutenant platoon leader quickly passed behind the soldiers. Give the order in person.

"You are ready to shoot when they rushed to the barbed wire fence." The lieutenant said, patting a rifleman.

"Yes. Sir." The soldier said, looking back at the lieutenant.

"Long rifleman, with a rifle in his hand, just do a precise shot." The lieutenant walked over and said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The soldier said back.

"Very good," the lieutenant said.

"Keep shooting, don't stop," the lieutenant said.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." The sound of the rifle kept ringing at this time. And the rifle shots can be heard occasionally. Most of the lower-ranking officers and sergeants began to refuse to carry out the wrong orders of the captain after firing and talking. They think this is a waste of ammunition, and their ammunition consumption is very large. And it is very difficult to supply. Therefore, they believe that to save ammunition. In particular, the opponent has not yet fully entered the effective shooting range, and they should not shoot so early.

"Ah." The naked Qi Army soldiers were hit by bullets and fell to the ground. After the soldier fell to the ground. The soldiers behind immediately rushed up. Take his place on the bench and continue to charge.

"Puff." The soldiers of the Qi army charged forward, naked, with a bayonet-mounted rifle. A Qi army soldier was hit in the chest by a flying bullet. The blood was flying on the soldiers next to them. The soldiers on the side still charged forward desperately. After that soldier fell to the ground, no one cared about it anymore. The other soldiers stepped directly over, regardless of anything. Charged towards Zhao Jun's position.

"Damn, we have too few rifles." The captain felt very tricky. Because the opposite is crazy desperate soldiers, their style of play is simply fighting at all costs and desperately. This kind of battle is not fighting weapons at all, it is directly fighting morale, it is the courage of the soldiers. The captain was promoted directly from the soldier. When he was in cold weapon, he encountered Qin Jun's desperate charge, and that kind of desperate style of play impressed him the most.

"We must stop them." The captain said anxiously at this time. The second lieutenant on the side could feel from the emotions of his officer that his officer was a little disgusted and afraid of this kind of desperate play.

"We must think of a way," the captain said to himself.

"Immediately, find the major, find the battalion commander, let him transfer the artillery, send more people over, we can't keep it here." The captain said the ensign of the direct team.

"However, we have not yet contacted combat here." At this time. The ensign suggested.

"At that time, we will fight the bayonet, and our loss will be even greater. Go ahead. It's best to transfer the cannon." The captain said anxiously. The cannon referred to by the captain refers to the cavalry cannon. The caliber of the horse cannon is small. There is usually one or two horses to pull. Because the caliber is not big. The gun body can be made light. In this way, the mobility is very strong.

Although the power is a bit smaller, it is still a very terrifying weapon against infantry. It is worth noting that Zhao Jun’s cavalry is not equipped with machine guns, which are specially designed for infantry. The production of machine guns in Qin is very high. limited. The reason is that Qin's military demand is not very strong. And the price of machine guns is relatively expensive, especially the price of bullets, which use smokeless gunpowder. The price of black powder bullets is more common, but the power is not great. The use of black powder has great damage to the barrel of the machine gun. Therefore, bullets are more expensive, and machine guns are still an expensive weapon.

Another reason is that Zhao Jun himself did not pay enough attention to the machine gun. They believe that the cavalry itself is a special force for impact, and they are equipped with machine guns, which is completely redundant. Therefore, they are more repulsive of machine guns, so they are not equipped with machine guns. On the contrary, they attach great importance to the role of artillery, and they imported a certain number of horse artillery to strengthen the artillery force of the cavalry. Under normal circumstances, it still takes a certain amount of time for the horse artillery to follow the cavalry, because their speed of action cannot fully keep up with the speed of the cavalry. So, they were in the first battle. Not many situations have emerged. Only when the cavalry stopped, they could fight.

"Charge." The soldiers of the Qi Army were still naked, and came over to Zhao Jun.

Soon they came across Zhao Jun's first line of defense, the barbed wire in front. Zhao Jun strengthened the defense of the barbed wire. The density exceeds the level of barbed wire set by Qi Jun himself.

"Puff." A soldier of the Qi army didn't even look at it, and jumped directly on it. The Qi Army soldiers in the back stepped directly over. Qi Jun spent Zhao Jun's barbed wire in this way.

"Bang." Zhao Jun's rifle interfered and fired at it. Qi army soldiers also fought back.

"Puff." A Zhao Jun soldier was shot. Qi Jun’s counterattack was still very effective, especially as the combat distance between the two sides narrowed, the probability of Qi Jun’s shooting hit would increase rapidly. After all, Qi Jun had more experience in using muskets than Zhao Jun.

"Shooting. Rifle shooting." At this time, the lieutenant saw the opponent quickly narrowed the combat distance. The riflemen immediately fired.

"Bang bang. Bang bang. Bang." The shooting sounded quickly.

With pistols and rifles, Zhao Jun soldiers fired at Qi Jun soldiers together.

"Ah. Bang Bang. Puff." A Qi army soldier was hit by multiple bullets and his body was smashed. Another Qi Army soldier in the back was hit in the face by a flying shotgun. His face was beaten to rotten meat all at once. The blood was flowing, and the face became extremely disgusting. The eye beads were dragged on the face, and the mouth was beaten into flowers. The soldier suffered a lot of pain, grabbed his **** face with both hands and fell down suddenly.

At this time, the short weapon in Zhao Jun's hand, as the combat distance narrowed, their firepower superiority suddenly and quickly showed. The Qi army faced such a fierce fire attack. lost heavily.

"At that time, the barbed wire fence we laid out on the front line was flattened by the body of the Qi army behind. This is how the soldiers of the Qi army stepped on their fellow soldiers and directly attacked us." A Zhao Jun recalled after the war.

"Charge." In the face of such a fierce shooting, the soldiers of the Qi Army still desperately slew towards the soldiers of the Zhao Army. They never thought that facing such fierce firepower, they would still move forward madly. This is really beyond everyone's expectations.

"Keep shooting, keep shooting." The sergeant shouted loudly at this time.

"Damn it." A Zhao Jun soldier scolded. He hid in the trenches. He pulled out the runner and poured out the discarded bullet shells in the bullet slot one by one. Zhao Jun has quite a number of soldiers equipped with this quasi-revolver. To be honest, revolver does have advantages in continuous shooting, especially in terms of rate of fire. The shooting speed is such that the gun is held in one hand and the pistol is quickly dialed in the other. , Like a machine gun shooting. However, after shooting, loading the bullet is very troublesome. This is the biggest trouble with this phone. After shooting, especially after rapid shooting. The cavalry needs to pull out their sabers to hack and slash, but now it is a foot battle, they need to reload, so that after the fierce firepower, a new weakening of firepower is immediately attracted, despite the loud shouts of the officers and non-commissioned officers. However, it is an indisputable fact that the firepower is immediately weakened.

After Zhao Jun's firepower was instantly weakened. The Qi army soldiers immediately rushed forward. They are only one step away from the opponent's position. They just need to rush and jump into the trenches.