The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3027: War may not come

The Dawan front line, a position of the Dawan army, but now there are flags of the Parthians everywhere, and a large number of Parthsian cavalry quickly crossed the area. The first-occupied Parthsian cavalry are resting while they are cleaning their trophies.

South Korean military advisory group, pioneer. Lieutenant Zheng Yun sat in a military headquarters of the Dawan people. The conditions here are much better than those of the soldiers. There are heaters, coal-burning ones, and a lot of felt around. The temperature has risen a bit, and there are some wooden beds here, but Zheng Yun still likes his camp bed, which makes sleeping more comfortable. After all, he is a soldier. He is writing some reports on a small table. Especially some records, he wants to record all the circumstances.

"Dawan's position has been broken by us. The war is coming too soon. I have only arrived at the Parthian position for no more than three days, and many materials are not in place. My troops are equipped with some double-pipes. Flintlocks and ammunition are generally insufficient. However, their morale is relatively high. Many soldiers generally believe that the war against Dawan will end before the end of winter. Because Dawan people will not fight at all." Lieutenant Zheng Yun said in his report. Write like this.

"The Parthians have assembled more than 120,000 troops, and there are more than 90,000 logistics troops. They are a team composed of women and children. They mainly transport some war materials and **** prisoners of war. They are divided into two groups. The North Road Army is the main force. They have a main force of more than 90,000 people. In addition, they are assisted by more than 70,000 logistics units. They will break through from Tural and then all the way east. They will be in Huangshi, Dawanese. The town meets. According to the information of the Dawan people, there is a large stock of supplies there, and there is a more developed train station." Zheng Yun put down his pen, stood up and walked outside the house. The weather here is not very cold, which is very abnormal.

Outside the house, a large number of stripped Dawan prisoners of war stood naked in front of the position. Some of them tried to resist, but now they were slaughtered like sheep. His head was chopped off, and his head held a wooden javelin and strung it on the ground. And those who did this turned out to be the resting teenagers. Their eyes were full of fear after the killing, but this fear did not last long, and now they became **** and excited. They have been trained in killing since they were young. This is the same as the Huns in the north, they were also trained since childhood.

But those Dawan people didn't mean to resist at all, they held their hands high and trembling. Some voices for help were kept in their mouths. I didn't know if it was the cold weather or their fear. Many people had teeth and kept making "cuckling" noises.

"Puff." Another Dawan man’s head was chopped off. Those teenagers were not as tall as those Dawan prisoners. Many of them were half-year-old children. They stood up, barely resembling those rifles without bayonets. height. Many people don't have muskets in their hands, but now they do. They rushed over with their parents.

The Parthians used a sudden attack, and some troops also used a gentle tea and drinking method to attack them suddenly. Then most of them suddenly launched an attack, and the frontier posts of the Dawan people were completely devastated. They were already very familiar with each other before.

But there is one thing that the rest of peace did not notice. That is communication. Relying on the more developed cables, they can quickly report the situation here to their headquarters, and their headquarters can respond quickly. But the Koreans know this, they are too aware of the important role of cables.

In this battle, there was a commercial cable laying engineering team involved. They laid the submarine cables that were originally laid on the seabed here, and from here they can be directly connected to the rear. There can be more quick to know what is happening on the front line.

The Dawan people made a fatal mistake. I don’t know when, Qin’s cables began to be buried in the soil, so as to be more concealed, or to avoid more natural conditions. But the people in Dawan were very concerned, or he said that they had entered the cold winter when they were laying the cables, and the frozen soil could not be excavated at all, unless a large amount of explosives were used to explode them. But their superiors have no plan to allocate funds to purchase large amounts of explosives. More explosives are used for mining, and blasting these frozen ground is a waste, pure waste for them, so they set up a large number of cables. Thus. At the reminder of the Koreans, the Parthians quickly launched an attack on these exposed cables. They just cut off the cables in some areas, because the Koreans knew that they needed these cables to function in the war that followed. Therefore, in a relatively short period of time, people in Dawan lost a considerable part of their cable communication, which is why the communication was abnormal in the first place.

Immediately, the Parthians launched a surprise attack. The Dawan people deployed very few troops in the border area. Only in their central position was relatively large. However, on the two wings, the Parthians quickly broke through their positions, and a considerable part of the supplies fell. In the hands of the rest, the soldiers were very excited and satisfied.

The Sabbath soldiers pulled off the military uniforms of the Dawan people. They had heavy military coats. The officers also had some down jackets, sweaters, and even pajamas and night caps. These things can maintain a fairly high temperature in cold weather.

The children also got some military coats, which were pulled from the Dawan soldiers. As for these Dawan soldiers, they would be transported to the rear by their slaves, and Zheng Yun would not know what they were doing.

"The remaining troops, about 30,000 troops and more than 10,000 logistics troops marched from the south. Their target was Huangshi Town, and the breakthrough was in the Shitai area. On the front, only a small number of troops exist. A large number of troops will move from there. The north and the south are advancing forward." Zheng Yun continued.

"The Parthians seem to be very excited about this war. They think that this war will be won. Because they have received some new weapons, although these offensive troops lack some artillery. The main reason is that the artillery is heavy, and there are quite a lot of artillery troops. Tumu is being formed. It will take some time to transport and put into combat. The Parthians do not plan to wait for these artillery units to be put into use. They think the waiting time is too long, so they began to plan to put a large number of new weapons into Among them, in their opinion, new weapons can also achieve the same effect, and rockets are their new weapons." Zheng Yun continued to write after turning a page.

"During this offensive operation, the Parthians did not use their new weapons. Most of them took the method of surprise attack. The combat effectiveness of the Dawan people was very weak. Many people chose not to resist. Only those keen talents. Knowing to escape before launching an attack. For such an enemy, there is no need to use new weapons at all. Perhaps, they will not realize the danger when these new weapons are used." Zheng Yun wrote.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Fifteen hours have passed, but we have no news at all." Li Xin was very dissatisfied with Dawan's reaction. Fifteen hours have passed since the loss of communication. Li Xin waited fifteen hours in desperation, but they still did not get the exact news. Whether it was the outbreak of the war or an accident, the Dawan people did not find out the situation at all.

"Sir. Some front lines sent back some telegrams." At this time, a staff officer came over with some telegrams.

"What's the situation?" Li Xin asked.

"They all said it was normal. The telegrams sent by the three divisions were all like this. There were also some regiments. They said they all said it was normal." The staff officer said.

"Then why have many areas on the frontline lost contact. This is what is abnormal, and they even said that there is nothing wrong." Li Xin was already annoyed by such a wait. Haven't the people in Dawan realized the danger is coming?

"However, they all said that the cable might have been cut. But they promised that they would send someone to check it out," the staff officer said.

"Damn it. These **** Dawan people." Li Xin scolded.

"Sir, maybe things are not as bad as we thought." The staff officer persuaded at this time.

"No. Things are more difficult than we thought. Wait. Let all of us enter a state of combat readiness, let the armored train prepare to patrol, pay attention to our rear. Check the rear connection, there must be no accidents." Li Xin immediately Order.

"Yes, sir," the staff officer said. The situation is exactly as the staff said, because the division headquarters and regiment headquarters of the Dawan army are all concentrated near the railway. They only contacted some small companies, and these companies were already abandoned to them. In addition, the Parthians did not launch an offensive against the central government. Therefore, they sent some conflicting messages, but Li Xin was still a little uneasy. He knew that behind these uneasiness was a lot of vigilance. So Li Xin decided to take some emergency measures. Despite this, the people in Dawan still did not believe that the war came back.

"War may not come." Li Qi wrote in a telegram to the Ministry of Defense. In the face of ethylene disadvantages, he still sent such a telegram to his Ministry of Defense, because in his opinion, many factors of stability still exist, for example, his troops still maintain a large amount of integrity, and their The frontal position was not breached. As for the two wings, he still didn't know what happened.