The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3171: Persian attack

Rest in peace.

"Learn from me." Wang Xing held his hands. Then waved the white strip of cloth. Although many Sabbath soldiers could not accept the fact that they had surrendered, they did so.

"Wow." Many soldiers threw away their weapons, and then walked towards the Dawan people's position with their hands raised. They reached an agreement with Dawan.

The Allied forces accepted the opponent’s conditional surrender, and Dawan guaranteed the safety of the opponent’s life, but the Parthians must perform a certain amount of hard labor, mainly in the area of ​​mineral development, so that Dawan’s economy could recover quickly. There are great benefits to Wan people. If it weren't for such a condition, Da Wan people would not accept such a thing.

"Look, they surrendered." Su Yiyi said while sitting on a pile of ruins. Li Qing's leg was completely lame. He felt that his career was over. He hates those **** resters very much now. He wants to kill him, but he only has crutches and no weapons.

"Damn Shabbat, you also have today." The military police just symbolically stopped some excited militiamen. When the long surrender team passed by them, some Dawan militiamen came out excitedly to beat the Anxi prisoners. But they were only symbolically stopped by the military police. After all, they also hated each other. This kind of thing made them very annoyed, so they surrendered. Nothing happened, which made them feel very excited.

"Aren't you going up?" Su Yiyi asked Li Qing.

"Go up, I think, but you can't kill them. You see, the gendarmes are stopping them. If they shoot them, the gendarmes will arrest us. The order has already been given. Don't let us shoot the prisoners casually, they are. Conditionally surrender." The other party said helplessly.

"Well, I can't help it, but that's the way it is." Su Yiyi accepted the current situation frankly. For them, the war was over. They should look forward so that they can be free from the shadow of war.

The impact of the war was great, and many people watched the war end numbly. They don't know why they participated in the battle. There are broken eaves and walls everywhere, bones and grave piles everywhere. This made the people of Dawan feel at a loss after the war.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The war is over. A large-scale surrender team has already appeared in Wang Ben's place. They have accommodated more than 20,000 Sabbath prisoners of war. According to the prisoners' confession, on the road, a large number of Sabbath soldiers were frozen to death on the road. Perhaps they only had less than 30,000 captives, and there were about 80,000 captives under the Golden City, and the casualties were still relatively heavy.” Meng Yi reported to Shangwen.

"On the other hand, Dawan has already owed more than 15 million gold coins. Tochara will continue to increase, but the aftereffects of the war have not yet been resolved. The reconstruction work after the war requires further progress. Go down." Meng Yi said

"We need to provide them with a lot of loans. Many soldiers must retire or continue to use them for war expansion. The staff has a second stage of war, but for now, it mainly depends on the relationship between the Dawan government and the parliament. What's your attitude?" Shang Wen said.

"The war is over, they should get more results from the war." Meng Yi said. What Meng Yi meant was that he believed that the Dawan people should continue to participate in the next war. After all, it was time for them to obtain the benefits of the war.

"I understand what you mean, but the Dawan people spend a lot of money, and their economic losses are also great. If they continue to fight, it means that they cannot continue to recover their financial capabilities. This will make the parliament very dissatisfied. If they do, their own domestic situation will become very bad. We should take this into consideration." Shangwen said.

"Yeah. I understand this." Meng Yi said.

When Shangwen and Meng Yi discussed the situation of the Dawan people in Lithuania, the political situation in Dawan was not very clear.

"If we continue the war, we will continue to spend a considerable amount of money. The war is finally over. We should restore peace to the Dawan people as soon as possible, instead of continuing the expansion of the war. Such expansion will do nothing for us. Meaning." A member of the Diet said loudly.

"Yes, our economic situation has become very bad, and we should pay attention to it. The quantity of copper imported from us by Qin is still reduced, and the bargaining chip prices they give have also begun to drop, which is very unfavorable for us. If we resume production, our prices will be suppressed lower, which is very unfavorable for us.” Many congressmen said worriedly. The parliamentarians are worried about their economy. From their point of view, how the economy recovers and develops is what they care about. They can't control the division of interests after the war and other matters for the time being. After all, their interests Received a big impact.

"We are a victorious nation, and we have a lot of spoils to use." Yang Fang, a military politician, stood up and said. He is very burly and is a security adviser of the Ministry of National Defense. He has relationships with many military generals. After the victory of the war, the attitude of the soldiers has changed. They are eager to get attention and a kind of honor. But this situation It didn't happen. Their huge gap made the soldiers have a desire to get attention, but Dawan did not meet their needs.

"Our trophies are indeed a lot. There are about 100,000 Shabbat prisoners. We need to find enough jobs and food for them. We also need to manage them. This is a very troublesome thing." said a member of the Diet. To.

"Moreover, if we want to continue, we need to continue military operations. What do we need? We need a lot of funds to support the war. This is a disaster for us, and our expenses have exceeded 1,500. There is a debt of more than ten thousand gold coins. If the war continues, this cost will rise to an astonishing tax. This figure will be in the next ten years, no, we may not be able to pay off such debt in twenty years." Members of Parliament said .

"The soldiers only need to fight your war well. You still don't understand economic matters." An old congressman said in opposition. He said in a tone of caution to the other party. This made Yang Fang very annoyed, but they were still difficult to attack under such circumstances.

Bangla Port. Prices have gone up very drastically.

"Why the grain has risen again. Can't 500,000 yuan buy a catty of rice?" Many Mengla people rushed to gather around Korean merchants and rice shops. The Mengla area does not produce large-scale food. Most of them produce some cash crops, such as flax, sugar cane and a series of cash crops, and a large amount of grain is imported from outside.

However, the price of grain has risen quietly in Bangla. The reason is that the grain growers in the Chu colony believed that they could not make much money from growing grain. The main reason was that there was enough grain and the transportation would go to the country. There was no price in some areas. They can’t make much money, and they have to bear most of the freight, which is extremely detrimental to them. In addition, there are ships and transportation requirements. A large number of ships have been transferred to Seth, Rest, and Sori and other countries farther away, because they urgently need to develop more regional markets, and the number of ships transferred is also very surprising. of. As a result, the local food prices rose naturally.

"There is no food, there is no food, the food is sold out. Sold out." A guy shouted loudly. But more people gathered around, and they had to eat food and food for whatever they said. With the seriousness of land mergers, Koreans and Chu people kept merging land. More and more people lost their land and entered the city from the countryside. Bangla has developed into the largest port city in the core area of ​​the city. The facilities there are relatively complete, with asphalt roads. There are street lights. There are telegraph offices, as well as various large banks, trading houses, and so on. But outside the city, there are slums made of large pieces of simple wooden planks. Many people are crowded here. They worry about their rations every day. Many people are living hard. Even so, the Koreans still don’t give up on them too much. Scale of exploitation.

In the Bangla area, a large amount of gold was transported back to the country, and they became South Korea’s gold reserves. Because of the large demand in the local area, the Bank of Korea, which has the right to issue banknotes, decided to issue more banknotes, but small banknotes. It is already difficult to meet the needs of the economy. Because the population is getting bigger and the demand is getting bigger and bigger, they have issued larger denomination banknotes. Who knows, as a result, the printing problem of banknotes becomes more and more serious. Up. More and more money comes out, which directly leads to the beginning of inflation. The first thing that rises is grain. The price of rice is almost a price a day. Those Korean businessmen have to hoard in order to obtain more grain prices. They release some food symbolically every day, but most of the food is not sold to them, and the price of food on the market is getting more and more expensive, because there is no food at all in the Bangla area. What's worse, the price of some foods began to rise rapidly, and the price of an egg rose to 500,000 Meng La Yuan. Such a price makes it difficult for the locals to accept, but they have to buy it.

Some smart people began to target the northern Zhanpu country, because there was still some grain growing there, they smuggled there secretly, exchanged a large amount of goods for grain, and then sold it at a high price. This triggered a further revolution in the situation in Bangla.

"Beep." The trumpet sounded quickly, and the local soldiers came quickly to maintain order. After all, they have a lot to do with the security situation here. If they do not do well, their pay will be reduced. Many, in fact, the treatment of native soldiers is not very good anymore.

The native soldiers had their own private fields before, and they could also hire people to plant them. However, with the Koreans, the Chu people's annexation of land became more and more serious because they needed a lot of raw materials. Especially in some inland areas, where the land is cheaper, they are used to grow a lot of cotton, because cotton can produce greater economic benefits.

Under such circumstances, the fields in the hands of the native soldiers were also annexed because they had to sell their land. On the one hand, the price of food was getting higher and higher, which made it difficult for them to accept. But they had to accept it. On the other hand, their salaries are getting lower and lower, and their salary is due to inflation. In fact, their salary has made it difficult for them to bear such military labor. Some native soldiers began to think of ways to make extra money. But they don't make a lot of money, because the economic situation is like this.

It seems that some are beginning to develop towards the most unfavourable places. Inflation and high food prices have all brought the economy of the Bangla region to the brink of collapse. But they have to live like this again. As for what happened in Bangla, the South Korean government did not know about it. Perhaps they knew that they would not care because they care about the raw materials in their hands rather than their situation.


"Peace is finally here." A Korean captain translated. Opposite is the emotion expressed by the Arbor. Luo Ping, the military representative of South Korea, doesn't have so many ideas. He just signed his name. Then they watched the other party sign their own names, so that the two sides regarded it as a peace agreement and officially ended the state of fighting.

The Arbors, that is, a group of Shazhou people, their attitude towards Koreans has undergone a great change, because they can’t afford to consume them. After all, they are nomadic tribes, they are Arbors who settle down with a certain city size. , They can't hold on for a long time, after all, they are still in a loose tribal alliance, and the war with the Koreans has caused them great losses, and they can't trade. At the same time, troops will be sent to attack. Their offensives have been defeated time and time again, and there is no possibility of winning. In contrast, some people from other tribes who secretly do business with Koreans have actually got more benefits. In this way, they had to make the right choice, cease the war, and they decided to cooperate with the Koreans. After all, no one would be a big obstacle to economic interests.

The South Korean government also needs to stop the war in time, because they have decided to enlist in Seth. They decided to take action against Seth. If they do not have sufficient troops, it will be difficult for them to proceed further.

At the same time, the Mongolian soldiers are also affected. Their morale is generally low because they feel that they have been out for a while. The boring military life has made their morale extremely low. The Koreans have repeatedly boosted their morale, but the effect is very insignificant. South Korean military officials also believe that the combat effectiveness of the Mongolian soldiers is very low. They decided that after ending the war in Sazhou, they decided to let them reorganize themselves. After all, no one likes an uncombatable army. The situation of the Mongolian soldiers is very low. poor.

Under such circumstances, a large number of native soldiers began to board the ship, and they could finally meet in the country. What they didn't know was that South Korea also needed to mobilize a large amount of supplies from Bangla to fight against Seth. They just drop by and take them back.

Rest in peace. The Persian uprising became more and more serious. They besieged the Parthian army in some large cities, and some small cities were taken down by instigating rebellion and forcibly attacking. They retaliated severely against the Parthians and the Persians renewed their The possibility of establishing a country is very high.

"Oh oh oh." A large number of Persians arranged their offensive formations according to the position of the Cold Weapon Age that Du Fei knew. The scale was extremely large. They carried various weapons, including muskets, spears, javelins, and broadswords. There are also bows and arrows. Some Persians who participated in the back cheering held wooden sticks, but this did not reduce their participation in the battle. Desire for revenge.

"Such a big city and fortress, without artillery, you can't fight it at all. Moreover, I think you should accept our suggestion." Du Fei patiently persuaded the Black Widow, and the Persian government was very care about it. Or, in other words, they feel very optimistic, because they feel that they can beat down such a city. Because they have secret weapons.

"We have our own secret weapon, don't worry." The other party said with a smile.

"I know your weapon is to fill a large coffin with explosives and then blow up the city wall, right?" Du Fei said.

"Yes, this is our approach." The black widow was very confident.

However, Du Fei did not have great hope. In other words, the Parthians might have related methods to solve such a big problem. After all, the concentration of a large number of explosives cannot fail to attract the other party’s attention. If they are distracted, they will be distracted. , It will take too long, in that case, the casualties will continue to increase. The Persians are also very smart. They learned to form their own engineers from the Parthians. Perhaps some of their military units have used this method to open the city gates, so they found such a method. After all, this is The Persians are currently the best way to break the city.

The offensive began very quickly. The Persians attacked like ants, and many others carried the coffin forward. It was their blasting weapon. The sound of rumble cannons came. Obviously, the peacekeepers' defenses were more effective. They used artillery, muskets. For a time, the casualties of the Persians were very large. But they are also continuing to work hard to attack, the hope is on their blasting, but it seems that those huge coffins have attracted the attention of the other party, and more and more shells hit them.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and people were torn apart like pieces of paper. It looked terrifying. The huge explosion was lifted up among the ant colony, and many people were killed and injured. Also noticed the occurrence of abnormal situations.