The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 342: Reserve

The inspection results of Shangwen and Wang Jian are consistent, and the current situation is very bad. But fortunately, the highest official appeared on the front line to boost morale. But the fundamental problem has not hesitated to solve. That is the supply, which must be restored as soon as possible.

After the two returned, Wang Jian came up with a bold plan.

"Choose another crossing!" Shang Wen said loudly. Hear Wang Jian's plan. Shang Wen felt it was too bold. Because he knows very well. They don't have a reserve team. The reserve team is on the way. Moreover, there are tens of thousands of troops on the opposite side of the Yellow River that need supplies.

Wang Jian smiled slightly. Then began to explain to Shang Wen.

"Now on the other side of the Yellow River, 30,000 horses have been surrounded by hundreds of thousands. With such a comparison of forces, it is already very remarkable to be able to achieve such a situation." Wang Jian first said affirmatively.

"But if you want to completely solve the enemy in front of you. From the current point of view, it is impossible. No matter how reinforced, it must be supplied from the crossing of the river. Moreover, the distance from Yiqu to here is very long. The pressure on logistics is very high. The other party has awakened. It is impossible for us to cross the river. Therefore, we can only reinforce from elsewhere. Then give them a big shot from behind. That is to say, we kicked the moon fiercely. Shiren’s ass." Wang Jian said with a smile.

"The old general, please indicate it." Shang Wen still didn't understand.

"What I mean is to re-select a crossing from the upper reaches of the Yellow River, use the reserve team we are mobilizing, and then give the opponent a vicious blow from the side. At the same time, the 30,000 horses on the opposite side of us will be dragged to death. These hundreds of thousands of horses. The longer the drag, the better. In this way, the more fully prepared we are." Wang Jian gestured on the map.

Wang Jian said so. Shang Wen understands the same. Qin Jun wants to solve the problem thoroughly. It is necessary to add a new force. The entry of this new force will severely impact the Yue people from the side. Then attack from the front. such. The Yueshi people will be completely eliminated. What Shang Wen didn't know was. Wang Jian saw it. This army is considered the elite of the Yue family. That is, the main force of the Yueshi people. Qin Jun had already fought against the opponent's main force inadvertently. It was an accident. It's also an opportunity. Because you want to capture opponents in a wide and unfamiliar area. Very difficult. but now. The people from the Yue family came to the door by themselves. This has to be said. This is an accident.

But Qin Jun wanted to seize this opportunity. It is necessary to test Qin Jun's comprehensive ability. The first is the deployment of troops. How much troops can Qin Jun deploy? Shang Wen thought of this question.

"How many people do we need?" Shang Wen asked.

"At least we need 20,000 cavalry..." Wang Jian said.

"Too much. We don't have so many. Are we tuned from the north?" Shang Wen said.

"It's too late. It's impossible to give us such a long time. We have a full budget. There are only 10,000 cavalry. There is no extra power." Wang Jian said.

Shang Wen began to think about this serious problem. Insufficient troops. And there is not enough cavalry. If the infantry in hand is sent over. It is estimated that the problem cannot be solved. Fight in such an open area. The opponent is the cavalry. The opponent ran away. Can't catch up. Then the Mengwu Department of the southern line. It's impossible. Because the distance is too far. When the news arrives. Everything is estimated to be over. Shang Wen thought of this and shook his head.

This method does not work either. If Wang Jian thinks it is feasible. It has been proposed long ago. Shang Wen changed his angle again. How to deploy troops. The number of cavalry on the center line is the least among the three-way army. Now there is a single cavalry on the other side. There are only two cavalry regiments mobilized from the rear. They are performing a sweeping mission. There are at most two more in the big rear. This is the ten thousand people mentioned by Wang Jian. There is half of the gap. How to deal with it.

Shang Wen shifted his attention to another level. Reserve. This time, Qin State had paid a lot of money. Even the civilians handed out guns to participate. Most of them participated in the war in the form of a horse caravan. Their number is huge. The number of people behind the army is almost 100,000. Qin Jun outsourced many things to the other party. In this way, Qin Jun's pressure is very light. To ensure safety. They can guarantee their own safety. And for your own safety. These people usually participate in hunting. Now they hunt not just for safety. More is to gain wealth.

Thinking of this, Shangwen has an idea.

"Recruit reserve personnel on the spot. Let them enter a state of war." Shang Wen said suddenly. Wang Jian was a little at a loss.

"We still have a large number of militias in the rear. Reserve personnel. We can enlist them. Join the battle. When we came. They simply organized them. They still have a system. We just have to gather them. Get up. Let them elect their own commander. A short run-in. It should be possible. And they have horses. They have weapons. They should be able to fight." Shang Wen waved his hand and said.

Wang Jian thought for a while. "I think it can."

"Just do it. Many of them. They have fought. Now they are also fighting. They did it to clean up those Yue people. Their experience is not worse than those of regular cavalry. Good. Just do it."

"We have to give them special allowances. Otherwise. I'm afraid they won't get involved. At the same time. After the battle is over. They have the right to get their own spoils." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. Yes. You can draw up a manuscript. I'll give an order now. Be quick." Wang Jian began to give orders as he said. Shang Wen also started writing commands.

Finish writing the command. Shangwen made people send it off quickly. But Shangwen thought of one thing Lingwai. That is. Qin's reserve needs to be improved. And this war. Undoubtedly a reminder to Qin Guo. Civilians have weapons. Can reduce national training costs on a large scale. And as long as the war requires. The perfection of the system. Add to the civilians in possession of weapons. They can quickly transform into the country's armed forces. And it is an armed force that cannot be underestimated. They can go into battle when the country needs it most.

Thought of this. Shangwen believes that a new service will be born. National Guard. They bear the responsibility of defending the country. At the same time, it can also provide well-trained soldiers for other services. Many of the U.S. troops come from the National Guard. Tenth Mountain Division. The predecessor was the National Guard. And the establishment of such a military service. In fact, it is a good excavation of the national war personnel.

Conversion of armed forces. It can be completed smoothly. From the militia to the national army. Anyone who can handle weapons can be mobilized. Thus. The number of troops mobilized will expand dramatically. Qin will have a huge military power to provide protection for it.