The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 400: Mongolia Policy

King Qin believed that Shangwen was not the kind of person who was greedy for power. King Qin came to a conclusion when he first told the story of "Rain Man" through Shangwen. Shangwen has a kind of pursuit, which is rather illusory. But people who insist on self for this pursuit are very rare.

In Shang Wen's view, a government expenditure was spent to build an office space. This is very undesirable. Because now the government's expenditure is extremely tight. Terribly nervous. Shang Wen thinks that such a tight expenditure is very worthwhile. Because of low taxes, it will bring great prosperity to our country. The mercantilism of the year realized the development of business under the condition of low taxes. And this will lay a solid foundation for Qin's capitalism. Sacrifice for such a solid foundation. Shangwen thinks it is worth it. It's even very cheap. Because government spending does not need to be that big. As long as the people are given enough freedom, their development path will surely go smoothly.

After the visit, King Qin didn't say anything again. And Yingyu also left with King Qin. But when I left, I searched all the good things in Shangwen here. Even the gramophone was confiscated by Yingyu. Shang Wen doesn't matter, that phonograph is originally something in the museum. Shangwen doesn't care, there are better ones.

This is the end of Shangwen's leisure day. The next thing will be very busy.

In the faraway Mengzhou, the first state of Qin, people are straining to borrow money to buy land. With the establishment of the first state government, the people strongly needed the government to recognize the land in their hands, or the land they were about to buy. Because the land was struck down by Da Qin, the ownership is Da Qin's. Daqin will sell the land at a very low price to a person who needs land. The land is huge. The smallest ones are all in one hundred acres. And there is only one family farming. This is very tempting.

The land is very wide, and they are all good places in the plains and valleys. Those plateaus, hillsides and deserts are not within this range. Among the bills that became land in the hands of the people, they drafted them themselves. They think it should be divided according to the country roads one by one. In this way, the fortifications are very complete, and the road traffic is very smooth. Therefore, a large tract of land is divided among the country roads.

It is divided from one hundred acres to ten thousand acres. Every family has their own fields. The larger ones also have their own pastures, not only for farming, but also for raising horses and raising cattle and sheep on a small scale. People's lives are improving. And all of this is due to bank loans. The state government welcomes the presence of banks. And the state government also borrowed a large sum of money from the bank, two hundred thousand gold. At the same time, as a mortgage, the government will mortgage a large amount of land to the bank. The land is too cheap. This batch of land plans allocated half of the states to banks. The government's revenue comes from the procedures and sale of land. For this part, the state government pays 30% through the bank, and all the rest is used for government expenditures. The state government will use this money to organize militias, build roads, and set up schools. All of their practices are derived from Shangwen's exemplary role. They imitated bit by bit through newspapers to explore for themselves. Moreover, any matter, especially when allocating a sum of money, must be approved by the parliament. Thus. Expenses are very public.

The state government, in order to increase fiscal revenue, will have to adopt an encouraging and fostering attitude to attract a large number of civilians into the state, because the state government has ten years of free taxation power. This is specially delegated by Shangwen. Originally this power was central. But in order to control the newly occupied land, this power was temporarily granted to the local government. The local government understands what this power means. They abolished all customs duties in the state. This is to welcome more civilians to enter, as long as the civilians pay a certain tax, they can become civilians in the state. Enjoy the rights enjoyed by all civilians in the state, in order to encourage the development of commerce. They established small towns at the intersections of roads. The main roads, especially the roads leading to the Western Regions, developed rapidly and gradually expanded in scale. They already had the size of a small city. The city, like the new city of Daqin, has no fortifications. The abolition of fortifications is not only a question of government expenditure, but also that the public has gradually brought the importance of commercial activities to the center. There are people going to the West to hunt for treasures everywhere. Expeditions, immigrants from six countries, military, security companies, etc. A large number of businesses began to enter. Provide convenience for these people. This is why the small town has rapidly developed into a city.

Regarding the defense and protection of the state, the state government temporarily delegated these matters to the security company, which they thought was very cost-effective. The government only needs to invest 10,000 gold. Many security companies will get involved. They train militias in the rear, and constantly search and drive out ethnic minorities in the front. Moreover, the private trophies allowed a large number of cattle, sheep, and prisoners of war to enter the state. The farmers in this state also began to be like the masters of the land in Xianyang, and only cost one and a half to get two slaves. Because there are so many slaves here, it costs a little money to ask the security company to take care of them and let them enter the land to work. Large-scale cultivation of wheat. The peasants rode horses and carried guns, patrolling back and forth.

For these slaves, the people of Qin and the Six Nations did not care at all. Even the people of the Six Nations were even more ruthless than the people of Qin. Because these people were nomads, they did not know how to farm at all, and being beaten became commonplace. In the eyes of the people of Six Nations. They are stupid than pigs. As long as there is a slight error, the whip and stick will be greeted. Sometimes they hang up alive and beat them to death. Atrocities happen every day. The nomads rose up to resist, and the repression occurred every day. If it did not happen once, a large number of ethnic minorities would die. But soon new prisoners of war entered. And gradually this kind of bounce was less. The reason is that the security company personnel have begun to enter the Qilian Mountains and even today’s Qinghai to capture prisoners of war, Yueshi, Qiang, Huns, Wusun people, and even some unknown tribes. Due to cultural and language differences, the internal The struggle is fierce. They fight each other inwardly, which provides an opportunity to reduce the impact by more than half. Because the newly established state absorbed most of the slaves from the west. The price of slaves in Xianyang has gone up. The farmers in Xianyang looked to the north.