The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 427: Guide capital

The parents remained silent for a long time. They began to reflect on whether their actions were correct. Shangwen's remarks are very long-term. But it also points out this objectively and realistically. On the issue of education, Shang Wen insisted on his own views. That is to fully maintain the liberalization of teaching style. If a compulsive, high-pressure education is used, the effect and motivation are far beyond what interest can compare.

The parents began to applaud. They use this method to express their inner identity. They thought the young prime minister was right. What do children learn. Why must parents interfere. This is unreasonable. It is also an immoral behavior that obliterates the child's nature. They agreed with Shangwen's approach.

Shang Wen is also very grateful to the parents for their understanding. Although I don't know what will happen in the future. But Shang Wen was convinced. As long as the children are hopeful. Then the future is worth looking forward to. We can only use our own years to watch the children play to their fullest on the stage of their times.

Shangwen's speech was recorded throughout. Published in major news newspapers. This is very enlightening. The people of Qin State began to think about how to educate their children and how to educate their children. They got inspiration from Shangwen's speech. That is, to give children a space to play freely. Let them use their imagination. To summon the courage, to perceive, to explore. interest. Maybe it means interest. In order to let the children play freely.

Shang Wen didn't know how his speech was useful. However, some parents have begun to take the initiative to explore and cultivate their children's independence. This is a major milestone in Qin's education. In the future, Qin's rapid development of science and technology will largely depend on this.

Compared to education. Shang Wen is not considering these issues. Even the question of exercises was not something he considered. The exercise will always be over. However, in the face of huge military expenditures, this is a headache. Shangwen has to make great adjustments in the structure of government expenditures. In other words. Military expenditures will be reduced to within the acceptable range of the overall economic level. Because military spending has severely compressed some public infrastructure spending. It was even forced to cancel. For example, education expenses. Now the cost of education is largely dependent on private capital. Even the government relied on fundraising to establish public schools.

The huge military expenditure has seriously affected Qin's next economic development. For example, on the road issue. Qin’s current major highways and highways were all built by the government under war conditions. On country roads, on the trunks of these roads. All rely on the spontaneous construction of private capital. Moreover, the specifications and sizes of the construction are not uniform. This requires the government to play a certain role. But the problem is. The first thing the government solved was the issue of military spending. Although military spending has been compressed. But the huge exercises have swelled military expenditures again. Qin's economy cannot be driven by military spending. Have to change the way. This is Shang Wen's feeling.

To solve this problem. First of all, Shangwen must re-adjust his economic rhythm. Facing military expenses. Shangwen decided to compress again. For example, the divisions of the army will be rearranged. Brigades will be formed between divisions and regiments. In a state, Qin will be stationed in a brigade. In terms of armaments. Will be served by the regular army and reserve. That is, those military forces that have undergone certain training. They are the armed forces of security companies and trading companies. Then came the militia. The composition of the militia is complicated. But this is an important measure to resolve Army expenditures.

Because military expenditures only need to maintain the combat readiness of a brigade in peacetime. After the outbreak of the war, a large number of reserves and militia forces can be recruited at any time. The government only needs to pay a portion of the military expenditure. In the middle, a large amount of expenses will be saved. For example, the soldier's salary, the maintenance cost of the base, and a large amount of logistical supplies. Compare these. The government raises soldiers spontaneously among the people.

The designation of the division is still retained. But only keep a few standing divisions. And also rotate with each other. While compressing, the army can be disarmed on a large scale. All of a sudden. The military expenditure has been compressed greatly. The reason that Qin State has not disarmament is because the states established later have not kept up. Newly established states, such as Mengzhou in the west, are still far away from the forefront of the Qin army. Immigration measures must keep up. Only in this way can the troops be withdrawn.

There is really no way for Shangwen to speed up immigration. The current method is already very fast. Only 200,000 people can build a state. And also gave a large area of ​​land. But this is still not enough for the advancement of the Qin army.

Shangwen believes that efforts should be made on road issues, especially with the improvement of Qin's production capacity. A large number of raw materials and products rely on several highways for this. This situation must be improved. These roads are all products of the Qin war, and now we must let the people develop roads to pave the way for future wars.

Shangwen Road Network believes that private capital should be introduced on a large scale. The government can only participate in it in different ways such as equity participation, buyout, or subsidies. Its role is to provide the greatest guidance and encourage private capital to participate.

The key to the road problem is tolls. How to charge. The highway is a huge engineering project. Especially the highway. The initial investment is very large. In order to recover the cost of capital, those private capital will often adopt more charging barriers after the completion of the repair. Or means such as high tolls. This is a stubborn traffic problem. Very unfavorable to economic development. The farther forward, this stubborn illness becomes more obvious. It even drags down the economic development. This stubborn disease must be eliminated from the beginning.

Face this new problem. Shangwen decided to adopt a new approach. That is, the land subsidy method. The expressway will be divided into sections and contracted out in accordance with certain strict standards. This is to reduce the cost of upfront investment. Then, at the section of the expressway, the government sold the land to those contractors to allow them to continue development. This development site is actually a highway, a commercial site for highway development, a rest area, or a small town.

In this way, the interests of businessmen have to be put in the long-term. Because, if you want to make more money. First of all, the road must be cleared. Only in this way can there be more people. There are too many people. The more people rest. Only by opening a store in this way can you make a profit in doing business. This is Shangwen's preliminary idea.

Thinking of this, Shang Wen immediately drafted a preliminary document. Then it will be implemented after verification. As Shangwen was drafting, the door was kicked open.