The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4273: Insurance

Selfishness is human nature. Zhang Liang couldn't say anything about it. This is their own choice. With this choice, many things will become unfavorable to them.

Zhang Liang decided to report on this matter. This is his obligation. He can't watch this happen.

The city of Carthage. Yang Fang's office. In fact, he didn't deal with a lot of things here. The center of gravity of the Mediterranean is Loma, not here. The trade here is very good. Most of them are trade matters. Few people care about what is happening here.

"I think you have to find a way." Mara said anxiously.

"What's wrong? My friend." Yang Fang asked. He knows what's going on. Oil, Mara has invested too much money on the oil issue, and almost all of his family assets have entered it. But all you get is water, and water is also valuable, but it is far from oil. He wants to make more profits, so on the issue of oil, he is very anxious, anxious to go crazy.

"What's the matter? Damn, there are many, many problems to be solved. Under such circumstances, we have to solve too many things." Mara said anxiously. Can he not get angry? Many things are developing in unexpected places. Under such circumstances, what he can do is too limited. His career is still in the midst of serious losses. He is not in a hurry, which is blamed.

"I want to know the attitude of your oil companies, whether they have the confidence to invest here, if they don’t invest, I can’t do anything about it. I have to find a way to solve this kind of thing, and my solution is , Find our people as soon as possible to solve such problems." Mara said.

"Our people, what does this mean?" Yang Fang asked Mala puzzled.

"It's very simple. I will look for people from the government and let them invest. I mobilized my family and let them participate in the establishment, telling them that oil is very profitable, but there is a certain risk if the government can help. The risk will be reduced. They have provided me with a very good help. They plan to find relevant government personnel to invest with us. You know, the Carthage government is very poor now, and you occupy a large part of the trade. Advantages, such advantages make our situation extremely unfavorable." Mara said.

Yang Fang nodded. In fact, it is true. The Koreans are entering Silas and the trade with Silas has put the Carthaginians into a desperate situation, and their financial income has dropped a lot. Agricultural income is very stable, but their burden is too much, but business and trade are no longer possible. The substantial reduction in taxation has made the Carthage Senate very anxious. Under such circumstances, they seem to be very anxious to solve this kind of solution, how to solve this kind of thing, which makes them feel very embarrassed. Under the circumstances, the only way may be to find a way to solve such a thing, how to solve it. In such a situation, it is very unfavorable.

"I understand." Yang Fang said.

"You know, the guys in the government, they want to increase fiscal revenue. How to increase it. Trade is no longer feasible. There is too much currency in the market. The only way is to find a problem that can be solved. The problem is resources. Selling a lot of resources can make our situation extremely favorable." The other party said.

"So, you plan to solve this kind of thing and get rid of this situation, right?" Yang Fang said. He knew what Mara wanted to say in the middle. Since the government has such a demand, Mara decided to cooperate with them to launch such a project, which may bring him more benefits.

"Yes, that's it. I have lost too much money. I don't want to wait any longer. This is not good for us. I can't do this. How to solve this kind of thing, the only way is to solve the problem like this , This is the best way I think at the moment." The other party said so.

"Well, well, in fact, I have contacted many, many oil companies. They think that the oil in this area is risky. It is not only about the exploitation, but also has many conditions, such as demand, etc." Yang Fang said so.

In fact, he has contacted many, many oil companies, and many oil companies have expressed interest in this, but after some research, they have no news. They estimated that they were aware of some dangers. Yang Fang also began to conduct some research on this. He found that the situation was indeed a bit bad. First of all. The biggest demand for oil comes from the Central Plains. The aviation and automobile industries are developing rapidly, and the demand for fuel has become very large. Under such circumstances, the Persian oil can meet the demand there. Not only that, but also Nanyang, where the oil can meet their needs, and the two sides have formed a sense of competition. The difficulty of oil development in Carthage has become unfavorable. First of all, his transportation distance is too far, which is very unfavorable. Secondly, the demand here has become very small. Very small. Although there will be great demand in the future, and they are currently mainly concentrated in the navy, they all have their own special channels and the demand is not strong.

The last point is capital. Many capitals have no interest in this. They think that the risk is great. It is difficult to do such a thing when there is no demand.

"This situation is very unfavorable. Therefore, oil companies are not willing to come." Yang Fang said. But Mara has left. He decided to cooperate with the Carthage government, so that he might be able to make a lot of money. This is his personal thought. The Carthage government also needs money, and they need money to an astonishing level. Under such circumstances, no one can stop them from doing so. This may be where the sorrow begins. Once people think of making money, they will become crazy. They only have money in their eyes, so they can’t see other places. This makes them extremely crazy. They ignore many unfavorable surroundings. The situation develops.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"There are such protests and riots every day. This kind of thing is only one of them. There is no need to worry. If we worry like this every time, our heart can't stand it." Han Shu has seen from the intelligence department. Said this to Zhang Liang after the telegram.

Indeed, during the previous Korean colonial notification period, such protests and riots occurred almost every day. At the most, they happened more than a thousand times a year, but the result was their **** suppression. This is still recorded by the telegram. Yes, there are still many places without telegram records, and the measures taken by the authorities are very bloody. They will attack the entire village. They are civilians and unarmed, while the Koreans send troops and use artillery in some places. Under such an attack, many villages disappeared. In order to maintain the stability of this huge empire, such sacrifices are necessary.

In order to stabilize the rule here, the Koreans recruited locals from all over the world to join the army. For example, the Koreans have the Bangla army, the Indian army, the Persian army composed of Persians, the Allahs, even the Aiji and the Carthaginians Formed troops. The number of these troops exceeds 450,000. It is more than the total number of all Korean troops, and if the Koreans need it, they can recruit more people to participate. These people are all important military forces for suppression, and they don't spend a lot of money. This is very fair to them. Under such circumstances, this is their best advantage.

"But, my lord, I think this is different. This is caused by tax increases and is common. The previous protests and riots were only partial." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. I know, they are indeed partial, but we should see that we can still maintain their law and order for a long time. Therefore, in such a situation, we really don't need to worry about such things, you understand. Is it?" Han Shu said.

"I think you are a little tired. I know that maintaining such a huge empire is very troublesome. There is no way. Under such circumstances, the problems that can be solved are too limited." Han Shu said. To.

Han Shu still sees this problem as something similar to what happened before, and sees Zhang Liang’s worry as overwork. He thinks Zhang Liang should give himself a vacation. In this case, their situation may be Can get better. After all, he is the prime minister of a country. Without a person like him, many things still don't work well.

"My lord, I am not very tired, but I think this problem is very serious. If it is a partial rebellion against economic policies, I would not object to such a thing, but the problem is that this matter has become extremely unfavorable. In this situation , We can't watch this situation happen." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. I understand. I understand." Han Shu said.

"Well, let’s talk about God’s or Silas’s. We have established a stronghold there. We have to unite with the Spartans. Considering some special local conditions, we can organize them as The Spartan Legion, I heard that they are very powerful, they face too many enemies, and we can provide them with more weapons, and the cost is not a lot, they can help us solve many, many problems." Han Shu interrupted. Zhang Liang had nothing to say, because he couldn't go on.

"The situation in Aiji is very bad. Their troops are only police. How could the police force have more things to solve such problems. This is not feasible. Therefore, we still need a good army, We can use them to establish our order." Han Shu said.

Han Shu solved the problem according to their previous solution. She feels that most of the problems can be solved.

But Zhang Liang did not consider this. What he considered was how to solve the empire’s finances, and the empire’s tax increase due to a series of problems caused by the empire’s financial problems. But this range must be controlled. Many people with ulterior motives will find a way to solve such things. This is their current situation. Zhang Liang thinks that it is extremely annoying. They can't see the situation clearly.

It's a pity that some of their kings can't see the situation clearly now. Even, she was a little proud.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Korean people say that they will solve things themselves. We don't need to worry about solving such things for them, because we still have a lot of things to solve." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram. The Koreans shared their intelligence. However, this kind of intelligence did not seem to attract the attention of the people of Qin, or that there were too many and too many examples of this before. Resistance will be suppressed, **** suppression, they have never succeeded once. It was before, it was before, everything is. All this solves such things like this.

"Yeah. However, Zhang Liang's mark is that he thinks such things are very abnormal. You know, this is because of tax increases. Tax increases. This involves a lot of people. This is very common at any time before. Different, this will cause a lot of trouble." Meng Yi said.

"So, in such a situation, many things will change. Be different. Right?" Shang Wen picked up the telegram again and looked like he felt that this might be different, and things will become different.

"Yes." Meng Yi said.

"We can't change anything like this, maybe there will be big trouble, maybe not, but if they do this, it will have some impact on us, this is not the scope of our solution." Shangwen said.

"We should pay attention to it. At home, we should create a good investment environment for the Navy and bring many advantages to the immigration work." Shang Wen said.

"Well, this is very important." Meng Yi said.

"I understand that the bank's survey results are that many people want to own land. They believe that land is as important as money. They have already purchased a lot of land bonds in advance. Therefore, in this situation Next, we must provide them with an opportunity to solve such problems." Shang Wen said.

"Do you think?" Meng Yi asked.

"We should encourage them to emigrate and create better conditions for them to emigrate, such as insurance business, in this way, reduce their pressure on it. Reduce risks. This is the only thing we can do." Shang Wen said. By promoting the development of insurance business, the risk of immigration is reduced. This is the best practice.

"Yeah. Okay. This is a good way." Meng Yi said.