The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4277: Burn up

The late arrival and early retreat of the southwest monsoon have had a great impact on the southwestern region. First of all, the biggest impact is drought and water shortage. Although the local indigenous tribes rely on hunting for their livelihoods, they are more or less affected. The biggest impact, the biggest impact is that they have a shortage of food. Under such a situation, it is still very difficult for them to solve such a thing.

The shortage of food means that their survival has been greatly impacted, and their strength has been greatly weakened. For a large country like Qin, they will not be affected too much, because their food is scary. And these foods can help them expand.

Shang Wen is very clear about the meaning of the Minister of Agriculture, to use grain as a weapon to expand the territory of the State of Qin to the southwest. Although the land there was barren, it was an episode for Qin.

However, expansion does not end all at once. The first is the road problem. The army still needs a lot of supplies to solve the problem. If their transportation channel suffers a huge loss, it will inevitably have a big impact. In this case, this impact is here.

As long as the road problem is solved, everything can be solved. This problem technology seems to be able to solve such things.

Second, the combat area is extremely complex, and the terrain is completely beyond the control of the Qin army. For example, most of them are mountainous areas. Even if there are planes, their take-off and landing are relatively difficult. The last point is that the Qin Army is a technical army. Their success is due to their technology, but technology also has certain limitations. They must understand this point in order to make many problems easier to solve. This is what they are doing now.

Mengla, the Governor's Mansion. Zhang Yun leisurely tasted his afternoon tea. Originally this should be a lunch break, but because this is working time, it doesn't seem very good if you sleep. In fact, there are many officials in Xinzheng who will take some time to take a break at noon. If this is the case, their situation will become better, and many things will be solved in this way.

"In Xinzheng, officials all take a break at noon. Even if the prime minister, he will take the time to rest for two quarters of an hour. We should change this time." Zhang Yun thinks that the work and rest time is very unscientific, and he suggested that the work and rest be revised. Timetable, in this case, a lot of things will become reasonable, which seems to be good and reasonable, but here is Bangla.

"Sir, I’m sorry, but we can’t do this. If we stop working, the factory will lose more than two hours of working time. One day is two hours. If two days, it means four hours. If seven days, it’s very It’s impressive. Fourteen hours can create a lot of labor value, which is too great a loss to the factory." The Minister of Economy explained with a smile. Zhang Yun nodded, it is true that the wealth created in one hour is too much, let alone two news.

In Bangla, the workers’ time is well arranged, and they have inexhaustible work. Many things need to be done by them, and they only have a short fifteen minutes to eat. It takes only three minutes for men to go to the toilet and five minutes for women. Many men complain that in such a short time, they have no time to take off their pants, let alone those women. But these factories don't care at all. If they don't work, they can find more people to take over their jobs at any time. They don't care anyway. This is how things are, many people feel very annoyed, but there is no alternative, because this is the meaning of the factory, what else can they do.

How can a factory that calculates even eating and going to the bathroom give them two hours of lunch break? This is a joke. In the eyes of the factory owner, they are constantly working overtime. Overtime is the only way to solve the problem correctly. .

They can only survive with continuous factories. It can be said that if people don't need to rest, they can't wait to squeeze out the rest, so that they can continue to work quickly.

People who can come up with such crazy ideas are simply crazy.

But Bangla is such a society. No one sympathizes with the weak. Those weak are the bottom people. What's more terrifying is that the exploitation will go even more frenzied.

"Mr. Governor, there is bad news." The Governor's assistant said apologetically.

"Okay. Work, work, they work, I have to work too, **** it. Go ahead," the governor complained.

"There was a joint strike in several factories on the outskirts of Menggla. They demanded to reduce working hours and increase their salaries. Otherwise, they would not go to work. Our police have already arrived there." Speaking of. Such oppression is very terrifying to the physical and mental health of workers, because in many cases, it will have a great impact, and this impact comes from their physical health. In fact, the workers working in the factory are very depressed. They are repressed to death. In fact, they have a lot of mental health issues to varying degrees, but such things have not received effective attention at all, or in other words. They can't get the help they deserve. They can only continue to work in exchange for a meager labor salary to survive. Too many things like this happen, too much. As a result, they had to resist. Protests and strikes are the only way for them to fight for their rights.

"Damn, they are going to rebel, suppress them immediately, let the army pass by, just shoot a few to death, and they have to go on, let them work, hurry, go, let them work." The governor roared loudly. Regarding such things, in the Governor’s view, this is rebellion. Such things will seriously make their situation difficult to maintain. Faced with such a situation, all people will feel that they are simply doing something like this. A huge disaster.

"In this situation, we are not going well. Sir." His other assistant came in apologetically and said.

"Damn it, is there any bad news again?" the governor asked.

"Yes, sir, the situation is so unfavorable, and we can't help it." the assistant said.

"Go ahead, maybe we can solve such a problem." the governor said helplessly.

"That's it, sir. Large-scale riots are happening in many places. Some factories are shut down. They smashed the shops with money and set fires. Our police and the army have attacked, but too much happened, too much. Many. So that we think this is a conspiracy." The assistant said worriedly.

"What do you mean? What do you mean?" asked the governor.

"We think this is a conspiracy. They have planned riots and resistance. The demonstrations are just the beginning." The assistant said.

"Damn it. mobilize the army to suppress those resistance first. They rioted. They want to die." The governor ordered this. The assistant nodded, recorded the news and went. Several infantry regiments have been dispatched frantically. Their situation seems a bit bad, but their governor believes that the situation is still under their control, and there is nothing simpler than solving such a thing. He believes that things can be resolved.

But many of them think that such a thing is unlikely to be resolved, because they think it is simply a joke.

The riots caused a lot of social turmoil. No one can clearly explain the cause. I heard that it was because salaries could not be increased, taxes increased, and the price of food went up frantically, which left many people in a hungry state. Death, their survival cannot be guaranteed. They robbed the rice shop frantically, and they felt that they couldn't survive anyway. They can only do this.

Under such pressure, many people will not live well. They have no such opportunity. They are desperate. The government has taken away a lot of their food rations, and they are already on the brink of collapse. They may have to sell their children or reduce their food rations as a whole to get through this predicament. Sadly, the price of food has risen. And it was a crazy rise. All people knew at once that they had entered a big and big abyss, because it meant that they would lose everything and they would be in a state of absolute despair.

Their salary cannot even be guaranteed for one person. They may only drink gruel, but even so, they can only maintain it for a few days. But they have to work for a month. Sometimes the salary cannot be paid in time

Predicament, unprecedented predicament, they will face threats to their lives. In desperation, they can only take risks. Shop robbing quickly evolved into smashing and rioting, because they couldn't control their inner despair. In the case of extreme despair, they made an amazing move. Faced with such a situation, everyone collapsed.

The broken people did their craziest thing. The shop robbery turned into a riot, dissatisfaction and anxiety filled the whole Bangla.

No one knows what the specific fuse is, and no one knows who did such a thing. The first person does not know. It may be spontaneous or it may be done very helplessly. In short, this is the thing. form. The situation suddenly evolved into the craziest action.

The riot expanded rapidly.

The entire Mengla entered a gunfight, chaotic mode, where the police, the people, the army, and the workers began to fight with each other, fighting for survival. The fire of the riot suddenly ignited.