The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 433: caveat! Heavy rain is coming!

The reason why Fan Zeng was able to give such an evaluation was that the prime minister had no official airs at all. Moreover, the prime minister always said something that he didn't even know. Fan Zeng concluded from this. The various changes that occurred in Qin must have a close relationship with this person.

At this time, at the Celestial Army training ground north of Xianyang, a Celestial Army weather officer was checking the barometer changes as usual. Because the heavenly forces have very high requirements on weather. Therefore, the weather station was first installed in the Celestial Army. Their weather tools are also relatively rudimentary, but they are still useful. At the very least they have to be wary of the sudden drop of the barometer. This is what they say in the manual.

Captain Ma Zhendong of the Celestial Army is a meteorological officer. He is mainly responsible for meteorology. At the beginning, he chose this subject because he realized that there was no support from meteorological data. The heavenly army will be greatly traumatized. Moreover, he is very interested in barometers. For example, big noticed. When the barometer is not lowered, it is often accompanied by rain. As a result, he was under extremely tight funding. Set up three weather stations at his own expense. By comparing the data, he can only draw a line. Moreover, the data lines are sometimes the same, sometimes different. This is the early weather observation. But this time his weather station will forecast the weather for the first time.

"Oh. God." Ma Zhendong was taken aback. The barometer dropped a lot. Moreover, it is still falling. This means that there must be rain. He just memorized the numbers, and hurried to the flight team captain's office.

"It's not good. It's not good. The barometer suddenly dropped. There is rain, it is likely to be more violent." Ma Zhendong ran in without even paying respect to the military service.

And in the office. An "Observer" reporter is interviewing the captain of the air force. He wants to take the heavenly army. The mystery of this special service was lifted. Suddenly an officer with the rank of captain rushed in recklessly. Shocked.

"What? Don't worry, speak slowly." Flight captain Xu Lei said calmly.

"Qi, the barometer suddenly dropped a lot. According to my experience, it is very possible. There may be heavy rain." Ma Zhendong calmed down his emotions and said.

"Are you sure?" Xu Lei asked seriously.

"OK." Ma Zhendong nodded solemnly.

"Evacuate the airship immediately. Quick. Everyone pulls the airship into the airship garage." Xu Lei had to believe. Because the performance of the barometer has been accurately judged several times in a row. Although there were several misjudgments in the middle, in general, the accuracy is still very high.

So the two officers quickly left the office. And that reporter seemed to have caught something. Quickly leave the flight base and report to the agency. Announce this news as soon as possible.

To save time. "The Observer" unexpectedly used the entire large page to be written in super large fonts. "Warning! Heavy rain is coming!" There is only one line and a half short explaining the reason provided by the barometer.

At this time, it was the morning, and the "Observer" was a morning paper, and the newspaper had already been issued. In order to seize this important source of information. The newspaper office took emergency printing measures and made every effort to release the news. Because this is a small newspaper. There are very few people buying and there are many newspapers, and the competition is fierce. Everyone is preempting all the new news that can be encountered. Even if it is an error message.

"Warning! Warning! Heavy rain is coming," a teenager who had just wandered over from South Korea shouted loudly.

People always like surprises. Because only in this way can they arouse their curiosity. So people paid for newspapers. When they saw that the newspaper had only one line and a half of fonts, they thought that the newspaper was making money crazy. However, they later kept the newspaper. Because this newspaper can be redeemed for the next edition for free, and the next edition explains why it rains. This sales method is also forced by helplessness. In order to catch the news. Plus printing and typesetting issues. The newspaper had to adopt this information strategy.

The news spread all at once. People talked a lot.

"Hey, you said, there was really heavy rain today. It's such a hot day. Can it rain?" A butcher shopkeeper chatted with a customer in his free time.

"Who knows, you didn't read the newspaper, what did you say, the barometer, the sudden drop or something. Anyway, we would just wait to see it today. If it doesn't, I will take this newspaper and ask for money, and I will sue the newspaper. Seal his account." The customer said excitedly.

The president of the newspaper is also worried. If God doesn't rain. Then this newspaper is completely finished. This is a bet.

King Qin was shocked when he saw the news. He was also curiously standing outside the hall waiting for the rainstorm. It stands to reason that this time is indeed a time when rainstorms are frequent, but no one has accurately estimated that it will rain. This is a bit strange. Curious.

In the morning, it was still hot. The work of noon suddenly changed the sky. The black clouds and rain clouds were pressed down, as if the heavenly soldiers descended to the earth. This day has been guaranteed, it must have been heavy rain. The president of the newspaper took a look. Suddenly jumped up with the reporter. The newspaper is saved. The Observer is on fire.

People in Xianyang are also talking about it.

"Hey. Just let it go. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that it is really heavy rain, and it is estimated that there will be hail." An old man said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Rumble." It was like the thunder of Qin's hundred cannons. Talking about the heavy rain pouring down. At this time, the day turned into a dark sky, and the heavy rain fell as if it were falling.

"Wow!" The heavy rain lasted for a short half an hour. And there were hailstones the size of an egg in the middle. This is the first time people have seen such a heavy rain.

After the rain stopped, people began to talk a lot.

"This newspaper is really strange. It can predict when it will rain and how heavy it will rain. This is really strange." A pedestrian said with a thumbs up.

Inside the Xianyang Palace. King Qin rejoiced in his past. This is the first time since Daqin that rainfall has been forecasted so accurately. King Qin immediately ordered to go to the newspaper in person. Let's see what tricks this newspaper has to predict the weather.

After inquiring, King Qin knew that the news originally came from the heavenly army. Therefore, King Qin immediately ordered Shangwen to see him. But he went to the Qin Army Air Force Flight Base in the north as if he had found a baby.

The reason why King Qin paid attention to it was not only to forecast the weather. More importantly, King Qin was guided by traditional agriculture-based thinking. In his view, being able to predict weather conditions would undoubtedly add a great boost to Qin's agricultural production.