The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4402: The emergence of anti-aircraft weapons

Yan country. Guzhu, Qin's northern bomber base. Han Xin came here to submit a reconnaissance report in person. Judging from the aerial photos taken by them, the effect of the bombing has been extremely unfavorable. Because the mountain people built a large number of false targets. And Qin State dropped a lot of bombs in the sky over such false targets. This is for them. This is a very bad situation, and if such a situation will form a very unfavorable situation for them.

"Ooo. Ooo." Some new bombers appeared in the sky.

"Four-shot bomber." Han Xin asked a lieutenant officer on the side looking at the bomber that had just landed.

"Yes. Four-shot bombers, Korean planes. It is said that our country is also providing such a bomber. Such a bomber will provide us with many, many important weapons and equipment. In this case, it will provide more In many situations, under such a situation, they will get greater development." The lieutenant said.

"What target is this bomber going to bomb?" Han Xin asked curiously. In fact, he is very clear about the specific goals. Because he knows the relevant situation. The continuous tactics and the bombing in the battle have been difficult to form a great influence on the mountain people. The mountain people can achieve their own supplies through other means, such as their supply status, and their special circumstances, and so on. These are the people they need to change the situation.

"One hundred and fifty kilometers deep into the mountain country, this is the final target line assigned by the prime minister." said the lieutenant. It is no secret that the bombing target goes deep. They are all aware of such a situation, and if such a situation can be greatly improved, their situation will be further developed. This is the most important special situation for them at the moment.

"One hundred and fifty kilometers?" Han Xin asked while looking at the other party. He was worried that the depth of one hundred and fifty kilometers was not enough to destroy the main target.

"Such a goal is enough for us to accomplish this kind of thing. If we have enough bombers, we can destroy most of their production plants. This situation will have a great impact on them. In this kind of Under the circumstances, they can accomplish many, many situations to carry out such things, and in this way, they can accomplish many things." Said the lieutenant.

"One hundred and fifty kilometers." Han Xin said.

"The economy of the mountain people is mainly based on the production of primary industrial products. Under such a situation, many of their things can actually be done in this way. If we take their industrial production bases and mineral production If all the bases are blown up, I think they will accept our peace conditions. In this way, many of our things can be done like this. This is the most favorable situation for us. This is all. Everyone must rely on a very important point." said the lieutenant.

"The prime minister's idea is to let us blow up the mountain people's economy back to the era of their tribal life. In this way, the mountain people themselves will collapse. Besides. Those goals are fixed and can be found. We can easily find them. Launching an offensive, such a thing will have a great impact on us. In this way, our situation will be greatly developed. This is what we should do at present." The lieutenant said.

"Yeah. I see. We can destroy the enemy economically, right?" Han Xin said. This is the first time Han Xin has come into contact with the practical significance of strategic bombing.

"Yes. If they had an arsenal, their ammunition supplies would be reduced a lot. In such a situation, the mountain people would have to choose to accept our terms, so that they would completely end this kind of thing. Situation, this is the most important development situation for us." The lieutenant said. Han Xin nodded. For such things, he will be greatly developed.

"Woo. Buzzing." At this moment, the rapid alarm sounded quickly, and this situation was for them. This is a very big new situation.

"What's going on?" Han Xin asked puzzledly. But soon they saw what had happened. A twin-engine bomber appeared in the sky. The difference was that the rumbling smoke dragged in the air, and the smoke floated everywhere. One engine has stopped. It is difficult for the aircraft to control the flight attitude. In this way, their situation can become more favorable.

"Damn it. These were all fired by anti-aircraft artillery, **** it." The lieutenant shouted loudly, and they quickly took measures to resolve such a situation. This is for them. This is a very bad start. This means that their situation will be very unfavorable.

"Quick. Everyone is in a state of fighting." Some people shouted. Guard vehicles. Fire-fighting vehicles, emergency vehicles, etc. roared in.

"Wow." The bombers still didn't control their flight attitude. After erasing a lot of sparks on the ground, they made a turn on the runway and then spun around suddenly, completely becoming unfavorable. This is their current situation. In this way, all their problems were solved.

"Quick, save people, save people." Many people shouted loudly. One wing has been completely broken off. The engine also flew out. Fortunately, the pilot released all the fuel before landing. Otherwise, it will cause a huge explosion and it will be very troublesome.

Two crew members were injured, one of whom was seriously injured. However, their aircraft was completely scrapped. This is the first time that Qin's bombing forces have experienced such a situation.

"You have to be careful in the future." The lieutenant said after reading it. They don't have a good way to deal with this situation. After all, such things have a relatively large impact on them. In this case, it will have a great impact on them. If such a thing will change a lot, they still hope it can change a lot.

"Yeah." Han Xin nodded looking at the smoking plane and said. What kind of weapon is this. Will have such an impact on them. Han Xin asked. But no one explained to them.

Mountain Army, Twelfth Infantry Regiment. Sitting in the trench, Ligu was writing to his family. Some letters cannot be mailed out because they will reveal military secrets, and letter censorship can only be carried out in the military. If other situations cannot be done, their situation will not be better developed.

"In such a situation, many of our things are actually not very good." Ligu wrote. Their supplies slowly improved. At least they had some meat products. They can also provide some sweets, and their defense situation here is pretty good. If you go further, the situation there is very unfavorable. Only a limited guarantee of their ammunition supplies. As for food, they can only hunt with more ammunition. This is the case of the mountain people.

"Our supplies have been greatly improved. The main reason is that I think it is the case. We have no targets to bomb. In order to avoid the Qin people's bombing, we had to choose some low mountains and forests to dig tunnels. Tunnels. We can avoid big bombs inside. We hide there during the day, or in the woods. The air there is very bad, muddy, and the pollution is also very serious. In this state, many of us In fact, Han Du is not very good. If we can change such a situation, I think that many things can be solved more appropriately. It is wonderful, in this way, our situation can become much more favorable." Bone wrote. Such content cannot be mailed at all, and such letters must be written with hope for war. And eager to fight, keep fighting, and have a full fighting will. As for the true feelings of their family members, it is impossible for them to do this. If this happens, they will become extremely disadvantaged. This is the most difficult situation for them. Under such circumstances, many of their things are actually difficult to sustain.

"I don't quite understand the situation of the war. I don't want to understand such a thing either. But what I know is that we are still safe, how the Yan people attack. And how the Qin people bomb, we don't care about these. Today we have a new type of artillery. It is a kind of anti-aircraft gun. Two barrels. They fired a lot of artillery shells. They hit two of them. They did not fall. But for the people of Qin, it was. A lesson. In this case, when they are considering offense, they will consider what kind of impact their actions will bring to us. What kind of situation will such an impact bring to them, in short, this kind of thing will It is very beneficial to us. This is a point that all of us must be clear." Li Gu said.

The mountain people finally imported a batch of anti-aircraft guns. These anti-aircraft guns first exerted the power they should have. Under such bombardment. Their situation will be more assured. However, they took advantage of the fact that the Qin people did not prepare at all. In order to achieve a better bombing effect, the Qin bomber. They adopted a brand-new bombing method. Under such a situation, their flying altitude was about one kilometer. In order to achieve better bombing, some can drop to a height of several hundred meters, which gives the anti-aircraft gun a chance to attack. If they are higher, the situation may be better.

But this time, the mountain man quickly entered another state before fully operating the anti-aircraft gun. They hadn't made such preparations yet, so the planes they landed did not have, but they had an impact on Qin's bombing clusters. This means that the mountain people have weapons that can be used for air defense, and it will be very difficult for the Qin people to enter such a situation again.

But for the infantry, they did not improve much. Because they will still accept a situation like bombing, the only way is to hide in a large tunnel. Their workload is becoming more and more. Every year you need to keep working.

Such letters will not be mailed out, usually soldiers will install all such things by themselves. This is what they miss for their family, and it is also a kind of **** for them to seek greater change. They just hope that this situation can make their situation better, nothing more. In this way, their situation can become more favorable. This is their current important situation.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The thing you most worried about happened." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen looked at the telegram. Yes, the situation that Shangwen most unwilling to see happened happened. The emergence of anti-aircraft weapons has a great influence on bombing. If such a function continues to be maintained, it will have a great disadvantage to them. If such a disadvantage continues, their situation It will be very bad. Therefore, they cannot do such things, nor can they continue to influence them. This is what they are most worried about right now.

"It seems that such a thing cannot be avoided continuously. After all, such a situation." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head after seeing it.

"Aviation has taken measures, they want to fly higher. Also, their bomb carrying capacity will be reduced a lot. Under such a situation, many of their things are difficult to maintain." Meng Yi said.

"I know this situation. But there are still a lot of things we need to do to deal with such things, which will be of great benefit to us." Shang Wen said.

"No. I don't think so. I know. Doing this will promote the advancement of weapons production and research. But I am more concerned about how these anti-aircraft weapons reach the hands of the mountain people. They have not before, but Now. They have such a weapon. How much effect will such a weapon play? At this point, our situation will have a great disadvantage, and we absolutely cannot do such a thing. In such a situation Under the circumstances, we must not do such a situation, because doing so will mean that our situation will be very unfavorable. This is definitely not a situation that we should pay attention to." Meng Yi said.

"What you said is reasonable, but such weapons, I think, certainly cannot be prevented. But we can warn some other countries to do such things cautiously." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded in agreement.