The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 455: Please prisoners as instructors

The conversation between Li Mu and Yan Xiaowu lasted an entire afternoon. Yan Xiaowu also unreservedly told what he saw and heard. Even the captain's hobby, the female soldier's savageness have been spoken out.

This naturally includes how the Qin Army trains the new army of the Yan Kingdom. The method allowed Li Mu to open his eyes. It was learned from Yan Xiaowu's conversation that Qin State had set up a new army in order to quickly train Yan State. Established a military school, a noncommissioned school. The officers and noncommissioned officers of the Qin Army were delegated to the soldiers of the State of Yan as temporary instructors. The officer is responsible for the training of all soldiers. Non-commissioned officers conduct specific training projects.

The backbone of the army is the officers who graduated from these military academies. The non-commissioned officer wraps the backbone like the muscles of the human body. And those ordinary soldiers are like the fleshy skin of a human body. Just build up layer by layer. such. The Yan army can quickly form combat effectiveness.

I learned from Yan Xiaowu Middle School that the Qin Army also issued a soldier’s manual, an officer’s manual, and a tactical manual. These manuals are required courses for military officers. And how do those soldiers train. Both are in the manual. Among the materials seized, there was only one soldier's manual. Nothing else was seen.

At the same time, Li Mu also learned that the Qin Army adopted a new organization, squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, and division. And the division is very detailed. Each stage is accompanied by a non-commissioned officer. Non-commissioned officers are experienced veterans. In this way, the backbone is difficult to be broken up. In addition, there is a detailed military rank system. For example, soldiers are divided into private and second-class soldiers, and non-commissioned officers include corporal, sergeant, and sergeant. Sergeant Majors also have first class, second class and so on. The division of officers is unusually detailed. Lieutenant officer, school officer, general officer. These sounds. They are all unprecedented new tricks.

Not only that. From Yan Xiaowu Middle School, he also learned of an organization that made him very interested. Staff. This is a group of middle and lower-level officers organized to provide marching routes for higher-ranking officers. Logistics supplies. So much so that they are present in the battlefield plans. This is also the reason why Zhao Jun deliberately ambushed and failed in the beginning.

After finishing the conversation with Yan Xiaowu. Li Mu summarized what he heard from these conversations.

It was night now. Li Mu can't sleep. He sighed a lot. The reason why Yan State was able to change so much all at once. It was all thanks to Qin's help. Li Mu is not clear about the connection between the two. But one thing is very clear, that is, Qin's strength has far surpassed Zhao's. Even if there are generals like himself. It is also difficult to resist a country with huge strength like Qin. If the Prime Minister of Qin really said that Qin will not come out in a few years, then when the time comes, all the six nations will unite, and I am afraid it will not be Qin's opponent. This is a huge gap in strength. This gap can no longer be filled by a famous player.

If Li Mu wants the army to keep up with the Qin army, he must have a strong support. However, this is precisely Zhao Jun's current shortcoming. It is impossible for Zhao State to have the strength of Qin State.

If you can’t keep up, keep up as soon as possible. Weapons and equipment can be repeatedly pleaded with King Zhao to solve it. But the training of soldiers must also be planned in advance. Thought of this. Li Mu decided what must be changed. Think about it. Li Mu came up with a bold decision. Please captives as instructors. So Li Mu gave the order overnight. Capture more Yanjun officers and non-commissioned officers alive.

Let those officers. The non-commissioned officer used the training obtained from the Qin State on Zhao Jun.

To quell dissatisfaction in the army. Li Mu personally convinced the dissatisfied generals in the military account.

"The day before yesterday, I interrogated the prisoners and learned that the reason why the Yan Jun increased his combat power so quickly. It was all the work of the Qin Jun." Li Mu said slowly.

"Damn it. Qin Gou." The generals scolded angrily. And Li Mu just stretched out his hand to signal.

"We lost. But we really deserve to lose. This is what the captive said, it would have been sorted out. Let's take a look." Li Mu said, picking up a roll of bamboo slips and handing it to a general.

"The Qin Army has different military schools, officers, and non-commissioned officers. Is their combat power only those sharp weapons? I am afraid not. The combat power depends on people in the end. The Qin Army's training methods and the experience of organizing the army are worth learning. "The generals below listened and watched. They were very shocked after seeing it. As a result, Yan Jun really has something to do with others. Although General Zhao Jun was not convinced, he had to admit this fact in his heart. In such a short time. The combat power has increased so much. Can it be said that it depends on weapons? Obviously this is untenable.

"And the Qin Jun's set, all present, including the general, don't know. Therefore, the general decided. Ask those prisoners to serve as instructors for Zhao Jun." The words came out. General Zhao Jun was in an uproar.

"This, isn't this a joke? Please take the captives as our instructors. This, what is this?" The generals began to complain. Please captives as instructors. No one has done this before. What kind of instructor should the captive be? To be an instructor, why are you a prisoner?

"Shut up all to me. These captives are our ambush, can we defeat them head-on?" Li Mu asked loudly.

Everyone shut up.

"What Yan Jun has learned is derived from Qin Jun's experience. It is extremely valuable. Why don't we learn from it. This order will be issued to the entire army. Everyone must not defy." Li Mu commanded loudly.

"The general will also inform the position in advance. If anyone dares to make things difficult for the instructor, he will not be forgiving." Li Mu said firmly.

"Here." The generals stood up and listened to the order.

"Go down," Li Mu waved his hand.

The generals withdrew. Although they complained, they had to ask the captives to be their instructors. And it must be respectful.

In this way, Zhao Jun began the military reform of his army. And their learning materials came from the Yan Army prisoners who wore alien uniforms. This has to be considered a pioneering move. This also shows Li Mu's determination to keep up with the pace of the military era. He will boldly carry out military reforms with this determination. It's not just training. There are weapons, systems and so on. These are all obtained from Qin Jun.

Advanced things are sometimes spread like this. It was through this method that Zhao Guo got the opportunity to keep up with the times.

Zhao Jun was busy catching the captives by himself, and after catching the captives, he asked them to be instructors for himself. On the other hand, South Korea is engaged in a tense negotiation.

Since Han Shu's mutiny, the Korean minister felt that it was inappropriate to let a woman be king. So they secretly discussed forcing him to step down. It happened that Han Shu ordered the nation to levy taxes in accordance with Qin's May tax case. The difference is that Mrs. Han adjusted the tax rate. One percent has become ten percent.

This suddenly aroused the dissatisfaction of the ministers. Because they never had to pay taxes before. Now even they have to pay, which is really unreasonable.