The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4688: Detour

Qin State Xianyang, Stock Exchange.

"Damn, there are still a lot of changes in the trading rules." Li Wen said while looking at the trading rules in his hands. After Li Wen was fined, the matter didn't seem to be over. The government has strengthened the control of stock trading. Birui, the scale of the transaction, after each account reaches a certain level of control, the time and scale of his holdings have been restricted to a certain extent, the holding time has been lengthened, and the measures they have taken It has also been extended a lot. This is to limit Li Wen's speculative business through time and the scale of stock purchases and sales. In Li Wen's view, these are all the ghosts of Li Si.

"The prime minister is a very jealous person. I really don't know why such a person can be nominated as the deputy prime minister." Li Wen said after a few slanderous sentences. He began to seriously consider some of his current situation. In fact, Han's situation is not too favorable. In many cases, his situation is not very good, and he wants to change such a situation. It is necessary to accomplish some beneficial other things, which for them is extremely, very important.

Li Si has taken many, many measures against the stock market, and these measures are mainly aimed at excessive speculation in the stock market. At the beginning, Shang Wen seemed to be deliberately encouraging speculation when formulating trading rules. It seemed very lax, not rigorous, and had many loopholes. For example, the number of stocks held by major clients was only three days, and there were no restrictions on buying and selling. This was obvious. It is an approach to encourage stock speculation. Faced with such an approach, Li Si does not understand. He thought it was too lax. It is this kind of slack that led to such a situation. This is a disaster. He absolutely does not allow such a disaster to happen to him again. Therefore, he asked for some new rules to be adopted. These rules are even more serious. Strict and rigorous, Li Si's purpose is very simple, is to control the huge fluctuations in the capital market, the losses caused by such fluctuations are really too great. It is difficult for him to maintain such a situation.

Of course. Li Si is not completely restricting the capital market. For example, he actively encouraged Qin's capital to export and build more factories in other places. This is also in line with the fact that he is seeking various industrial upgrades everywhere, but what he must first get through is the diplomatic aspect. After all, in many cases, their diplomatic field has encountered a large-scale reshuffle. . This makes their situation very difficult to expand.

For example, the Northern Government of the Yan Kingdom and the Weiman Government had serious doubts about the people of the Qin Kingdom. He believed that the other party had done this deliberately. This was an extremely embarrassing thing for him. On the other hand, he feels that there are many things that have greatly exceeded their control. For example, the South Korean government is very uncooperative, and for a while, it is very difficult to export capital.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Entrepreneurs Association.

"I think we can also do something like this, so that our situation can be in a favorable state. Under such a situation." A young entrepreneur boldly proposed his own Ideas, he suggested, move some factories to places more suitable for them, such as heavy pollution, high energy consumption enterprises, such enterprises, and related equipment simply can not meet their needs, there are many, many people here. Limit, for example, pollution, their cost. If they move to more other places, their success will be greater.

"For example, in Seth, where steel, cement, and machinery plants can be built, what I know is that the Seth government is very supportive of our many series of practices. Under such a situation, our situation, In fact, it is the most favorable situation." said the young entrepreneur.

"There can be the most favorable point for our energy consumption, because the cost is very low, in addition to that, we can also do other things, the local economic development is extremely slow, if we can move them If we take some measures, I think the economic development that we can drive and more orders are also extremely beneficial to us. Of course. There are also certain risk factors, such as the local security situation." The young entrepreneur said. To.

"But I believe that the locals need people like us, and they will not pose a lot of unfavorable threats to us." The entrepreneur said. Yes, if you look at it from the perspective of Seth, this may be the case. In this case, his situation has indeed changed in this way.

However, some entrepreneurs also expressed that they are very worried about such things. They are worried about different things. For example, what they worry about is that they want to ensure their safety to the greatest extent. This requires the help of the government. There must be a garrison in the local area, and to ensure their safety and capital safety to the greatest extent, there must also be relevant preferential conditions in the local area.

But to achieve this, it is necessary to increase the number of troops stationed overseas and the expansion of related interests. This poses great challenges to the military, diplomacy, and related regional policies. Some older entrepreneurs are already considering other issues. For example, he believes that in such a situation, they seem to be not very caring about some of their things, or that he believes that in such a situation, many of their conditions will be serious. Affect their development status.

Their prime minister is not allowed to do this, and naturally, there will be no such thing as consent.

There are too many things involved, and there are too many costs to do such things. Therefore, all entrepreneurs are still unwilling to do it. The export of capital is correct and the idea is correct, but the investment is not like that. Simple words, it can be done. They still need to meet some more conditions to do such a thing, otherwise, many of their situations will be in a disadvantageous situation.

Qingcheng, South Korea. Naval Shipyard.

"The progress seems to be very fast." An official of the Ministry of Defense said after checking the speed of reconstruction of the cheap aircraft carrier.

"Yes, it's quite fast. This is not a difficult task for us. The difficult thing is that many things will greatly exceed our expectations. I mean, carrier-based aircraft." An engineer said. To.

"The new carrier-based aircraft has problems, and their research cannot be balanced. This has caused us to use the past methods to deal with such situations. This is a big trouble for us." The engineer said Speaking of the aircraft carrier’s combat weapons are mainly carrier-based aircraft, but in the research of new carrier-based aircraft, they have encountered big problems. The progress is not very large, or even a very bad situation. Under such a situation It seems that it is still very difficult to have greater development, which is not a favorable thing for them. They must find a way to change many things, otherwise, many of their things will not change very well.

"Oh. Have you figured out a solution?" the other party asked.

"I thought about it. But many problems are beyond our expectations, which makes many of our situations extremely unfavorable. This is very detrimental to us. If these cheap aircraft carriers still follow the original Their efficiency will be much lower if we use the new naval carrier-based aircraft, even if the number of carrier-based aircraft on board is greatly reduced, it will not pose a big threat to them. This is where we are most advantageous at the moment. Unfortunately, there is no success, and it is difficult to succeed. This has caused us a great disadvantage." The engineer said.

"Well, it seems that you have to find a way in this regard." said the Defense Ministry officer.

"We have already started research in this area. Qin State and Chu State have cooperation. We can hand over such aircraft carriers to each other, and the other side is in an advantageous position in the aviation field. We can hand over such a project to each other. In this case, it will be of great help to us, and this kind of help is very beneficial to us." The engineer said.

It is unlikely that South Korea and Qin will cooperate directly. If it was possible before, it would decrease as the honeymoon period decreases. Under such a situation, many things will change greatly. Therefore, in this case In one situation, they can only cooperate with the Chu people, and then achieve the goal of cooperation with the Qin through the cooperation of the Chu people. They can only expand their influence through this way of insight and cooperation. After all, In such a situation, many of their practices are extremely beneficial. Therefore, in such a situation, they want to have greater development, which requires them to develop more.

The officers of the Ministry of National Defense understood what the other party meant, and he also knew that this was the only way they could currently do. After all, if they were asked to do other things, they would still not be able to achieve such a situation. This is their current situation, and if they can properly change some of them, there will be no such situation. This is their current situation. But this is also the best point.

After all, in many cases, their situation cannot quickly gain a favorable situation.

Sometimes, cooperation is like this. The more advantageous measures are taken, the more disadvantages they are. But when they want to cooperate, they have to do it in other ways. This is their current situation. Although it has gone around a bit, it is still going on, it's just a waste of some time.