The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 555: Flying race

King Yan’s actions only he himself could understand what he thought, but to Qin State, it didn’t matter, because King Yan paid a huge expenditure of up to 500,000 gold for this. Except for the gold payment, most of the rest is in exchange for exporting raw materials to the State of Qin. Not only these, he also misappropriated part of the military expenditure. There was a payment in arrears in his army. This is not a good sign.

In contrast to King Yan is King Qin. King Qin expressed his keen interest in aviation. Especially when the Air Force established the club, King Qin gave great support. Qin’s aeronautics also started with the production of hot airships, and the King of Qin issued specially for the aviation industry.

Special treatment by King Qin. Qin's aviation industry developed rapidly. In this matter, Qin’s airship is no longer the same kind of hot air airship as before. Although the operation of the hot air airship is simple, it cannot carry out long-distance sailing.

Hydrogen airships using hydrogen as the filling gas began to take the stage. At the beginning, Qin's pilots and flight engineers were unable to solve a problem. When the airbag is filled with hydrogen, the airship rises slowly. As the altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure gradually decreases, the hydrogen in the airbag expands, and the airbag expands more and more. Later, a pilot survived intensely and pierced a small hole in the hydrogen. This action added a deflation valve to the airship. In this way, the airship can fly safely.

If this action were placed earlier, it would definitely be a loser, because it was very difficult to obtain hydrogen at the beginning, but with the emergence of power plants, Qin began to use the method of electrolysis of water to obtain it. This method consumes a lot of energy. But it is much easier than using a chemical reaction to produce hydrogen.

However, hydrogen airships also have accidents. The airship was equipped with a heavy steam engine. The fire line from the steam engine collided with the hydrogen released, and the hydrogen airship burned in the air. However, the pilot succeeded in parachuting, his arm was severely burned, and he could no longer fly.

With the occurrence of the accident, the hydrogen airship was improved again, and a man named Li Kong invented the air room. This Li Xin's distant relative is very capable of flight modification.

He made a kind of balloon with an air chamber. It is shaped like a spindle, very similar to a modern airship. This kind of balloon has a large silk capsule on the outside with a small air bag inside and a gas valve on the small air bag. The outer capsule is filled with hydrogen to make the balloon buoyant to rise into the air, and the inner capsule is used to fill the air. This small air bag is called the "air room".

Before the balloon lifts into the sky, the "air room" is filled with air. When the balloon rises to a certain height, it opens the "air room" and releases a part of the air. In this way, after the outer bag is inflated, the "air chamber" shrinks due to being squeezed, which reduces the pressure of the outer bag to inflate, so as to ensure that the air bag does not burst. This invention solves a major problem of balloon lift-off and is another major breakthrough in the history of airship development. After that, the "air room" was quickly used on all airships and has been in use ever since.

However, the pace of flight improvement has not stopped here. The establishment of the Celestial Army relied on huge technical support, and King Qin’s attention made these heavenly patriots even more let go. They were the first to use internal combustion engines on airships. The internal combustion engine has undergone a simple modification. The sealing effect is strengthened, and a water tank is added. Used to cool the cylinder. What's more, the heavenly army has more diesel, which makes them even more let go. To this end, the airship initially carried out a long-distance flight. Without any landing in the middle, they actually flew for more than a hundred miles. When King Qin heard the news, he was extremely happy.

Except for the airship. Another absolutely exciting flight made King Qin a little obsessed, not only King Qin, but even Yingyu wanted to try. Glider has become another way of flying, although the flight conditions and flight range are really unsatisfactory. But he has an absolute advantage over the airship. That is speed.

King Qin and Yingyu were naturally interested in things with speed. The speed of the glider exceeds that of the airship. Especially when the wind is suitable, the glider can fly freely. This new way of flying made King Qin and Yingyu eager to try, but the officers of the Celestial Army tried their best to dissuade them. They thought it was too dangerous.

Under the persuasion of the first officer, King Qin stopped his adventures. However, King Qin did not give up this attempt, and so did Yingyu. Her mind had already begun to construct the idea of ​​airlines.

The flight race has begun. The competition seemed a bit boring, mainly all kinds of airships participated in competitive flying. There are more than twenty airships of various sizes floating in the sky. They are like full-fed sheep in the sky. Slowly and very leisurely.

But there was a strange thing lying on the ground. A new type of aircraft. aircraft.

Wang Dao is a poor boy from Taiyuan. He worked in a bicycle factory. Very familiar with various mechanical principles. He was interested in flying since he was a child. He dreams of flying like a bird one day. Therefore, he came to Xianyang to see the world. In a bicycle factory, he found a job where he learned to read and read newspapers. From the newspapers, he learned that Qin had established the Celestial Army and later established the Aviation Club. He paid an expensive fee to join the aviation club and became a pilot.

You know, flying is a game for the brave. In addition, an airship is expensive to build, which makes flying a kind of entertainment for upper class children. And they have a monopoly on all flying projects. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter, because the cost is really expensive. The cost of an airship exceeds the savings of five middle-class families for 20 years.

But Wang Dao didn't care about it, he cared about flying. He is the best flight pilot, with a high level, and many people are willing to find pilots like him to fly. He can solve all kinds of problems. He also enjoys this treatment very much,

The flight is very beautiful. The feeling of freedom. Just like a bird. He always thinks so. But the airship is too slow and too heavy. There is no such lightness as a bird.

At this time, the appearance of gliders allowed him to see the opportunity to fly like a bird. Internal combustion engines, mainly diesel engines, are a bit cumbersome but lighter than steam engines. What is the situation if the diesel engine is mounted on the glider? This idea prompted him to develop the Qin State, the first aircraft in all China's history. His aircraft will launch a new era in aviation history. The era of airplanes will replace the dominance of airships. But now he needs to shake the handle desperately to start the diesel engine.