The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 564: Investment Opinion

The transportation problem is temporarily solved, and the next step is to solve the investment problem. When it comes to investment, Shang Wen and Meng Yi don't have to worry too much. The two drafted an investment proposal. This opinion is provided to investors by the government with guidance. In order to cooperate with this investment advice, and to develop the South as soon as possible. It is necessary to make certain concessions in certain major areas. For example, tax reduction and exemption, and the government provides interest-free loans.

After repeated repairs, Qin State issued the first investment proposal aimed at developing the South.

Investment opinions were published in newspapers soon, and this time the South began to become a new topic for people.

The investment proposal clearly stated that there are abundant forestry resources in the south. These forestry resources are different from those in the north. For example, nanmu, which is not available in the north. This thing is not only suitable for furniture, if you want to have money, you can make the floor, the floor material has become a new building material necessary for people.

Investing in forestry in the south can make a lot of money. But the traffic problem worries everyone, but the government has given a solution. Qin will build a railway, a highway and a highway to solve it. And within four years, Qin will open up the channel from Qinling to Bashu.

People think it is feasible. It is okay to go down the railway line south and then take a boat up into Bashu, and transport the wood from Bashu by water. So some bold investors began to invest in forestry resources.

Not only forestry resources, but also agriculture. Qin has attracted a large number of farmers who have mastered a lot of agricultural technology, which is very helpful to Qin's agricultural production. Coupled with the great development of Qin's own technology. Let these farmers have a transcendence result.

The appearance of glass allowed Qin to build a greenhouse in winter, which allowed the farmer to maintain a constant temperature to study the growth conditions of various plants. The first is sugarcane. Qin has a huge need for sweetness. Various types of pasta, as well as the wide use of yeast. Let Qin State's cake have an expansive development. However, behind the development, people's demand for cane sugar is increasing rapidly.

As a last resort, people switched to various jams instead, but butter, especially the white sugar brought by a large amount of sugar cane imported from Chu country, after being adsorbed by activated carbon. Let Qin State start adding sugar to tea and milk. Suddenly, the amount of sugarcane has become a blowout and the demand has increased. People put the addition of sugar as a symbol of wealth. People are scrambling to buy sugar. However, the output of white sugar is very low, and even the price of brown sugar with certain impurities is only one or two and a half times lower than that of white sugar.

The demand of Qin State stimulated the large amount of sugarcane plantation in Chu State, but agricultural production takes time, especially sugarcane is an extremely profitable industry. Chu State uses this industry to achieve a trade balance with Qin State. Therefore, Chu State does not allow people other than Chu people to engage in the sugarcane industry.

But agricultural technology research has broken through this point. The farmer summarized some conditions for sugarcane planting. They secretly removed several sugarcanes and cultivated them in the greenhouse. Through a certain climate determination. Qin Guo is very supportive of the data of these agricultural technicians. They decided that sugarcane could be grown on a large scale in the land of Bashu.

As soon as the news came out, it naturally attracted a large number of people to cross the high mountains and enter Bashu to do sugar cane business. They want to grow sugarcane in large areas and hire these agricultural technicians as consultants.

Bashu granary began to transform into a sugar cane base in Qin State. If it were not for Qin's expansion of a large amount of land and people's diet structure had been greatly adjusted, a Bashu granary would not have become Qin's sugar industry base.

A newspaper boredom survey showed that Qin people’s demand for wheat and other planted foods is 45%, and the demand for meat is slightly lower than this figure, about 42%, but in the northern and western regions, the figure is high. At 50%, because they have a lot of meat. The rest is the input of tea, fruits, and various beverages.

It was the diversified needs of Qin's diet that made Bashu dare to make such a big attempt. At the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. Some people began to introduce oranges from Chu, and the fruit can be more than just canned. Orange perfume is also one of a great demand. The country of Qin needed to import a large amount of oranges from the country of Chu. At this time, oranges had not been introduced to Chongqing and Sichuan for planting. It is only in the area south of the Huai River in Chu State that rapeseed oil. The demand for fruits led the State of Qin to grow oranges in the Qinling Mountains. These all benefit from the grafting technology of the farmer.

The reason why Chu State was able to maintain vigorous trade relations with Qin State was because of the abundant agricultural production resources in Chu State. Qin's silk is not as good as Chu's. The amount is not as large as the opponent's amount. There are also oranges. Qin can only pick those green oranges for long-distance transportation to reach Qin. Oranges can only turn golden yellow after they have been left for a period of time. In order to keep the oranges, Qin Guo could only make canned food on the spot.

In addition, there are some special metals. Qin found that there are abundant special metals in the south of the Yangtze River in Chu State. These metals can cut iron and steel very well. After a period of research, Shang Wen believed that Qin had obtained a metal of tungsten. After adding a small amount of tungsten, the hardness of steel can reach an astonishing level. Qin country needs to import this kind of minerals for drilling and processing all kinds of gears, but the price is ridiculously high.

Not only these, but also brass. Qin used electrolysis to solve the problem of brass production. As soon as Qin State began to use fixed-load ammunition, brass has always restricted the production of bullets. And Chu State has a large amount of chalcopyrite. Qin needed to import a large amount of brass to meet the demand for bullet production.

Qin State exports munitions, watches, clothing, perfumes, glass and other industrial products. The trade between the two sides is in a delicately balanced relationship, because if Qin does not export, it will lose a lot of industrial raw materials. These industrial raw materials are available in Chu, but not in Qin. A report by the investment bank investigated in detail the trade between Qin and Chu. The bank staff discovered this subtle relationship, and Qin did not dare to increase prices arbitrarily, because Qin’s raw materials came from Chu. If Qin increased the price, then Chu would change the price at will. It was this reason that finally prompted the State of Qin to use the State of Chu. Take the initiative to break this balance. The breakthrough is the biggest demand for sugar. Sugar is the biggest profiteering industry. Chu State occupies the sugarcane production area, and Qin State must try to change this situation. The investment proposal will solve this problem as quickly as possible. Collect sugarcane raw materials into Qin's own possession, instead of becoming a major financial source of Chu.