The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 623: Reasons for the navy to go to sea

The airborne troops landed successfully. It will completely cut off the retreat of the Western Region Allied Forces. This is very helpful in solving the time arrangement of the Western Regions issue. If you solve the problem of such a large force at once. It is very beneficial to the Allied forces' next advance.

"Very good. The airborne troops landed safely. Then next. We will move forward quickly. Order the cavalry troops to intersect quickly. We need to speed up the progress." Wang Ben gave the order.

So the two cavalry moved faster. They are not many. But the price is excellent. And they are all elite troops. This is for the collapsed Western Region coalition forces. It's very cruel.

No matter how large a defeated army is. It is also unable to resist a smaller number of elite troops.

"Kill." A cavalry forward force suddenly shot out a fleeing Western Region Allied Forces.

The Allied Forces of the Western Regions quickly scattered the birds and beasts as if they had seen a tiger. They are no longer capable of fighting. Only slight resistance quickly resolved these scared soldiers.

"Bang." Gunshots kept ringing. Shoot and kill the fled Western Union soldiers.

"Dudududu" is here. A trumpet sounded suddenly from a commanding height. "Kill!" Suddenly there was a cry of killing. "The shouting and killing terrified the cavalry vanguard.

But they calmed down quickly. original. These are the defensive support points of the Qin Army surrounded by the Western Region Allied Forces. With the rapid advance of the cavalry troops. Their siege was disbanded. Seeing reinforcements arrive. They also quickly launched a counterattack. In order to win the final victory.

The two armies worked together. Then the face-to-face enemy was successfully resolved. A large number of coalition soldiers became prisoners of war. This stronghold was a stronghold of the Qin Army only twenty miles away from the line of defense. It was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon. Qin Cavalry has only progressed more than 20 miles. This progress is too slow for them.

"Don't worry about the **** prisoners. Go forward. Go forward. Give the prisoners to the infantry. The cavalry goes forward. We have to speed up. Hurry up." Wang Ben led his guard platoon to the forefront. Facing a cavalry unit that only advanced so little in a day. He was very dissatisfied. The successful landing of the airborne troops was only half of the success. The other half must be done by cavalry. The earlier the cavalry attack arrived. The greater the chance of success. This is the battlefield rule. The soldiers are very fast.

Qin Cavalry was too greedy for spoils. So much so that I forgot the spoils. There is no way. When rewarding combat troops, another action is often frustrated because of excessive behavior.

Most of these cavalry came from mercenaries assembled to make a group of windfall. Do not say that the combat effectiveness is strong. But there are also many problems. It's always because the loot ignores offensive speed. This is the difference between soldiers and mercenaries. Soldiers have too much emphasis on the duties of soldiers. And responsibility. The mercenaries are benefits. They gathered together for profit. Be brave for profit.

Under Wang Ben's stern urging. It was almost driven by a horse whip. Just let this situation of snatching the loot slightly relax. The cavalry began to advance.

And Wang Ben continued to move forward. But saw this situation once. It happened once. This kind of imagination is universal. This made Wang Ben very annoyed. But a new solution must be found. Otherwise, big problems will happen sooner or later.

If it fails. Wang Ben would definitely write that. Military discipline is perverted by snatching personal trophies. Regardless of the impact of military operations for the spoils in front of you.

"Passing orders. No. Rumors spread. It is said that the **** King Loulan carried a lot of gold and silver treasures and his beautiful concubine not far away. As long as he can catch them as soon as possible. There are a lot of treasures. They can't walk fast. And he is beautiful. Concubine. Do you understand?" Wang Ben said with a smile.

"Understand sir." After finishing speaking, the guard brought his own hands to dispel the rumors. Want to make the greedy horse move forward. It's not just a whip. Have to rely on temptation.

Almost in a short period of time. The rumors spread.

"Hey. Dude. Don't grab it. Do you know? King Loulan fled with several carts of treasure and his beautiful concubine." One veteran said to another veteran.

"What does it matter to me?" The veteran was busy searching for his belongings.

"There are so many treasures that can go fast. The place is so big. Maybe it is hidden somewhere. There is no treasure. Catch that beautiful girl. It can also be comfortable!" the veteran suggested.

"You are right. As long as we can catch up. Everything is okay." The veteran slowed down. Instead of fighting hard. Win a big one. What do you want these tatters.

"Just you and me." the veteran asked tentatively.

"This is a big vote. I have already contacted several of my brothers. After the matter is done, they will be divided equally." How does the veteran use it? The winks looked at each other.

"I did it." The veteran said happily.

So this simple group formed privately in order to make a fortune began to form. For wealth. They can do anything. There are many cases of gangs like this. They marched in gangs with beauties for the legendary wealth. By the time of night. These gangs actually advanced to a depth of fifty miles. There are also gangs looking for the treasures overnight despite the dark rest.

I don't know if Wang Ben did it right. Because once the rumors are debunked. It's a big blow to morale. But as long as the victory marches. Then it must defeat the opponent's main force. The rest is easy to get.

But there is one thing. Wang Ben tightly grasped the soldiers' psychological needs. Use this demand stimulus cleverly. Aroused the enthusiasm of the army to advance. This will make a big step forward soon.

At the end of the night, watch the crazy acts of war during the day. Although there are still wars in some places. The gunfire continued. But this day is over. The Allied forces successfully completed a major march.

"The battle went smoothly on this day. The airborne troops succeeded in airborne operations. It is conducive to us encircling the enemy groups. The enemy's main force will be effectively blocked by our airborne troops. However, the cavalry units will complete the circuitous interspersion as soon as possible. Attack with the airborne troops. This way. In order to quickly disintegrate the enemy's main force."

"The cavalry is maneuvering. The use of constant maneuvering. The use of speed advantages to achieve strength. Opportunities in timing. Only in this way can such a big war be completed." Wang Ben lit the lamp to record his experience on the battlefield.

And to the north of them. Most of the coalition forces in the Western Regions came from here. So there are more people here. There are also many strongholds confronting the Qin Army's defensive support points. This had a great impact on the cavalry entering. In order to speed up. The artillery troops were left behind. And these strongholds are composed of gully. The cavalry attack was very affected. The infantry and artillery lag far behind. The nearby Qin army was not enough to launch a big offensive to destroy the opponent. Without any choice. They have to stop.

But Zhao Jun cavalry believes that they cannot respond negatively. It should be proactive. The key to cavalry is speed. Stopping is very detrimental to the cavalry. So they boldly took advantage of the night to bypass the stronghold and move on.

that's all. Qin State formed a kind of cavalry blitz. The cavalry became the tank in their hands. Use the speed advantage to hit the opponent fiercely.

This blitzkrieg is only a rudimentary form. But once this model is formed. Will have a major impact on the war.

There are two other new ideas for this rapid combat method. Wang Jian and Li Mu.

a whole day. Li Mu has the birth of this idea. The war is no longer a land war. Instead, air power was added. Although I don't know how effective the air combat of the Qin Army is. But the airborne troops were thrown to the rear through so many enemies. This has surprised Li Mu. Especially aerial bombing. The air threat is also great when worrying about the rear. If it is detected in time. It is very dangerous to the buildup of troops. No one wants to suddenly drop a bomb in the sky when there is a large group of people.

The intervention of new technological forces greatly speeds up the process of war. This is an understanding of Li Mu.

But Wang Jian already had this kind of thinking unconsciously. But he didn't realize it himself. However, he has put a lot of thought into solving the specific details.

The offense is easy. But some specific problems have also been exposed. Especially communication. More and more arms are connected. Especially after the space and ground coordination. Communication has become particularly important. For example this time. There is a long waiting period after airborne operations. If something unexpected happens. It can be saved during this time. And this time can only be wasted in vain. But nothing can be done.

For example. The coordination of artillery and infantry is very good. This is due to the telephone connection between artillery and infantry. Only with timely communication on the phone can the battlefield target and prompt instructions be quickly resolved. Firepower can be completely covered.

This night ended a noisy day of war. In the foxhole. Airborne soldiers sleep under blankets. The cavalry surrounded the fire. Infantry and artillery fell asleep around the bonfire. The people of the Western Regions can only take a rest in their sleep in horror.

Shang Wen also felt that the war was too tense. People like him are also connected with war. A large number of weapons were developed by him. These weapons also require a large civilian base. If there is no such civil foundation. The development of these weapons is also difficult to become a climate.

Military use and civilian intent have begun to blur. No one can make a specific distinction.

Just when Shangwen also fell asleep. In Luoyang. A naval signal officer handed a report with top-secret words to the local garrison. Let them send it to the staff by telegram.

The content of the telegram is top-secret encrypted. Then translate and send. Encryption means that the numbers must be encrypted in a certain way. Decrypted. Such as simple addition. Or a slightly more difficult multiplication.

The use of machinery. Especially after using a punching machine. According to a set of digital points, it automatically accepts punching and non-punching methods to record points. At first, this kind of machine was only used for the transmission of stocks and futures news. Because the stock exchanges a lot of information. Therefore, an automatic device is needed to record stock information. The punching machine was invented in response to this demand. But the military applied this kind of machine.

But unfortunately. The complexity of Qin's writing. Let the typewriter not appear for a long time. This has led to a surge in the demand for female civilian staff in the Qin society. Copy documents. Making various forms needs to be done manually. This is very inconvenient. Although some uniform forms were invented. But this still cannot meet its needs. Especially to prevent forgery of documents. Some forms need to be printed out by a machine. Instead of copying by hand.

However, the limitations of text are difficult to make up for in time. As the text is used more and more. A simple text is being popularized. A dictionary also appeared. Although its content is not very standardized. But after all, Qin characters are included.

The order of gestures is also specified. This facilitates mechanical printing and identification. These are all required by industrialization.

But the content of the telegram was still sent out. This telegram reported the details of the previous incident in which the Chu army sank the Qin State navy destroyer.

The communications office of the general staff. It is busier than the command room. A telephone area. A telegraph area. The two major regions aggregate different communication information transmissions. Then communicate according to the urgency of time.

The "Da Da" in the telegraph area kept ringing. Send and receive commands. The sound of a hole punch. But busy people don’t care about this. They want to gather information quickly.

Suddenly a female reporter raised her hand. The inspector immediately came over and took away the message. Then sign it to the decoder. After decryption, the decoder handed it over to the on-duty communications officer. The communications officer served the order.

"Is it Navy information?" the duty communications officer asked.

"Yes. It's from Luoyang." The female civilian told the other party.

"Immediately send it to the Chief of Staff. No. I will send it personally." Because the Navy had a big problem. and so. No one dares to deal with naval documents at will.

The navy telegram was soon enough to reach Wang Jian.

"Sir, navy telegram." A senior sergeant placed the telegram on Wang Jian's desk.

"Navy Telegram?" Wang Jian asked incredulously.

"Yes, sir. This is the news just received." The senior sergeant replied.

"Oh." Wang Jian put down the file in his hand and opened the telegram to see it.

Just after reading the content, Wang Jian felt something serious. And it is very serious to deal with.

A destroyer of the navy was sunk. The crew of a frigate suffered heavy losses. A total of 52 people were killed and 37 people were injured. Twelve of them were seriously injured.

The cause of the incident is unknown. But the opponent is very clear. The Chu State Navy did it.

"You go out first!" Wang Jian motioned to the senior sergeant to go out.

"It's the sergeant." The senior sergeant saluted. Then leave.

"Is Chu Jun crazy? At this time, he was at war with Qin Jun." Wang Jian couldn't believe this fact that had happened.

A little regained his composure, Wang Jian answered the phone. Let people call Yang Duanhe. Say there are important things. Wang Jian is the officer on duty today. Then Wang Jian put on the phone in Xianyang Palace again.

"The king has already fallen asleep. Oh, I know. If the king wakes up, please transfer. Forget it, I will send someone a document." Wang Jian changed his mind. King Qin would understand when he saw the document.

Then he took the call to the Guowei's mansion. Guowei's Mansion already knew about this. According to the process. The telegram should be sent to the Guowei Mansion first. Because the Lieutenant Mansion has the right to handle military affairs. The General Staff only has a place to command, formulate, and plan.

But I don’t know why this telegram was sent to the staff. Perhaps it is the traditional sense of military commander. Because most generals are still not accustomed to civilian management of the army. This is because civil officials are one-sidedly understood as a lack of prestige.

What kind of distrust exists between civilian officials and military commanders. But the relationship between the two is currently harmonious. Wang Jian is also nominally the highest general of the army. Guowei Mansion can administer all kinds of usual military affairs. And the two have a very good personal relationship. This is also conducive to the promotion of the relationship between the two.

"I have told the prime minister about this matter. I don't know what the prime minister thinks. This matter is very difficult to handle." Wei Liao said on the phone.

"It is true. If the war is fully fought. Our economy can withstand it all at once. Also. The war in the west has reached a critical moment. We cannot withdraw at will. Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to us. Tens of millions of gold in funds It will be in vain." Wang Jian said.

"I mean. If there is a war, the combat area is only limited to both sides of the Yangtze River. It is estimated that such a war is very beneficial to us. A full-scale war is not yet time." Wei Liao said by phone.

"But how can we control the scale of the war. We don't want to start the war on the road." Wang Jian also meant this. If the two sides put the war on land to resolve the surface war. The Qin Army can indeed use the land advantage to win this war. But more troops need to be deployed. The north must defend against the Huns. Although it has been difficult to become a climate. But Shang Wen gave the idea. Especially the suggestion of that national security adviser Fan Zeng is really terrible. It even asked the Army to completely solve the problems of the Huns and Huns. Especially after Shang Wen told some geographical things. An ocean to the north will be the northern end of Eurasia. This is enough to prompt the emergence of a bolder strategy. Fight north. The land has been leveled. In other words. The Qin army has been pushing the latitude to the ninety degree north latitude line. The advantage of solving the problem in this way is that there will be no disaster in the north. Qin Jun can expand westward with all his strength.

Geographic map. Especially the use of latitude and longitude. Let expansionism expand rapidly. Relying on the connection of the Eurasian continent, it continues to expand westward. If Shangwen knew this. Surely I won't talk about so many geographical things. Especially the old man Fan Zeng. Good idea. But too extreme.

"I think Cheng should have an idea about this matter. This is a national economic issue. It is also a major issue for the development of Qin in the future. The development of Qin into such a situation has exceeded our expectations. Our opponents come from two directions. We are stuck. In the middle. Only by constantly pacifying one side can we concentrate on solving the other side. This situation exists from the beginning. But now the Prime Minister has revealed it to us. I admire the Prime Minister’s knowledge and experience. His knowledge is better than the two of us. More harmony." Wei Liao changed the subject.

"Old man. If you and I retire one day. Let's go to the outside world together. Just like the Prime Minister said. There are a group of black charcoal-like people on a mysterious continent. How about?" Wei Liao obviously didn't. Worried about the current situation.

"Hey. I'm not as free as you. I'll check the information. Wang Shang will still be useful tomorrow." Wang Jian declined. Then the two ended the phone conversation.

And Shang Wen learned this amazing news at this time.

"Shang Wen. It's not good. The Navy has something serious." Shang Wen was still sleeping on the sofa. News came from the southern project. Whether the project crosses today's Wudang Mountain or bypasses it. If you go through it, you can speed up the transportation. But the problem is that the project is huge. But if it goes around. A section of the railway will be placed near the border between Qin and Chu.

Shang Wen is combining various factors in his dream. The construction of the Southern Railway is related to Qin's navy going to sea to develop the south. The significance of increasing the important value of the Yangtze River. From this perspective. This railway is no less than the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in history. This is one of the important measures to open up the North-South ties.

From this perspective. Although the detour is a bit far away. But it can speed up the construction progress. If needed. It can be solved by connecting a branch line. And from the perspective of national defense. The construction of the railway in the future can be regarded as a key point for the assembly and transportation of troops in the Qin reunification war. The defense problem only depends on the mobile defense of the armored train on the railway. It can be deployed along the railway if it is armed. It also solved the problem of troop transportation and material supply.

"Wake up soon. Something has happened." Shang Wen was awakened by Meng Yi.

"Oh. What a big deal." Shangwen suddenly couldn't remember what he had in his dream. Anyway, my mind is a cloud of mist. Don't know anything.

"Navy. The navy was sunk by a destroyer." Meng Yi called out loudly.

"What?" Shang Wen called out loudly. This is too sudden!

"You say it again." Shang Wen woke up for eight minutes.

"The navy was sunk by a destroyer. Fifty-two people died. The Chu State Navy did it. I don't know why." Meng Yi said simply.

"What's going on." Shang Wenmeng said. He doesn't even know why what happened?

"Wash your face first. Sober up. Someone will send you the documents later." Meng Yi said when he saw Shang Wen's messy hair.

"Oh." Shang Wen went to wash his face next door.

Shangwen thought about this as he washed his face. What's the matter with the navy. Such a big thing happened unexpectedly. Last time, let the family chase and play. Now a warship was sunk by the opponent. In fact, it is a bit reluctant to talk about warships now. It's a big wooden boat at best. But the Navy likes to call it a warship. Because warships are bigger than ships. But now the warship is sunk. The navy's face was dull.

What made Shangwen a little caught off guard was that. Army warfare has just begun. And the Southern Engineering Project has just started. The war broke out all at once. This made Shangwen feel that Qin's preparations were very inadequate. Especially the navy. According to previous reports. The navy lacks good sailors. The number of artillery is also very small. The navy spends large sums of military expenditure on building shipyards. shipbuilding. This is the trouble of the technical service. It is difficult to form an army without technical equipment. With technical equipment, a large number of people who are proficient in cooperating with each other are also needed.

The current situation of the Navy does not meet these requirements. The navy's funding is also insufficient. It costs a lot of money to build a large navy. And the money spent has a basis. This foundation is the economic foundation of the Yangtze River waters and overseas economy. The Qin State Navy does not account for both.

The South has no economic need to maintain a navy. In addition to starting from the Yangtze River and marching downstream. There seems to be nothing. The mere military purpose is not enough to support the huge naval construction.

Shangwen thought about it after the last incident. How to solve the navy problem. He believes that there is only one way to improve the navy. The massive inflow of overseas resources. But this question is like the sophistry of the chicken or the egg. Thought of this. Shang Wen had to take a step back. Shift the goal of energy to the development of the Yangtze River in the south. on this side. The Qin State stimulated the development of the lower waterways of Chu State.

Tea, silk, rice, oranges from Huainan in Wuyue area. Various non-ferrous metal ores in Jiujiang area. All of these have made the two regions of Chu a great development. Especially the dependence on the Yangtze River waterways has increased. These raw materials must rely on ships to cross the river. in contrast. Qin State occupies the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. However, it is too dependent on the economic development of Chu State.

Upstream bamboo and wood need to be transported to Chu by water transportation. Only a handful of these raw materials were shipped to the Guanzhong area of ​​Qin State. The cause of this phenomenon is the traffic problem. Water transportation is much cheaper than the mountain road crossing the Qinling Mountains. It is precisely this kind of report that appears. Shang Wencai made up his mind to build the Southern Railway. Highway network.

The purpose of this is simple. These raw materials from the south need to be turned several times before they reach the Qin State factory. In the middle, the hands of various people are concentrated. Rely on the original ox cart transportation to reach the vicinity of South Korea. Then how to change the car to reach the executive. In the hands of Koreans from Xinzheng arrived at the Qin State factory. Or stay near the Korean factory. Intermediate logistics. The labor cost is huge. The factory can keep prices down. But if you press too hard, it will have the opposite effect. And the factory is not limited to Qin State. For example, there are Korean factories.

Qin's development needs are increasing. Especially copper, chromium nickel and so on. The wire needs copper wire. Special steel. A new type of alloy steel. Stainless steel appears. And Qin State is gradually developing a car fever. These demands have exacerbated the demand for raw materials.

Chu State's ox cart transportation can no longer meet the needs of Qin State. Railway transportation has become the biggest demand.

Wuyue, the raw materials of the Jiujiang area go up by boat. Arrive at the Yangtze River transportation point by train Then the truck can be loaded directly to Xianyang of Qin State and Xinzheng of South Korea. The middle is directly in Chu's ox cart logistics. Use a larger load instead. Convenient water transportation for shipping. Moreover, through the Yangtze River, the economic development of the upper reaches, especially the Bashu region, can be stimulated. Downward can control the economic lifeline on both sides of the Yangtze River. The Wuyue Jiujiang area began to become the two important sources of taxes in the Chu State. Especially some traditional aristocrats of Chu. Also began to enter these areas of development. Rely on their power, position and financial resources. They are dividing their respective Shangwen Economic Zones. This is a typical Shangwen local monopoly.

"Shangwen. The documents are here. There are specific things that happened. But there is a research report. The problem should be more serious." Meng Yi shouted loudly outside.

"What file. Let me take a look." Shang Wen stopped thinking and hurried out to check the contents of the file. The first is a unilateral report study of the navy's sunken destroyer. The Navy thinks. The main reason that the destroyer was sunk was that the opponent used a lot of black powder. The huge explosion triggered a second explosion.

After checking, Shang Wen thought it was a suicide vessel made by the Chu people themselves. In this case. That would be difficult for the other party. Just like the Kamikaze agent team. The Allied forces use electromagnetic jammers and other equipment to no avail. Because this is a matter of human will. It's not a problem with the machine.

The second report comes from the commercial system. Although Qin allowed arms smuggling. But smuggling is an act of state. Otherwise, the Qin State of so many munitions factories would not be able to feed it by themselves. But smuggling belongs to smuggling. You must submit your shipping manifest. This is the content of this report.

This report shows. Chu State cancelled 15% of its gunpowder orders at once. Especially after the transformation of their army is complete.

"What does this mean? Don't they use guns without ammunition?" Shang Wen asked incredulously.

"There is only one possibility." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen.

Shang Wen was relieved now.

"You mean. They have mastered..." Shang Wen asked tentatively.

"It is very likely that they have already..." Meng Yi said speculatively.

"Oh. God!" Shang Wen couldn't believe it. The Kingdom of Chu had mastered the technology of making black powder so quickly. This means that Chu can make powerful weapons. Shang Wen looked at the first naval report in his hand.

"It won't be related to this!" Shang Wen waved for the file in his hand.

Only then did Meng Yi realize that the destroyer sunk by the Navy was sunk by a huge explosion.

This situation has exceeded Shang Wen's tolerance.

The reason is that his opponent has improved a notch. Their gunpowder supply will be unrestricted. Originally, this was one of Shangwen's future methods to deal with Chu State. Material blockade. It seems to be invalid now. The opponent has an extra good hand.

"Huh!" Shang Wen let out a deep breath. This is really bad news.

"We must find a way to solve the problem. This incident may trigger a war between the two countries. Moreover, the National Lieutenant Mansion called and said. They do not want the war to expand. It is best to limit it to a certain area." Meng Yi said . in fact. If there is a war at this time. Both sides have influence. Because the economies of the two countries have already had in-depth ties. The two are inseparable from each other. If the reckless expansion like the previous one. The two countries must be hurt. The price of victory is high. Neither side is a winner. With the rapid economic development. The military has to consider economic issues. Especially after interdisciplinary. Scholars began to look at war from various angles. War is unfamiliar to Qin at all. But from another angle. why. The people of Qin had to become more rational in dealing with war issues.

"It is true. The war cannot be expanded. The war must be limited to a certain area. I think we should fight in the waters of the Yangtze River. At most within the limited land area on both sides of the Yangtze River. It must not be expanded." Shang Wen said.

"How to do it?" Meng Yi asked. War is a competition of willpower between the two sides. The other party will not follow your willpower. Unless it's not war. No war will break out.

"How to do it. How to do it" Shang Wen stood up and thought.

"How to do it. How to let the other party obey their own arrangements to limit the expansion of the war zone." Shang Wen said to himself.

"What if we use the news to report society?" Meng Yi suggested.

"Newspaper?" Shang Wen asked rhetorically.

"Yes. Newspapers. We can expand the influence of public opinion like the last naval incident. And use our reporter's advantage to report our positive image. In this way. Our war image and the scale of the war can be effectively controlled." view. The actions of journalists interfered with the government several times. And it has become a powerful tool for the people to respond to the facts and issues to the upper level. Especially the magnification effect of the media. An event is often exaggerated and propagated under the reporter's report. This will attract more people's attention. News originally wanted to use this feature to increase publicity.

The journalist industry is more terrifying than spies. They always find that a small problem leads to a big one. Or ask directly. Just earn more people’s attention and attention. That's it.

"I think it can. As long as we give a little guidance. It can be done. And the mainstream media is in Qin. Chu does not have a newspaper. And our newspaper will not report such unpatriotic things." Shang Wen said.

Then Shang Wen and Meng Yi discussed a series of specific details. such as. There are still many diplomatic moves to be done before the war begins. The State of Qin should actively prepare for war. Don't hope to resolve disputes on diplomatic issues. Because sinking a destroyer is already a declaration of war. But Qin Guo is not ready yet. Diplomatic negotiations can show that Qin is very "polite" and then makes excessive demands. To show Qin's determination to love peace. So that the Qin Navy provides limited time to prepare.

The next step is to use the news media. Qin's helplessness in starting the war. And the attitude of controlling the expansion of the war. Shangwen and Meng Yi drafted a memorandum of naval incidents for reference at any time.

After King Qin learned of this. A special meeting was called immediately to resolve the naval issue. King Qin's support for the navy is not a huge demand for interests after going to sea. Just military and national dignity. After all. King Qin is equivalent to half a naval faction. This half is still open for discussion. Shangwen personally thinks. Few people develop the navy in Qin. Shang Wen advocated the development of the naval faction. But Qin State is flooded with the mainland consciousness of a traditional mainland country. This kind of consciousness is just like Fan Zeng's crazy idea. In this ideology. Various resources are more or less inclined towards the land. This strategic awareness clearly shows signs of paranoia.

The essence of King Qin is also such a mentality. The traditional Qin national unification policy is a manifestation of this consciousness. Unify the continent. And ignore the ocean. In fact, it cannot be said that the above people lacked consideration. Where does Qin's recent threat come from? land. The ocean threat is not great. It can be said to be zero.

Another ocean follower is Yingyu. The starting point is not for various resources but for exploring the sea. Travel around the world. This may be the simplest follower.

The navy lacks a foundation to build. But Shangwen still fought for various rights for the navy bit by bit. After all, Qin is a traditional land country. Developing the navy is not easy. basis. The State of Qin needs a foundation.

The senior management is intensively discussing some of the contents proposed by Shang Wen. And Qin's newspaper published an astonishing news. This news comes from the south. It is related to the waters of the Yangtze River. And it can directly affect the price trend of copper in the Xianyang futures market.

"Recently. There have been several vicious homicides and boat robberies in Wuyue and Jiujiang of the Chu Kingdom. The perpetrators were mostly local fishermen. They specially robbed the past ships carrying silk, tea, and non-ferrous metal ore. If the owner of the ship let go. These waters. The thief will give the other party a life. But if you don’t let go, a vicious homicide will occur."

"It is understood. The local fishermen and boatmen have salvaged several corpses in the water. According to a boatman, more than 30 corpses have been found floating in the water. Among these corpses, there are many Qin merchants."

This only ignited the local enthusiasm of the people of Qin State to pay attention to the southern Yangtze River. People's anger has not yet ignited to great influence. But the financial market took the lead in responding.

Silk's four futures contracts rose one after another. It's not just silk that goes up. There are also tea, rice, copper ingots, zinc ingots, tungsten ore and so on. The price of raw materials supplied by investors to the market will generally rise.

The above did not know anything about it. A subsequent report was even more shocking.

The main force of Chu's navy was on standby in the upstream position. Prevent the Qin Navy. This has led to a serious shortage of local eradication of water pirates. Water pirates became a huge disaster in the short term. The impact of this scourge is. On the Yangtze River. In particular, there has been a decrease in ships for cross-strait transportation. Consequences of reduced traffic. This started to reduce the supply of various materials. The various raw materials accumulated on the Xinzheng cargo yard will be consumed within three months. It is not only South Korea that will be affected by that time. Their factories lack raw materials. There is also the State of Qin. Qin Guo insulated wire. The output of special steel is expected to decline rapidly by about 30%.

"We have to pay all kinds of protection fees to those water thieves to pass. They have to add protection fees to various raw materials. We have no way." The original words of a businessman were adopted by reporters.

And these water thieves are too bullying and afraid of hardships. They specifically attacked the private ships of businessmen from various countries. And the noble ships with extremely strict protection measures are far avoided. This practice has left many people who borrowed banks to do business with nothing.

And their destiny is to be killed by a water thief and throw their bodies in the river.

"What did you say?" Shangwen and Yingyu called. He hoped that Yingyu would build a shipyard in the south. But Yingyu told Shangwen an amazing news.

"I said. Don't you know the water pirates on the Yangtze River in the south? Where is the navy you built? Let me build the shipyard. Your navy must protect us." Yingyu said bluntly.

"Water thief? What water thief. You can make it clear." Shang Wen asked.

"You can see by looking at today's Shangwen newspaper." Yingyu hung up the phone directly after speaking. Shang Wen immediately put down the phone to find out today's newspaper. really. The major newspapers reprinted the news one after another in the afternoon.

Shangwen only found out at this time. Such a big thing happened in the South. The most important is the merchant of Qin State.

"Hey. It's God who told Qin to go to sea. It's hard to think of it!" Shang Wen said with a smile. This gave the Qin Navy an excellent opportunity to go to sea. It's accidental. But it is inevitable.