The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 671: Show weakness

The losses suffered by the Qin Army have made it lose the ability to fight for air supremacy. If you want to regain air supremacy, the Qin army must increase troops. Wang Jian has already realized this. Two military generals and civilian officials, Wang Jian and Wei Liao, had an emergency meeting to discuss how to resolve the situation on the Eastern Front.

"All kinds of telegram information sent back from the front line show that the Yan army has been unable to hold it for long. Even the Qi people in the area controlled by the Yan army have resisted very fiercely. This air attack is sufficient to prove the area controlled by the Yan Kingdom How bad it is." Wang Jian unceremoniously pointed out the destructive effect of the guerrilla organization in the control area. The existence of guerrillas is a huge trouble for Yan State to control the occupied area.

"This is a matter for the people of Yan Guo. The question is, what should we do next?" Wei Liao pointed out what Qin Guo can do at present.

"We can only provide more military assistance, especially military air assistance. If there is an air strike, I think the Yan army can at least maintain the current stalemate." Wang Jian put forward his own views. Wang Jian’s actual consideration is that Qin currently does not want to prematurely intervene in the ground war between Yan and Qi. The emergence of air power made Wang Jian notice the huge efficiency ratio of air strikes.

As long as Qin State invested a few air brigades, he could completely control the ground war. Moreover, air strikes are much faster than ground wars. It's not just Wang Jian's thinking that exists. The Army is establishing several Army Aviation Groups, which will be the backbone of the Army’s future Army Aviation Group. The Army’s idea is to use the power of these Army Air Forces to achieve the goal of confrontation with the sky. And now this situation is a good opportunity for the Army Air Force to play.

The Celestial Army only regarded the seizure of air supremacy as its primary goal. The ground bombing and the impact on the process of ground war are not too important. The Army Air Force is mainly aimed at ground warfare. The purpose of their establishment is to deal specifically with ground targets. If you look at the structure of the Army Air Force, you can find it. How obvious their intentions were when they were founded.

A heavy bomber group, a medium bomber group. A light precision bombing group, in addition to some independent air liaison aircraft, reconnaissance squadron. This arrangement highlights the ground bombing role of the Qin Army Air Force. Faced with such incidents. Qin State can't wait to put these experimental troops into the front line to test their results.

Just when the military was discussing sending their airpower to interfere with ground warfare. Shang Wen was very rude to once again urge the military to cut large-scale military spending in response to the excessively rapid increase in military spending.

Since the Qin Army accepted the Western Regions War. The growth rate of military expenditure has accelerated again. Especially the problem of the replacement of large-scale new equipment. Qin State almost completed the weapons and equipment issues in human history that took decades or even more than a hundred years to complete within a few months.

Qin Guo changed from the original single-shot metal fixed-load gunpowder ammunition to a single-shot rear-pull rotary rifle. The subsequent large-scale use of smokeless gunpowder further gave birth to the emergence of machine guns and pull-back rifles with magazines. Although trap rifles still appeared in the Western Regions War, this situation will soon change with the completion of the replacement in the north and the large-scale expansion of the machine gun production line. Almost overnight, the Qin Army's equipment rose sharply to a point where it could not be added. The rifle in the hands of an ordinary soldier can easily reach an amazing shooting distance of 900 steps. This distance was previously only achieved by large siege crossbows. At the same time, the Xiongnu's bows and arrows were only more than a hundred steps, and such a wide range of weapons and equipment was enough for the Qin army to maintain for a long time.

Even so, Qin Jun is still unsatisfied. With the advent of automobiles, Qin Jun arms dealers have begun to cooperate with automobile manufacturers to plan Qin's more advanced armored vehicles. The attitude of the military is very happy. They have even planned a military order to purchase a large number of armored vehicles. It is impossible for military spending to increase without limits. In particular, special war expenses have already taken up a large part.

Qin Guo's current financial situation is not optimistic. A large amount of public infrastructure investment and construction takes up a large part of the expenditure. Add military expenses. This almost completely spent more than 80% of Qin's government expenditure. The rest can only be used for medical and health construction.

And now military expenditures are getting less and less plausible. The military always increases military expenditures based on any special requirements it finds, especially when the military lags behind the enemy in a certain area, and then deliberately leaks military secrets to the media, causing a huge panic in the media. Then, under pressure from media and public opinion, the government had to pass special military spending. This is a conspiracy. The military doesn't care how much it fails. Because after failure, public opinion will report. Will get better later.

This trick came from the navy. The navy learned this trick accidentally before. The Chu navy attacked the Qin navy, but then Shangwen came forward to improve the disarmament situation facing the navy. On the contrary, after that sneak attack. The navy not only has not been disarmed, but also received unprecedented assistance. For example, a large number of shipyards have been established in the Yangtze River Basin in the south of Qin. The navy has also received a new type of naval aviation. After such an event. The four major branches of the military understand this trick. Showing weakness is the best way to get military spending.

Subsequently, the military sought various reasons to increase military expenditures. The military always tells King Qin the news as soon as possible. King Qin always believed that the Qin army was weaker than its opponents in terms of military strength. Then put pressure on Shangwen to increase military spending. This has formed an insoluble knot.

When Shangwen received the report of the sneak attack on the third day. It was known that the army had begun their conspiracy to increase military expenditures again. If there is no restriction on Qin's military expenditure, then the Qin government is in danger of bankruptcy.

Shangwen is going to severely rectify this phenomenon of deliberately showing weakness and arbitrating special military spending. And just when Shang Wen was preparing to collect information to launch a counterattack. The Army has leaked the news to the media.

"It is reported that on the evening of the sixth day of August, the airport of the Qin army stationed on the front line of Qi State in the east was premeditated by Qi State. The specific situation is temporarily unknown." The reporter first released such explosive news. The military's strategy is also very simple. That is to let the news out slowly. If it is released all at once, it is likely to lose media attention. If the continuous delivery. In order to fully attract the eyes of the people.