The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 696: Country dynamics

The brutality of the Qi army added more innocent blood to the war. The slaughter of captives happened frequently.

When the Qi army came over with a bayonet-mounted rifle. The soldiers saw pits full of corpses everywhere. These corpses belonged to Yan Guo.

"To be honest, at the time, I was so scared that I almost peeed. When we passed through which trenches with the bayonet-mounted rifle, I was scared. There were dead people everywhere. The entire trenches were full of dead people." The old man at the time of the famous incident later recalled.

"Not only did I see the dead in the trenches. I also saw our people, who are the outstanding commandos. They were holding pistols and hand-held machine guns (another name for submachine guns) and frantically surrendering to the Yan army who had already raised their hands and surrendered. The prisoners of war shot and fired."

"A whole trench. All the Yan army." The old man was a little excited.

"All are killed. It's too miserable." The old man said helplessly.

This is just the tip of this atrocity. After Qi Jun broke through the Yan Jun line of defense, he began to develop in depth. Their counteroffensive will dispatch an army of 150,000. An army of 150,000 will encircle an army of 60,000 Yan. Then annihilate them all. This is the combat intention of the Qi army. The Yanjun command system was paralyzed at this time.

The Yan Army’s Supreme Command was full of "Hey Hey." voices. In order to facilitate the Yan Army’s command, the Yan Army established a set of brigade-level telephone lines on the battlefield with the help of the Qin Army. But now this The line is now paralyzed.

The front line was earth-shattering. But the rear can only know that a war has taken place in the front, as for the others, they still don't know. All these are attributed to the members of the Qi guerrillas. For the telephone line, they only knew that Qin State had a kind of iron knot that could quickly spread the word and the lines. As long as the line was cut, the continuity could be cut off, so when the Qi army counterattacked. The members of the Qi State guerrillas have cut these telephone lines. But the cut area is not very large.

But people passing by found out. There was copper in these wires, so a large-scale spontaneous cut of the telephone line began, with the motive only for destroying the entire telephone line for a bit of copper. For more expensive insulating materials. They don't care at all. Instead, I think this thing is in the way.

As for the liaison soldiers sent by each regiment level of the Yan army, they were intercepted or ambushed to death. In this way, what happened to Yan Jun that day was chaos. The Qin Army Military Observation Group was busy retreating, and they didn't care at all as if they had known what happened to the Yan Army.

Just when the war happened. Countries are busy with their own affairs. They seem to feel very ordinary for the 15th of September. But it feels unusual.

"Buy it soon. The New Year's Eve promotion is on." In the parking plaza of a large supermarket, a salesperson shouted. October is the first month of the Qin State, and it is already September 15th, that is to say, there are still fifteen days before the Qin State will celebrate the New Year.

However, the people of Qin have focused all their attention on how to consume. The major newspapers have set aside several pages for promotional activities. Almost half of a newspaper is used for advertising. Another income of the newspaper industry, advertising income began to approach newspaper sales. Therefore, Qin’s newspapers began to show a large number of advertisements on a large scale. In order to attract customers, some retail companies also specially shot advertisements and movies for free.

Qin Guo’s retail sales are expected to exceed the sum of the previous six months within this month. Because this year is the peak season for intensive consumption, clothing, food, and gifts are what Qin people must buy during the New Year. Therefore, domestic retail companies in Qin State treat September as the month of peak sales.

In order to occupy the market, Qin's major shopping malls concentrated on discount sales. It even launched a 24-hour business. In addition, a special one-hour discount will be launched at 0:00 every day this month. As long as you buy things between midnight and one point that day, the entire mall will be discounted. This immediately attracted the attention of women. They would rather stay up at night to rush to buy some 10% off merchandise in the mall at midnight.

Qin State has been busy caring about discounts on those commodities that should be bought all September. Almost everyone is discussing how to buy some goods cheaply. It is worth mentioning that some large shopping malls in Qin State have also withdrawn from telephone shopping. The so-called phone shopping is to launch a book like a magazine dedicated to phone shopping, and then distribute it for free. As long as the supporter dials the product code and reports the product code, as long as it is in the urban area, the mall will deliver it to your door free of charge, of course the price is a bit more expensive. Even so, phone shopping has achieved a certain amount of sales.

Just when Qin Guo paid attention to September sales. South Korea began to vigorously develop their own country's education.

South Korea first established a number of specialized universities and colleges such as Korea University, Korea Institute of Technology, Korea Institute of Chemistry, Korea Institute of Mechanical Engineering, and Korea Electric Power Institute on the basis of a number of luxurious aristocratic residences confiscated by the government.

In order to provide these schools with an excellent source of students. South Korea subsequently announced the establishment of the Korean National Student Scholarship, which will cover all tuition and living expenses for the entire university life. If there are scientific research results, there are other scientific awards.

In order to encourage South Korea to embark on a path of self-development of science and technology, South Korea followed the example of Qin and established 52 science and technology awards. The maximum bonus is five thousand gold. This is an amazing number. At the same time, in order to protect science and technology, especially the inheritance and development of technology. South Korea also imitated Qin State's announcement of a special law "Korea's National Science and Technology Patent Act." This bill will effectively protect the intellectual rights of scientific and technological inventors, and use the term "mind wisdom" as the result of labor.

The introduction of this plan is the Korean talent system, or the development of science and technology has a reliable guarantee.

Just as Zhang Liang himself said.

"Qin’s benefit is science and technology, and this is human wisdom. Qin maintains it in accordance with the patent law. Patent allows technology to be published, but it cannot be repeatedly copied over and over. In this way, Qin’s technology is inherited, and Continuously. Therefore, the patent must be promoted.” This is what Zhang Liang pointed out in a report to Yingyu in the above table. This report directly led to the promulgation of this patent bill.

However, South Korea has no idea. That is, the student base of Korean universities is relatively weak. Especially at the two levels of junior high school and high school. These two levels are the key to delivering talents to universities and colleges. South Korea is particularly lacking in this regard. This is because South Korea does not have a relatively sound basic education system. This system has become a fatal injury to Korean universities and colleges. It is difficult to continue without student research.

Just when South Korea is vigorously developing universities and colleges to take the path of scientific and technological development. And Zhao Guo has also embarked on the road of democratic politics.

"Well, this proposal is good, then follow this, so that the widow can be seen, and the widow is also an enlightened monarch like King Qin." King Zhao said when he saw Shangwen's proposal.

In this way, with Zhao Wang's permission, Zhao Guo began the vigorous election of Zhao Guo's prime minister. However, September happens to be Qin’s September consumption month, and Qin’s newspapers have no time to discuss Zhao’s prime minister’s election, which makes Zhao’s election feel a little neglected. Therefore, in order to increase the attention of Prime Minister Zhao Guo's election, Zhao Guo quickly introduced a batch of printing equipment, and hired a series of Qin printing workers, editors, reporters and other publishers to contribute to Zhao Guo's publication. In this way, the newspaper of Zhao's home country was established from Zhao's general election.

However, Zhao Guo's campaign was a bit chaotic. The main thing is that anyone can run for a campaign, this is a very wide area, and King Zhao has no restrictions. Such as being an adult, a man, or something else, all these conditions are not available. All can participate. In this way, Zhao Guo instantly became lively.

First of all, the rascals and vagrants on the streets began to hold banners and write a few Qin characters crookedly, because they could read newspapers and could only read Qin characters. This can be regarded as an alternative move by the Qin State to unify the characters.

These rogues are usually fine, and now they see that they can run for the prime minister, so they began to campaign for the prime minister publicly. This move immediately attracted ridicule from people on the market. But this also makes Zhao Guoren feel the joy of campaigning.

The rascals have all gone to run for the prime minister. Naturally, those powerful people dare not lag behind. As a result, these dignitaries paid a lot of money to cover the pages of the newly-emerged Zhao Guo newspaper and began to print their personal achievements, and began to run for the prime minister. In order to increase their popularity, they also distributed these promotional materials for free.

When Guo Kai saw the rogue, he went to campaign. He didn't dare to be lonely, Zhao Guo newspaper was wrapped up. Then I would include Qinguo newspapers and Korean newspapers. As long as they are newspapers, they would pay to buy them and print them for themselves.

As a result, a special campaign version of the State of Zhao appeared in the Qin State newspaper. This newspaper was all about praising how Guo Kai had contributed to the State of Zhao. It also promoted how Guo Kai worked tirelessly to divide the country’s worries. .

Although Qin’s newspapers are sold quite a bit, this kind of special edition newspapers seem to be distributed for free. But people still ask for it specially, and they will ask for it in batches. Because these newspapers are the best in the toilet.

Even so, this Guo Kai still spared no effort to promote himself. And some working class also began to participate in elections. As a result, Zhao Guo fights were greatly reduced, and even peaceful coexistence appeared. But workers’ participation in elections is a bit weak, because their voices are not publicized, and they cannot be unified to form a political force. at this time. Workers need a political spokesperson who can speak for them. They are looking for this spokesperson.