The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 782: Hot and cold

"Sir, we seem to have gone too far. As we walked forward, we arrived at Xutou Village, where the Wei people belonged." A new Korean army corporal said with a map and compass.

"Really?" asked a lieutenant of the new South Korean army.

"Yes, sir, the last time one of our officers ran into Wei Jun because he went the wrong way. Fortunately, we dodged in time. Only by avoiding more troubles." The corporal is a rich combat experience. Sergeant.

"Trouble! I think it's the Wei people who are in trouble. We have guns in our hands, and our opponents are cold weapons. Will we have trouble?" The lieutenant smiled. He thought this corporal was really ridiculous.

"Sir, please believe me. I have stayed at the border for a long time. Knowing this, here, the border between us and Wei is mixed. Now both sides are in a state of tension. If we have something to do here, we. It is very likely to lead Coming to the army's offensive. Although we are holding guns. But..." The corporal wanted to say. But the lieutenant interrupted forcibly.

"I think Corporal, you must have been here for too long. Maybe you don't know what's new out there," the lieutenant said.

This lieutenant had just returned from studying in Qin Guo. Since he has been to Qin, his military rank was directly promoted from second lieutenant to lieutenant. Normally, according to the practice of Qin and the promotion of Korean soldiers. The second lieutenant is going to be a trainee officer at the grassroots level. Then you have a certain amount of experience to lead soldiers to fight.

But those who study in Qin are different. Because these people have dealt with the most advanced national armies. Therefore, their natural horizons are broadened. So their tactics are relatively new, sometimes extreme. But this is good for South Korea, because they need such fresh and energetic fresh blood.

This is why the officers returning from studying abroad are naturally arrogant. The corporal naturally knew the reason, but some specific circumstances still needed to be informed.

"Sir." The corporal wanted to say something else. But the officer didn't want to listen anymore. This lieutenant came here just to do something. If he could wipe out more troops from his opponent, it would be more perfect. The education he received in Qin was that the more enemies he killed, the greater the credit. What the country values ​​is your personal contribution to the country. It's not something you can do. Therefore, if you want to be promoted, you must cause something to happen.

This lieutenant came here at this time, and personally led twenty soldiers on active patrols just to cause something to happen. His idea is very simple. It's best to find a good reason to ambush Wei Jun and inflict a heavy blow on Wei Jun, so that things will be big enough. As for the others. He didn't think much. Because the following things are no longer something he can consider and control.

"Let's go further." The lieutenant ordered.

"Yes, sir." The corporal helplessly let his men continue to follow the officer. They don't know what will happen next. But they know. The officers who came back from Qin had different ideas. They will take some drastic measures. These methods are things they dare not even think of. But they dare to do it. This is the military officer studying abroad.

"This day. It's so cold. Let us never." A patrol team of more than 30 members of the Wei State also walked on the border. Compared with Han Jun, they are forced. Patrolling is a chore for them. But this kind of drudgery still has to be done.

"Let me move forward for Laozi's words." An officer scolded fiercely.

This group of unlucky soldiers is made up of soldiers who made mistakes in Wei and some officers who are not pleasing to the eye. In addition, if there is not enough manpower, they will also call in some volunteers. That is, people who are randomly selected.

"In such a cold weather, drink a little wine. Then go to sleep beautifully. How great is this." A soldier of the Wei Army said.

"Don't think about it. Who made you offend the official. The official is also easy to offend. Now I think the beauty." Another Wei Jun soldier said.

"Oh. That's the fate." The Wei Jun soldier said.

The soldiers of the Wei army all carried the old-fashioned halberd forward. In the same direction, Han Jun is also moving forward.

According to the idea of ​​this officer. He wanted to set up an ambush at the fork in the road ahead. Because the map shows that there is an intersection of several nearby roads. In other words, Wei Jun is likely to pass there. The Han army officer wanted to set up an ambush at the road junction, hit Wei Jun, and then trigger a series of incidents. This is a deliberate idea to provoke trouble.

"It's Han Jun." Just when the lieutenant thought about the coordinates on the map. A shout made him realize the sudden appearance of the situation.

"Wow." Han Jun raised his rifle all at once. Press the bullet into the chamber.

"In such a cold day, I said that the Han Jun brothers are also patrolling." A Wei Jun officer wanted to ease the relationship between the two hairs. Therefore, take the initiative to show good, after all, in such a cold day, both sides are soldiers. It's not easy.

"Prepare." The lieutenant shouted loudly. Then he took out the revolver and turned on the hammer. Just pull the trigger to fire a bullet.

"Not good. Han Jun wants..." A Wei Jun soldier felt that the Han Jun was not right. There was something wrong, and he couldn't tell. In short, something is different.

"Let it go." "Boom." Two consecutive gunshots. The bullet spurted out. The first bullet was empty. The second bullet directly hit the Wei Jun officer. The Wei Jun officer fell to the ground on the spot. Life and death are unknown.

"Mother. Run. It's thundered." Wei Jun knew how powerful Han Jun was. They said the other party would thunder if they fired a gun.

"Shoot. Shoot. Do nothing, shoot." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Bang." A soldier shot subconsciously. Unfortunately, it was empty.

"Bang. Bang." More and more South Korean soldiers joined the shooting, and Wei Jun was only passively beaten.

"Run. Han Jun is going to kill us." Wei Jun was relieved at this time. Immediately turned his head and ran. But they obviously don't know how fast the bullet is. The escaped Wei Jun completely exposed his back to their enemy.

"Ah." A soldier of the Wei Army was shot in the back and fell to the ground.

"Run." When Wei Jun saw his colleague who fell to the ground, he quickened his pace and fled. Cold weapons can only be beaten in front of hot weapons. And their fighting spirit is not high. They are just a group of neglected soldiers.

"Hit, hit me hard. Kill these Wei Jun." The lieutenant shouted loudly. Seeing that Wei Jun turned his head when he heard the gunshots, he ran away. The pleasure of chasing down the enemy made the lieutenant murderous. He never felt it. Killing is such a pleasurable thing.