The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 966: River water

Face the charge of the North Korean Musketeers. The sergeant chose a very wise choice.

"Let's retreat." The sergeant said, he grabbed a few bullets, and then took his weapon and left quickly. Joined the retreating army.

The mercenary soldiers also began to retreat in their own direction. There is no order in the retreat. This is the result of the lack of systematic military training for mercenaries. They are not professional soldiers. Many people fight for money. They can rob and fight. It is very unlucky for them to fight. Their previous battles simply couldn’t. Call it combat.

The retreat of mercenaries does not have any technical level, no cover, no alternate retreats, only a swarm of retreats. They rob their horses and then retreat desperately. On the contrary, the North Korean Musketeers appear to be much more mature, and they launch large-scale retreats. The charge, to chase after the mercenaries of Qin State who had not had time to escape.

The retreat of the mercenaries was very hasty. Naturally there are losses. No one knows the exact number, but Qin's mercenaries were driven out by North Korean Musketeers. It is indeed a fact. Although the musket did not play a big role in this battle. However, they defeated Qin's mercenaries for the first time.

Such a defeat in battle was nothing to Qin State. Because, as long as there is no newspaper, no one in China knows. These are not big news.

The focus of Qin's reporters this time has shifted to the offensive of the Allied forces. With the arrival of a large number of reinforcements. Reporters also began to arrive at the front line to cover the entire process of this operation.

The reporters are very leisurely. They constantly filmed the battle scenes. Some news photographers also specially hired some soldiers to perform scenes during their battles. And some reporters also interview some soldiers from time to time. They believe that this is a huge distribution center for news. There are many news here.

"Can you tell me something. What happened to this battle you experienced?" Qin Guo's reporter asked.

"This war. It's cruel," said a soldier of Zhao Jun who wrapped his arm.

"Qi people are very strong. They are difficult. Deal with." Zhao Jun soldier said, waving his injured arm.

"Is this a compliment to them?" the reporter asked.

"Perhaps," the soldier said.

"They are really tenacious. If it weren't for their hard life, I think it would take us a long time to lay their ground." Zhao Jun soldier said.

"You can see how they fought." Another Zhao Jun soldier said.

"A few of us took their positions together. I'm at the back. The people in front have already pierced the bayonet into each other's body. There are so many bayonets. The soldiers of the Qi army basically have no way to survive. But in the end. That Qi The army soldier lit the explosive package." The soldier Zhao Jun said blankly.

"Boom." Zhao Jun's soldier gestured with his hands.

"The people in front were blown to pieces." Soldier Zhao Jun said.

"For us, this is too much in the factory." Soldier Zhao Jun said.

"If we don't disintegrate their fighting will and persuade them to surrender, it will be difficult for us to take down this city," the soldier said.

The reporter silently recorded, and the soldier's description gave the reporter a very intuitive feeling. That is, the soldiers of the Qi army are very determined to fight. Being firm is a bit scary.

"Look. That's a prisoner of the Qi army." This time. Soldier Zhao Jun said.

"Is this Qi Jun?" the reporter asked with disbelieving eyes.

"Yes, it is the Qi army. Some of them are still resisting our attack just now." Soldier Zhao Jun said.

The soldiers of the Qi army that the reporter saw were very sloppy. Their hair, clothes, and faces are all dusty, and their military uniforms are no longer what they looked like. There is a thick shine on the clothes. Their clothes have not been washed for a long time after being introduced.

The dusty face can't see their original appearance at all. Some of them used very dark hands to hold the white bread and squeeze them into their mouths. Their cheeks were already full of food.

Judging from this action, they have not eaten for a long time. They ate in a hurry. Many soldiers were choked. Food is difficult to swallow. The Zhao Jun soldiers gave them some water very humanely.

The soldiers dragged forward with heavy steps. The Zhao Jun soldiers on the side nervously carried the bayonet rifle and escorted this group of active Qi army soldiers.

"Are they soldiers?" the reporter asked rhetorically.

"Yes, they are soldiers." Soldier Zhao Jun said.

"They are not just soldiers, but also a group of desperate soldiers." A Captain Zhao Jun walked over and said at this time. There was a bandage wrapped around his shoulder. There is also a circle of gauze on the head. Obviously, his injury was serious.

"This. Is it really the Qi State Army?" the reporter asked.

"Yes, it is the Qi army." The captain replied affirmatively.

"They are really tenacious in combat, look at their eyes." The captain said.

"There is a spirit of perseverance in their eyes. They do not admit defeat, their eyes are like wolves. Although they are hungry. But they are not in a state of godlessness." Captain Zhao Jun introduced. The reporter only re-observed these Qi army prisoners at this time.

Although they are sloppy. Many Qi army soldiers are still eating desperately. But their eyes also revealed a strong sense of combat.

The reporters saw a fighting will of the same quality as Qin Jun.

"They can bear the sloppy appearance. They can bear the harsh environment. But they can't bear the unequal treatment. This is Qi Jun," the captain said.

"What does this mean?" the reporter asked.

"Ask them yourself." The captain said and left.

From time to time, there were still intensive gunfire in the city. The battle is still fought in a corner of the city. Some bold reporters followed Zhao Jun to the front line to shoot some videos.

The reporters began to dig through the entire battle.

"The whole city was in ruins. The huge explosive power triggered by the black gunpowder completely razed the houses made of brick and tile materials to the ground. Yandu, this beautiful city." A reporter wrote.

"Before the war, there were about 300,000 people living here. There were street lights that used electricity on the main road. There were tall buildings in the Yanwang Palace. Although the tall buildings still existed, there was a dangerous building. There was fierce street fighting there. Both sides The soldiers died there. Hundreds of people died. It was a building of death."

"Furious battles seem to take place in every corner of this city. I tried to draw water from a well. But the water that I drove made me suddenly lose the urge to drink. There were corpses in the water. Rotting. His body abandoned the entire well. The unpleasant smell made me vomit on the spot. This is really disgusting." The reporter said with his own experience.

"Fighting is everywhere." The reporter wrote in the report. Although there is only one sentence, it is enough to write the scale of the battle.

"In the Yanwang Palace, all the glass was shattered. The moonlight shone on it at night. It was like human tears. The war made us cry for this war with great tears." The reporter wrote at the end.

The Yandu Street Fight was very tragic. In the entire Yandu city, more than 80% of the buildings were destroyed. Among them, 25% of the buildings were completely destroyed. There are traces of fighting everywhere in the city. The corpses of soldiers who died on both sides were everywhere. The flames of war are still burning in the city.

Yandu is developing towards a modern city, but the war is coming at this time. In ancient cold weapon warfare, the warfare still had a great field nature, although siege warfare occurred. But large-scale battles are still taking place in the wild.

However, with the development of the times. More and more people are concentrated in the cities. The development of urbanization has become an irreversible trend. The Yandu Street Fight showed that the focus of the war began to shift from the wild to the city.

And with the development of modern cities. Street fighting is impossible to avoid. Yandu Street Fighting illustrates this point. Moreover, the intensity of street fighting surpassed people's phenomenon. Even though the field battles are wonderful, siege operations can slow down all field battle results.

Future battles will be fought in the city. However, all the generals will not care about the future. What they need to care about is that they need to make a perfect plan to kill the remaining Qi army.

"Our army has gone through arduous battles. The Yandu has been completely occupied. Now we can hand over the Yandu intact to the King Yan and his subjects." Major General Zhao Jun read aloud.

"Now, our material preparations are exceptionally sufficient. The people of Qin State have sent us everything we need." Major General Zhao Jun said.

"Eat, drink, wear, and our weapons and ammunition. Wait. They have delivered everything we need." Major General Zhao Jun said.

"Now. All we need to do is to chase the Qi troops who fled. Our plan is like this." A staff officer began to open the map.

"Our purpose is to use our cavalry units to quickly cross over to the river. We establish the necessary defensive positions there." Major General Zhao Jun said.

The river water is the Yellow River. The Yellow River has changed its outlet to the sea several times in history. The outlet of the Yellow River is temporarily located near the Bohai Sea.

"We have to use the isolation effect of the river to cut off the Qi army's back. Then our infantry will press on the whole line. Completely wipe out the Qi army. Then we will cross the river again. Large-scale pursuit of the opponent." Major General Zhao Jun is full of confidence. Said.