The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 984: We can't send troops

"Everyone, be quiet." This time. An older congressman stood up and said at this time.

"Quiet. Everyone needs to be quiet." The elder congressman shouted loudly. Although the old man exhausted all his strength. However, the excited congressmen still cannot stop. Most of the parliamentarians are from the civilian class. Only a small part of them came from nobles, but those nobles were downright nobles. They had no power or wealth from their status, and they couldn't get what they wanted from their noble status. In this way, these down-and-out nobles are more inclined to the civilian class. It can be said that this part of the aristocracy has been civilianized. They cannot enjoy the benefits of their pedigree and status.

"Everyone stay quiet." At this time, some members of the council noticed what the elderly member said. The reason why there are older members of the assembly in the parliament is the collection of the local three-elder system. In a country like China that pays attention to filial piety. The three elders have prestige as a place, mainly because of their age. People naturally respect those older people because they are more knowledgeable. In the Warring States Period. The average life expectancy of a person is only forty to fifty years old, a person over sixty years old. It's already a miracle. Therefore, the three elders became the most authoritative people in the local area when the parliamentary system was established. This is fully considered.

The place in the newly established state of Qin State. Local immigrants from six countries took this factor into consideration. In history, after the reunification of the Qin State. A system of the three elders has also been established locally. Can be seen. The Sanlao system can be regarded as a kind of parliamentary foundation in our country, but this kind of parliamentary system was quickly destroyed by the war in the end of Qin Dynasty.

The parliamentary system takes this into consideration. In the parliament, these elderly people exist, and their existence is more qualified to represent the will of the people.

"Everyone, be quiet." Amidst the loud roar of a member of the Diet. All the MPs gradually calmed down. Only then did they realize that there was an older person who was going to speak.

"Everyone is quiet. Listen to me say a few words." The older congressman said at this time.

"We are indeed disgusted by the behavior of the nobles of the Wei State. But don't forget. What kind of method should we use to get them out of our Chen land." The elderly congressman said at this time.

The words of the elderly congressman at this time made everyone speechless. This obviously mentions something that no one wants to mention. Since the parliament is the place where the will of the people is represented. They have the right to mention a social wealth issue. They have to exercise the power of parliament to collect taxes on all people, and then mobilize social resources through taxation methods, such as using this part of the money to buy guns, ammunition, and weapons. , To form an army, or to carry out infrastructure construction. Thus. You need to elect a government. The responsibilities of the government came into being at this time.

"At present, we only have a small number of militias and self-defense forces. These armed forces simply cannot allow us to defend our homes from the destruction of these animals." The elderly congressman said at this time.

In fact, after the establishment of the parliamentary system, Chen Di initially gave birth to a government of little practical use, and the actual power is still in the hands of the parliament. At this time, the parliament has not fully exercised their powers, they are only collecting a small amount of taxes. At this time, the amount of tax collection was very pitiful in the end. This useless government simply does not have so many resources and money to operate for this purpose. In desperation, this government just symbolically formed a self-defense force with less than a hundred people. Such an army has no effect at all.

However, in the hands of parliamentarians. Or in the hands of local deputies with concentrated power, they have formed a large number of militias. Because they can't see how useful the government is, and they can't give their security to a government that has just established nothing to protect their security.

Actually. Before. People have entrusted their safety to themselves. They never trust the government because the government cannot provide them with effective security guarantees. For many things, they rely on the crowds in the village to fight to protect their safety. That is under such circumstances. The deputies have formed a militia of unknown size in their own townships. These militia forces are only used to protect local security. The weapons they are equipped with range from hoes, clubs, to spears, halberds, short swords, long swords, and muskets.

"We want to fight these noble beasts." Obviously, this congressman has lost any hope for the nobles.

"We must form an army, we need to collect a certain amount of money and food. We need a lot of money. Buying guns and ammunition, buying all kinds of weapons, but also buying all kinds of materials to fight this war." The member said at this time.

At this time, the surrounding congressmen began to fall into buzzing discussions. Obviously, they were considering how much money they would have to invest in order to fight the war. Fighting is the most expensive and expensive thing. This is something that everyone understands, but letting them pay for it makes it difficult for them.

"We need a lot of money. At present, we can only solve it through taxation." The elderly congressman proposed this plan at this time.

"If we want to get rid of these beasts, we need a lot of money, and we need to collect a lot of taxes." The words of the elderly congressman echoed empty in the parliament hall. All the MPs were silent.

After a quiet moment. People began to break the silence.

"How much tax do you think we need to collect. How can these taxes ensure that we don't pay more taxes." Obviously, the concerns of lawmakers are more specific.

"I don't know, who knows how long this battle will take. However, I hope that this disaster will be quelled as soon as possible," said a Korean factory member. Because only when the war subsides can their factories continue to operate. Products can only be produced.

"We are the rich people who pay the last thing." Obviously, South Korean congressmen do not want to pay for the Wei Guoren's war, but they are hesitating because if they don't pay, they will still maintain the current stalemate. For the people of Wei, at this time, they really can't come up with so much money. Because of the previous rule of the Wei people, the high taxes consumed all the wealth in this area, and they were unable to raise so much money. To pay for the huge war expenses.

The war finally returned to a fundamental problem. This problem is the problem of social wealth. That is the economic problem.

And in South Korea. South Korea’s upper class has never diverted their attention from this land.

"Chen Di's nobles are rioting. Deputy Prime Minister, what do you think of this?" Han Shu asked with a telegram.

"My lord, first of all, I want to point out that Chen Di's nobles are committing atrocities, not riots." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"En. Isn't it the same." Han Shu asked at this time.

"It's not the same. The aristocracy harmed the interests of the locals. The riots. They were the victims. Obviously, here, the people from Chen Di were the victims." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"En. Right. What you said is correct and reasonable." Han Shu nodded and said at this time.

"It's a brutality. Not a riot." Han Shu nodded and said at this time.

"Then what should we do? Shall we send troops to help? You know, there are our people there too." Han Shu said with a worried face.

"En." Zhang Liang just nodded. But he still expressed his opinion.

"But we can't send troops. If we send troops, we will inevitably be restrained by the State of Qin, making us return without success. In that case, our prestige will be greatly restricted. The most terrifying thing is that we cannot Encourage our army to send troops again. This is a huge threat to our South Korea." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded. Obviously, she very much agrees with this view. Because this unprovoked withdrawal made her very annoyed, but she couldn't vent it. Because of this thing, the State of Qin obviously suppressed himself. South Korea is helpless because of its lack of strength. However, this blow is not small. At the very least, the morale of the new South Korean army has suffered a lot. Many soldiers and officers did not understand why the war that could be fought to the Wei State should be stopped. This makes them very puzzling.

"In addition to morale, there is also war costs. We need to bear a lot of war costs. These war costs need to be deducted from the national finances and taxes. If there are too many wars, our financial situation will be sharp. Deterioration." Zhang Liang suggested at this time.

"En. Our financial situation cannot support too many wars. We need a war that is quick and settled, not protracted. War stimulates our economy, which requires short-term stimulation, but Over a long period of time, our economy will completely collapse. At that time, it is difficult for us in South Korea to rise and rejuvenate." At this time, Zhang Liang said excitedly.

"The prime minister is right." Han Shu nodded in approval.

The current situation does not allow the new South Korean army to send troops immediately. Moreover, South Korea has just retreated and sent troops again at this time, and the morale problem is difficult to solve. South Korea does not have the conditions to send troops to intervene. Moreover, the time is not yet in time. All parties are paying close attention to the continued development of the situation.