The Whole Cultivation World Wants To Revive The Venerable

Chapter 96: Ending (2)

"Why?" Li Fenglan felt a little nervous.

"Do you know the 'Three Thousand Worlds'?" Ling asked tirelessly.

Hearing this, Li Fenglan nodded lightly.

But anyone who practices Taoism has heard of this word.

It is said that wherever a day and a moon shines on the world, it is a world. And there are countless worlds like this in the primordial universe.

It's just that Li Fenglan, like most monks, has only heard of this word before, but never seen it, let alone how to go to another small world.

Although this is just a basic idea, it is too illusory for monks, and people usually don't care about it, and Li Fenglan never thought of it.

It's just that after Ling Buyi said this, he seemed to have a little idea in his mind.

Just when Li Fenglan was thinking, Ling Buyan spoke again. He said: "The soul is also a kind of spirit, which is not bound by any external force. If there is anything that can freely travel between worlds, then perhaps only the soul."

Ling Buyan stopped, and Li Fenglan also started thinking at this time.

He thought he seemed to understand Ling Buyi's words.

What Ling Buyi meant was that the book I saw existed in another real world, and the reason why I saw that book was because a few wisps of remnant souls wandered there after the soul flew away.

"But the content in that book..." At this point, Li Fenglan paused before asking Xiang Ling again, "Since it is something in another world, why is the content in the book the same as our world? "

"Everything in the world must be related in the dark, and the same is true between worlds." Ling Buyi said.

Since Chenghuang regained his memory, he has never tired of getting along with Ling. But now hearing Ling Buyi talk about this, even it became serious and focused.

"And then, and then?" Seeing that Ling didn't tire of continuing to talk for a long time, Cheng Huang also became very anxious.

It is probably because part of Ling Buyan's soul is somewhat involved with the Dao of Heaven, and some things he knows are far beyond the comprehension of people in this world.

After saying this, Ling took a sip of tea unhurriedly before continuing to explain to Li Fenglan.

This time Ling Buyan really looked like a master. When he spoke, he quoted scriptures and referenced all the classics in the cultivation world.

And after a while, Li Fenglan finally understood what Ling Buyi meant by these words.

—Although these worlds exist independently, they were born in the same primordial universe after all, so there must be some connection somewhere.

Li Fenglan's spirit can reach another time and space unintentionally, so can other people.

Even everyone can.

Maybe it's a dream, maybe it's a thought that came up suddenly at some point.

Some of these thoughts came out of thin air, while others were influenced by other time and space.

According to Ling Buyi's meaning, the author who wrote the book "Taoist in Heaven" had his thoughts influenced by the time and space they were in.

Everything that happened in this world appeared in the other party's mind by chance and coincidence, and then he wrote it down and subconsciously wrote it into a book. All of this is unconscious behavior. It's like someone recording his dream after waking up from a dream.

Everything in the world has power of thought, and the familiar power of thought born in that book attracted the wisps of Li Fenglan's remnant souls after her soul was scattered.

"So, the author is not a prophet, but a recorder."

As a Mahayana period immortal with a very deep foundation, Li Fenglan naturally understood what Ling Buyan said, but Cheng Huang did not.

The only thing it understood was Li Fenglan's last sentence.

Seeing that Li Fenglan seemed to have believed Ling Buyan's words, Cheng Huang, who wanted to find fault with the other party, suddenly thought of another question.

—Since Li Fenglan said that the author is a recorder, not a prophet. So why is the ending of the previous book different from what really happened in this world?

Cheng Huang thought so, of course he said it.

Hearing this, Li Fenglan also looked at Xiang Ling with some curiosity.

Then I heard him say: "Some of those worlds are innate worlds, which have existed since the birth of Hongmeng. Others are acquired worlds, which were separated from the innate world. What is both our world and what it is not.”

"It's talking about the acquired world that is divided from our world." Li Fenglan said these words slowly.

And what he didn't say is: "Tianmian Daosheng" is actually about another possibility...

Li Fenglan clenched her hands involuntarily.

Although he didn't say what he thought just now, Ling Buyan said it for him.

"When I came out of the endless purgatory, I had two choices."

After hearing the words "Endless Purgatory", Cheng Huang suddenly became energetic.

"What choice?" It preempted Li Fenglan and asked this question.

"One, it is naturally the same as now." Ling Buyi said.

Hearing this, Li Fenglan nodded slightly.

"What about the other option?"

"The other option is not to rescue you."

Ling did not tire of resurrecting Li Fenglan, spending a lot of spiritual power, and even suffered some damage to his soul.

Therefore, until a few months ago, he was still in seclusion.

For Ling Buyan at that time, not resurrecting Li Fenglan was actually the best choice.

Because he was not sure when he would be able to recover the spiritual power he had lost due to this...or even never.

Most importantly, Ling Buyi didn't even know what Mo Sengyu was going to do in the mortal world.

This choice is too risky for him.

But in the end, because of the memory of more than a thousand years... Even if they only met once many years ago, Li Fenglan has become the one who can pull Ling Buwei's heart out of the endless purgatory.

So at that moment, Ling Buyan made the first choice without any hesitation.

The wind and snow in the valley was even stronger, Li Fenglan and Ling Buyi stayed here quietly, and within a short time, there was a thin layer of snow on their hair tips and shoulders.

After being silent for a while, Ling Buyi or turned around, he looked into Li Fenglan's eyes and said: "So you know? Fenglan, I will save you and bring you out of endless purgatory. Not only have I saved you, but I have also saved you. I saved myself."

All of this is preordained.

The two natural swords of cause and effect and Duanchenyuan interact with each other.

It was because Mo Sengyu knew about this that he stole the karma.

If Ling Buyi hadn't brought Li Fenglan out of the endless purgatory, there wouldn't be the sword that moved mountains and cut seas.

Even if Ling Buyi can try his best to kill Mo Sengyu, then in the end, it will be the same as what was said in "Tianmian Daosheng", and he will end up with the same end.

All these messages were thrown at Li Fenglan in an instant, and at this instant, he couldn't say a word.

At the same time, Ling Buyan slowly took Li Fenglan's hand.


"Feng Lan," Ling Buyan's gaze was extremely deep, like a bottomless ocean, "You told me your biggest secret, so in exchange, I will also tell you something that is not written in the book .”

I don't know why, at this moment Li Fenglan looked at Ling Buwei, and her heart was extremely nervous, even her fingertips trembled slightly.

"What's the matter?" He asked Ling tirelessly.

"Those years in the endless purgatory, if I hadn't been able to see you, I would have lost my mind and become a catastrophe in the world. This is one of them."

"What about the second one?" Li Fenglan asked softly.

"The second is that I don't want to be Feng Lan's master anymore."

"I don't know if Fenglan is willing to... form a Taoist couple with me?" At this moment, there is no valley of Xinwu Mountain in front of Lingbuyi's eyes, and there is no foggy plum and snowstorm, only Li Fenglan is alone.

The same is true for Li Fenglan.

Thousands of years of time and memories quickly passed through his heart. When he blinked again, it seemed that only the person in front of him was left in his world.

It's like Ling Buyi saw Li Fenglan in the endless purgatory, so he never lost his mind.

Could it be that Li Fenglan was able to live this life well because of her perseverance?

Trust, dependence, even anticipation and joy, all these have long been condensed into a simple word.



In the sum of Li Fenglan's two lifetimes, it seems that she has never thought that she might have a Taoist companion.

But at this moment, at the moment when she heard these two words, there was only one person left in Li Fenglan's heart.

Even the Dao seal on his forehead was emitting a faint red light at this moment.

He suddenly smiled, and then quickly approached the people around him.

Li Fenglan's lips were pressed against Ling Buyan's ear, and her breath was also released gently. The next moment, Ling could not tire of hearing that Li Fenglan said to herself in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Okay, Ah Ling."