The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 83: Hot topic

   If you don’t know how strong your opponent is, you may still have a desire to fight.

   But after knowing it, many times he would choose to surrender.

   Although Xu Mu did not choose to surrender, his mood is a little depressed now.

   I thought I was just provoke a group of directors, but I didn't expect that it was because of his excellence that attracted the attention of big companies.


   He is so **** good!


   After learning of the man behind her, Xu Mu contacted the queen Xu Fei.

   When she knew that Xu Mu had rejected the olive branch thrown by the other party, she really looked at him a little differently.

  Because she knows the strength of Tianyu, Yiqian competes with the Huayu where she is.

   And Xu Mu can refuse Tianyu, it can be seen that his eyes must be far away.

   "Hey Sister Fei, what do you think I should do about this?"

   Xu Mu really had no choice but to ask Xu Fei for some advice.

   After all, Xu Fei has also been in the entertainment industry for many years, so she must be more experienced than Xu Mu in dealing with this issue.

  "Um, you can't deal with this problem honestly. After all, you don't have a company or a back office.

   They are mainly aimed at you this time. Although the headlines of my entertainment sector have been removed by them, they are definitely afraid to move on the major music platforms. "

   After Xu Fei pondered for a while, she analyzed the current situation for Xu Mu.

   "I know this, so I asked Sister Fei for your advice."

   "Well, let me try my best to hit the headlines of the entertainment sector. By the way, what happened to your investigation of Lu Ming? Is there any progress?"

   There is no good way for Xu Fei. After all, Xu Mu is not a member of their company, and she also knows that the other party will not join her company.

   So, she just waited to find a way to get to the headlines and help Xu Mu's movie to be more exposed.

   But Xu Fei also knows that Xu Mu is investigating the truth about Lu Ming's divorce. If the investigation is clear, it may be a big move.

   "It's a bit eye-catching, but there is no evidence yet."

   "Oh? There really is a problem?"

   "That's right."

   In the next few minutes, Xu Mu briefly talked to Xu Fei about the matter.

   Xu Fei was also taken aback after listening.

   She didn't expect that this would be the case!

   "Director Xu, then you have to collect evidence as soon as possible, and the sooner the better. In this way, the benefits of the movie will be even greater."

   "I also know this, but the evidence collection is a bit difficult."

   "Well, I will think of a way to hit the headlines and help you publicize. If you are there, hurry up."

   "Okay, thank you Sister Fei."

   toot toot...


   Hanging up, Xu Mu sighed deeply.

   There is no good way for Xu Fei, it seems that this matter is really difficult to handle.

   But, this time he invested all his money in filming again.

   If it fails again, wouldn't it be a poor one again?

   Or, take the initiative to lead a wave of war?

   For a moment, Xu Mu wanted to use his secret account "Zhang Mazi" to provoke a wave on Weibo.

   But when he thought that "Ip Man 3" was mainly a story of Wing Chun's internal fighting, it was not so provocative.

   Because Xu Mu felt that Wing Chun should not be as unreasonable as the Karate group.

   Besides, Xu Mu couldn't do anything to provoke Wing Chun. After all, he was a master of Wing Chun himself.


   sighed deeply again, Xu Mu collapsed weakly on the bed.

   At this moment, he is so helpless.

   But Xu Mu immediately thought of one more point, that is, his offline promotion should begin.

   Thinking of this, Xu Mu suddenly regained his vitality.

   No, he is going to see Wancheng Square to see the effect.

  Online promotion is not good, then look at the effect of offline promotion.


   At 7:30 in the evening, Xu Mu returned home from Wancheng Square. To be honest, the effects of the advertisements he watched are still good, at least the shopping malls are full of advertisements for the "Ip Man 3" movie.

   And Xu Mu found out that apart from him, no other movies were promoted in the mall.

   At this point, Xu Mu was still a little surprised.

   Maybe the other party doesn’t see online and offline ads, or it’s putting ads in other places.

   After returning home, Xu Mu sat on the sofa in the living room, thinking about how to open up the situation on the Internet.

   After all, there are still two days before the movie is released.

   Actually, it is too late, but if there is a wave of publicity now, it is definitely better than no publicity.


   Xu Mu felt a little upset when he thought of this.

  Who made it so excellent!

   Just when Xu Mu was a little upset and didn't know how to launch an online promotion, a phone call came in.

   "Hey, Sister Fei, what's the matter?"

   "You go online and look at the headlines."

   Xu Mu was taken aback when he heard it, why did something happen again?

   Besides, how does he feel that Xu Fei's tone is a bit unspeakable.

   seems to be deliberately suppressing his emotions, but it does not seem to be suppressed, and even a hint of excitement and tremor can be heard in his tone.

   Xu Fei called and said a word and then hung up.

   Xu Mu with a trace of confusion, he turned on the phone and checked the hot search headlines.

   But When Xu Mu saw the headline, his eyes widened.

how is this possible? !

   There is nothing else on the headline, it is exactly where the time has gone.

   However, this is not Xu Fei’s song, but a topic discussed by the whole people: Where does the time go?

   After Xu Mu saw it, he clicked in to view the details.

   Therefore, for a while, where the time has gone quickly became a hot topic among the people.

   And Xu Fei and Xu Mu also quickly became second and third in the hot search for this topic.

   It was so hot, they couldn't believe it.

   Moreover, this headline is not the headline of the entertainment sector, but the headline of the entire sector.

   The headlines of major news media, portal websites, Weibo, etc. are basically this.

   The heat flow is terrifying to an unimaginable degree.

   To be honest, after Xu Mu saw this, he was extremely shocked.

   I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen.


   At this moment, he suddenly understood why Xu Fei's voice was so strange and even a little trembling when Xu Fei called him.

  Don't talk about Xu Fei, but after Xu Mu now sees this, he feels that he is definitely not as calm as Xu Fei.

   The voice trembling on the phone?

   Forget it, it would be nice if Xu Mu could make a call.


   After "Where has the time gone" made the headlines, directors like Li Hua and Chen Ya naturally saw it.

   Moreover, after seeing these, they feel very complicated.

  Because of this, he can no longer operate it.

   So the two exchanged phone calls urgently, ready to discuss countermeasures.

   After all, they didn't expect this unexpected situation.