The Wife’s Betrayal

Chapter 12: The true identity of the mysterious man!

But when we were about to get to the point, I suddenly found something flickering next to the TV that was facing the bed...

I basically do all the electrical maintenance at home, so I am usually very sensitive to this situation.

"what are you doing?"

I suddenly left Su Mei, she was very uncomfortable.

I didn't answer her, but went straight there, and pulled out the flashing thing.

Eventually a miniature camera appeared in my hands.

Suddenly, I became sober.

At this time, even Su Mei, who was angry on the bed, completely calmed down after seeing what was in my hand.

She really wanted to happen to me.

But this does not mean that she wants to record such things and be appreciated by others.

"What exactly is going on?"

Looking at Su Mei, I quickly asked.

Picking up the miniature camera and throwing it on the TV, Su Mei angrily said: "Oh, you Wang Kaifang, you actually played this set with me!"

Su Mei is very angry!

Under the stimulation of Jiujin, the foreplay is very exciting.

But after the camera trouble, Su Mei and I lost the feeling of continuing in an instant.

Although I found one, who can guarantee that there will be no second or even third in this room?

"Damn it!"

After another curse, Su Mei and I both returned to the bed.

But until we woke up the next day, we didn't have any contact.

Because of the outstanding performance in Hangzhou, plus Wang Qianwen and myself, Su Mei also knows well.

So after returning to M City, she gave me an indefinite vacation.

Until I deal with the matter between Wang Qianwen and me.

Of course, if there is a task halfway, she must be the most important thing.

Most importantly, this holiday is paid.

How can I be dissatisfied with this? My heart for Su Mei is also higher.

But after returning to M City, the first thing I did was rushed to Lanlan's kindergarten.

Wang Qianwen went on a business trip yesterday, and I also went on a business trip...

Naturally, Lanlan was not in charge.

So I called her teacher Ning Zhiyuan and asked her to help me take care of Lanlan for a day.

Although Ning Zhiyuan was not very happy, he finally agreed.

I waited at the door of the kindergarten for almost an hour, and finally waited for school to end.

After entering the kindergarten, I met Lan Lan and busy Ning Zhiyuan.

Feeling guilty and grateful, I did not leave immediately, but after Ning Zhiyuan was finished, I solemnly looked at Ning Zhiyuan and said: "Mr. Ning, what happened yesterday troubled you... In short, I thank you. If you are willing If you look good, I will treat you to a meal!"

"You don't need to eat, your parents still have to put more heart on their children."

Ning Zhiyuan said with a serious voice.

"Yes Yes."

I nodded quickly.

As if thinking of something, Ning Zhiyuan suddenly said to Lan Lan next to him: "Lan Lan, you help the teacher arrange the desks and chairs in the classroom. I have something to say to your father."

"Okay, Teacher Ning."

Lan Lan passed by very obediently.

At this time, Ning Zhiyuan walked up to me again, and after hesitating for a while, he said: "Dad Lanlan, has something happened at home? I can feel your love for Lanlan. Nothing important, you won’t Leaving Lanlan."

I smiled embarrassingly, and I said: "This...I can only say that Teacher Ning, you have been right about what you said before, but you can rest assured that I will take care of the family affairs as soon as possible, and try not to affect Lanlan."

"That's good."

Ning Zhiyuan seemed very satisfied with my answer: "Lanlan is very obedient, and I don't want her to be hurt. If you really can't walk away, I can sometimes help you with Lanlan temporarily."

Hearing this, I was very moved.

"Thank you Teacher Ning!"

I quickly bowed to Ning Zhiyuan, thanking from the bottom of my heart.

Originally, Wang Qianwen's affairs made me feel very bad, but Ning Zhiyuan's words made me feel a touch of warmth.

After taking Lanlan home, I told Lanlan not to tell my mother that I was not at home yesterday. Lanlan also obediently agreed.

"Husband, Lan Lan, you are back!"

What I didn't expect was that when Lan Lan and I went home, Wang Qianwen was already at home.

Looking at Wang Qianwen's happy look, I am not happy at all.

Of course, on the surface, I must also be happy and must cooperate with Wang Qianwen.

"Wife, why are you coming back so early today?"

After speaking, I hugged Wang Qianwen from behind.

"Didn't I tell you that I went on a business trip yesterday? When I came back early today, the president said that he would be back early." Wang Qianwen explained.

But for her explanation, I don’t have any need to listen to it...

Because just now, when I hugged her, I saw that she was wearing a new necklace around her neck, the one I bought in Hangzhou Jinzhou Shopping Center...

It turned out to be her!

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing me not answering for a long time, she turned her head and looked at me again.

After a daze, I smiled and said, "It's okay. I suddenly saw this new necklace on your neck. It feels pretty good. I haven't seen it before."

"Of course you haven't seen it before. You just bought it... I bought it with a bonus this month." Wang Qianwen explained with a smile.

Bonus, bonus again!

Your bonus is really big!

I didn’t question what she said before, but now...

After hesitating for a while, I also smiled and asked: "This necklace doesn't look cheap. How much bonus did you pay?"

"Not much, just over two thousand!"

For Wang Qianwen, who has a salary of more than 10,000 a month, giving out more than two thousand bonuses is really nothing, and it is nothing to buy a necklace with this money...

But if it hadn't been for watching Su Mei's payment with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that the original price of the so-called more than two thousand necklace turned out to be fifty thousand.

The so-called more than two thousand is just a fraction of the original price!

But this necklace alone can't prove anything, I have to continue to bear it.

Because of the necklace, even though Wang Qianwen tempted me many times that night, I refused it on the grounds of discomfort.

No way, I can't assume that what I saw didn't happen.

I can't accept Wang Qianwen now.

I feel sick as soon as I touch her!

Early the next morning, she hurried away before I made breakfast.

I'm already immune, so I don't eat if I don't eat, and I save some energy.

But for Lanlan, of course I would do the best. After the meal, I sent her to the kindergarten again.

What should I do next?

Just when I was a little melancholy, and I was about to discuss the next plan with Su Mei, the mysterious person who had sent me videos and messages appeared again.

Another email has been sent.

"Presumably now you have confirmed the fact that your wife cheated, do you want to catch the rape? Come to Ziyuan City in the west of the city, I will cooperate with you, I am Zhao Tiansheng's wife."

The content of the email is simple.

But the shock to me was huge.

But to catch the rape?

This is what I have always wanted to do, but can it succeed?

What if it succeeds?

In an instant, many questions appeared in my mind, I don't know what to do?

As for the identity of the unfamiliar number... If she is really the wife of Zhao Tiansheng as she said, then everything that happened before will be explained.

But her wife doesn't want to catch her husband. What is the purpose of letting me, a third party husband, catch her husband?