The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1000: Wildfireball and flamethrower

"Hey, Season Star Sean!" A voice sounded softly.

Season Star Sean was startled, he was tying his pants, and a voice called him suddenly, which surprised him.

By the latrine, the sky is freezing cold, who would squat here and wait for him.

A figure came out from the corner, it was Ramsay Bolton.

Season Star Sean grinned, tied his pants, and sucked his nose: "illegitimate, do you still have this hobby? Tsk!"

"Yes, I have this hobby." Ramsay smiled and walked towards Season Star Shaun.

"Stop!" Ji Xing Shaun noticed something strange and shouted.

Ramsay stopped and smiled: "Sir, what are you afraid of? I won't skin you."

Season star Sean felt terrified, and Ramsay's smile was so evil, it made a chill in his heart.

call out!

Ram's dagger was in his hand, stepped forward, reached out to put his hand on Jixing Shaun's shoulder, and stabbed Jixing Shaun in the stomach.

Season Star Sean bowed his head, stretched out his hands, and drew back abruptly, grabbing Rams's hands and wrists, like steel that made Ramsay's sword unable to advance.

Rams was shocked that Season Star Sean was obviously drunk, and he still had such strength.

"Hi, what are you doing?" Will's voice came.

Ramsay was startled!

The knife is still in his hand, and Season Star Sean is still crouching, head on his chest.

"It's okay, Lord Will." Season Star Sean said with a grin. He released his hand, Ramsay's eyes widened, but the knife in his hand did not dare to pierce it again.

"Rames, what does the knife in your hand mean?" Will asked majesticly.

"It's okay, Lord Will." Rams suddenly calmed down, with a short knife in its sheath, and put his hand on the shoulder of Ji Xing Shaun: "It's freezing cold, and the bedroom of Amber's house is so cold. Come out and move, warm ."

"Rames, season star Sean said today that you are an illegitimate child, that is just a joke.’

"I know, Lord Will, I've never taken it seriously." Ramsay laughed.

"Sir Season Star Sean, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Lord Will." Season Star Sean laughed. He punched Rams in the stomach, and it was so painful that Rams bent down, "Look, we are playing with each other, nothing happened! Rams, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Ramsay burst out from the gap in his teeth.

"It's fine, go back, it's still too cold outside."

"Yes, Lord Will." Ramsay and Season Star Sean said in unison.

Will went back to the room, because the weather was too cold, and the fireplace was burning in every room. The temperature in the room is very warm, far different from the outdoor temperature.

Ramsay slowly straightened up, and the fist that Season Star Sean drew in his stomach hurts so much that he almost vomited all of the night's things, but Lord Will was here, he had to grit his teeth.

"Rames, illegitimate son, skinning boy, I just said a few words about your illegitimate son in the hall, you are going to kill me?" Ji Xing Shaun laughed.

"No!" Ramsay said apologetically.

The punch in his stomach was like being hit by a hammer, and he couldn't straighten up completely until now.

"Master Will is gone, or we will have a real fight." Season Star Shaun laughed.

"No, my lord, I just made a joke with you."

"Joke, by the way, I remember that you have a team of hounds, would you blow a whistle, and then those hounds would jump out and kill me."

"It's impossible."

"I don't believe it." Season Star Sean laughed, and suddenly kicked Rams Bolton's stomach with a kick, a stabbing pain spread throughout his body, causing Rams to spasm and sweat. He fell down suddenly, severe pain tore his body, suffocated his breath, and fell to the ground trembling.

"Don't even think about peeling my skin, or I'll peel your skin." Season Star Sean laughed, grabbed Ramsay, threw him out of the wall, and landed on the thick snow outside. in.


In the world, a strange wind suddenly started, and the snow on the ground was blowing up all over the sky. I don't know when the heavy snow stopped and a violent cold wind blew.

Season Star Shaun gave a strange cry, ran into the house and hid in his bedroom. In the howling of the cold wind, Ramsay's intermittent calls for help sounded outside.

The sound of the wind whistling, blowing snow foam, is more uncomfortable than snow. No one can stand on the vent.

Will appeared from season star Sean's bedroom: "Rams settled it?"

Season Star Sean wiped his face, it turned out to be James: "Will, if you want to kill this skinning kid, you can kill it with a single blow. Why is it so troublesome?"

"Now it's time to hire people. If he is willing to go north to fight the ghosts, we have to tolerate him."

"I don't think he was willing to go north, but Winterfell gave the order."

"That's the same. We must unite all those who can unite."

"Where is Season Star Sean, do you want to tell him?"

"No, you made Ramsay miserable. He will meet season star Sean tomorrow, and he will be afraid of him."


The next day, the wind stopped. Everyone got up and saw that the sky was clear and the sun came out, pale. The fluffy snow on the ground was all gone, and ice was hanging on the big trees and on the roof. He exhaled a breath, and the end of his nose was surrounded by white mist.

Ramsay also got up, his face was ugly, white as snow.

"Rames, were you freezing last night?" Will asked.

"No, Lord Will."

"It must have been frozen last night, did the fire go out after falling asleep?" James asked.

"No, I sometimes feel the cold." Rams was wrapped in a thick cloak, and the guards around him brought him hot soup.

"We are going to the Great Wall today." Will said, "If you can't walk, then stay here to rest for a few days and wait until your body recovers."

"I can! I am from the North," Rams said.

"Okay, then get ready to go on the road."

"Yes, Lord Will."

The cold wind disappeared on that day, and the heavy snow stopped. The wind blew all night last night, blowing away the snow, revealing a road.

Two hours later, the army walked out of the territory of the Amber family and entered the territory of the night watchman.

This is no longer a wasteland, but a town that is beginning to take shape. The snow on the road has been swept away, thanks to the strong wind that blew all night last night.

It's cold, dripping into ice. There is ice debris on the cloaks of the soldiers. All ironware should be wrapped with cloth tape wherever the hand touches, otherwise the hand and the hilt of the sword will freeze together.

Lord Will is back!

Along the way, people rushed to tell each other. Wherever you go, there are people sending them out to eat and drink. The cattle pens are invisible on the ground. They are all underground. Otherwise, a wind last night would have killed all the livestock.

People would rather live on the ground by themselves than live livestock on the ground.

The food for the winter underground is also well stored, along the way, there is a steady stream of food and winter clothes transported from the East China Sea. The materials of Donghaiwang came from the free trade city-states on the other side of the narrow sea.

These free people from outside the Great Wall of Despair have already regarded this place as their home. Will asked some people. No one thought that the Great Wall would collapse after crossing the Great Wall. They had no plans to continue to flee south.

Freedmen think that they have never seen so many troops, so many food reserves, so many sophisticated armors and weapons, and there is news from the front that there is an endless supply of obsidian daggers and arrows. It was transported to the port of Donghaiwang, and then distributed to the hands of every soldier along the thousand-mile-long Great Wall Avenue.

Free people all know that obsidian is a deadly weapon against ghosts. They are all at ease working and living here, and no one has thought about going south.

The common people are content and happy, but they are more open-minded and optimistic than Will and the soldiers.

Will no longer prepares people to go south, when war will be unfavorable, and the freedmen will run very fast with a command.

Fortunately, the freedmen are more adaptable to the cold season than the northerners. They have lived in the north of the Great Wall for a long time. Whether it is summer or autumn, spring or winter, there is actually only one season: winter, eternal winter.

A day later, the army marched to the middle of the five hundred li night watchman site. Here, various important buildings and castles show their grandeur and solemnity.

Tiejinku has opened a bank here, which is responsible for lending coins to everyone here who has been reviewed by them. The iron vault is very capable of this aspect. The original iron vault was developed by lending money to slaves who escaped from Valyria's mine for free. These desperate slaves used the money lent to them by the iron vault. Some became sailing traders, some became handicraft masters, some opened shops, and some became fishermen. After they made money and developed, all They all gave back to the iron treasury, which lent money to them free of charge, and the iron treasury developed rapidly from this.

Now, in the territory of the night watchman, the first money house, risking being eradicated by strange ghosts, is here also replicating the time when Braavos was first built.

Bravos was a desert island that year, and finally established a world-famous city-state. The conditions in this 500-mile land of the Night Watch are much better than those of Braavos. Various channels and resources are abundant, and they are supported by the great nobles in the north. Will also provided enough professional capital to build this town.

The only risk is that a ghost strikes.

Braavos was poor and barren, and the conditions were difficult. The slaves did not dare to let the nobles of Valyria know that they were hiding in Braavos, but they were not threatened by ghosts or cold. . In the end, Braavos developed and established the first and most powerful naval fleet. Will also hopes that the land of the Night Watch can develop from nothing like the Braavos Island hundreds of years ago.

The only threat comes from the north: ghosts!

The team continued to advance, and Will came to a red flame-shaped castle gate, which was the headquarters of the Pyromancer Guild. The wildfire material is studied here, and the production is in a small town by the sea. Because the wildfire material is unstable, once an explosion occurs, it will cause great danger in the center of the "town".

Adonis the Great Wise led a group of Pyrotechnicians waiting for Will here.

Will ordered the army to continue northward. He and James, Arya, Tyron Ashes, Resso, Podric, Rams, Season Star Sir Sean, Black Girl, and Abel's Guards, etc. Dismounted and entered the castle of the Pyromancer Guild.

"Master Will, let me show you this." The Great Wise Man entrusted a metal disk with several small **** smaller than a fist.

The Great Wise (Master Pyromancers call himself the Great Wise) Adonis took out one of the small **** and handed it to Will.

The spheres are black, brown and yellowish sand, and are served on the plate, just like the big dumplings in Will's impression.

Of course, people in this world don't know glutinous rice balls.

"Master Will, there is a target." Adonis said.

It was a stone wall, three meters high, with black marks burned by flames.

"Just cast out, you can choose the dot target or not." Yadunis said.

Will weighed the ball in his hand. It was about half the weight of a small iron ball of the same size. This thing, looking at the marks on the wall, will explode when thrown, a bit like a grenade in the earth’s civilization, but not The handle is a round object of a'golf'.

Will threw it hard.


With a blast, the green firelight flashed, and the wildfire material exploded into a flame area several meters wide. The wildfire material hitting the wall was killed and burned by the stone, and the wildfire material falling on the ground also burned. Suddenly there was an abnormal movement on the ceiling, and the yellow sand poured down from above, putting out all the wildfire materials.

"When it hit the wall, the ball didn't explode wildfire material." James said.

"Yes, under a strong impact, the reaction of the wildfire material is a little slower. This is a deliberately reduced sensitivity. The wildfire is extremely unstable. If it strikes lightly, it will explode at the same time. We can't let the soldiers carry it. If a soldier falls in the march, the wildfire ball will explode and burn the soldier. For safety, we reconfigured the wildfire material medicine plan of the wildfire ball to reduce the sensitivity to Henna low. That is to put a box of wildfireballs. Loaded on a carriage and transported to the black castle swayingly, without worrying about an explosion due to shaking along the way."

"Does it require a lot of impact force to explode?" James asked.


"The kid throws it out, can it explode?" Will asked.

"An eleven-year-old child, if the strength is good, can explode it. If a younger child throws a wildfire ball, it will not explode."

"It's enough for adult fighters to use it," Arya said. "We don't need children to participate in the battle."

"How many wildfireballs are produced?"

"There are only three hundred boxes at present."

"Increase productivity," Will said. "What supplies the Pyromancer Guild needs, just say."

"Yes, Lord Will. We also designed a flamethrower."


Will is no stranger to this thing. In earth civilization, these things have long existed.

However, what does Adonis' flamethrower look like? Will hadn't seen it yet and didn't dare to assert.

In the eyes of everyone’s expectation, Adonis first asked an apprentice to bring a brazier: "Master Will, on the battlefield, the soldiers need to dig a trench at the feet of the soldiers to fill it with fire oil and light the fire oil. Ditch, and then you can use the flamethrower designed by our Pyromancer Guild. "Adunis beckoned, and two people brought up a flamethrower with a metal tube.

Will saw that this thing was too heavy to be practical on the battlefield.