The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1019: Nine midgets

"What is this?" Jon asked.

The gate of the black castle was sealed to death by ice and snow, and ghosts and ghouls could no longer enter, but at the gate, some people put blood and stumps and human heads in a spiral picture.

This picture is exactly the same as the picture Will saw in the ghost forest for the first time.

Robb Stark was silent.

Bai Ling and Grey Wind followed the people, raising their heads from time to time, sniffing fiercely in the air.

The black king Mans Reid said: "There are ghosts in the forest."

"The ghosts have been killed by Lord Will, James and Arya." Jon said, "When the leader of the ghosts died, the ghosts and ghouls all lost their vitality."

"And the Night King." Mans Reid said.

"Is the Night King one or two?" Robb said.

"The night king... there is only one... the night king is here... this sacrifice has proved everything, this is a sacrifice to the cold god, I understand this."

"The Night King is not dead, then, last night's attack may only be his temptation." Robb Stark walked around the **** spiral.

"Our whole army of unicorns was destroyed. Jiujian said that he would ride unicorns to the Land of Everwinter. The plan failed before implementation." Mans looked at the ghost forest, "maybe we are here. Watching the sacrifice of the Night King, the Night King is staring at us in the ghost forest."

"I can't wait to wait for the Night King to show up." Robb said lightly.

"Why do you say that?" Jon looked at Robb.

"Last night's battle between Lord Will and the alien ghosts has shown that alien ghosts are not invincible. Sword skills can fight alien ghosts. As long as sword skills are good, they can kill alien ghosts in the same way. Their supernatural power is Drive the dead to resurrect and control the ghouls to attack us. The rest can defeat the Night King by strength."

"With strength and sword skills?"

"They have the Night King, we have Tyron Ashes, and we have the Sword King. James, Will and Arya can kill a ghost king, and Tyron Ashes and us can also kill the Night King." Luo Bai said indifferently, "Eight thousand years ago, when the ghosts came, what was the ending? They were defeated by us, and this time also." Robb said, "We must give the soldiers confidence, and we must understand this ourselves. , The Night King is not invincible. In Winter and Long Night, strange ghosts have struck, but Human Race is still here. It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future."

Jon and Mans Reid nodded together.

Robb's ability to boost morale is talent! He even himself and the generals around him can easily agitate and fill them with courage to fight.

Jon said: "Robo, the power of the strange ghost is stronger than ordinary people, and we still have a battle formation, which is better at fighting than them."


Mans Reid said: "Rob is very optimistic and I am encouraged. But I still want to say that although the Great Wall returned to our hands last night, our loss was huge. Soldiers died in three battles. Two out of the sixty thousand army is less than twenty thousand. Thousands of knights died in battle, hundreds of generals died in battle, and all of the Unicorn Legion died in battle."

Jon and Robb are silent!

"Asha Greyjoy, Daisy Mormont, Robert Royce, Jandley, Donald, the best and most determined generals, all died in battle, and all the blacksmiths of the sword fort were killed in battle; James Mu broke his left arm, Lord Will broke several ribs, his left shoulder was pierced, and the frostbite was almost fatal. Arya’s left arm, the entire arm, was almost cut into two pieces. Such a tragic battle. , I don’t think we have a big advantage. This is a tragic victory. The key to the two tragic victories is because Lord Will successfully launched a raid on the Ghost King. Once we fail, what are we facing now? An army of hundreds of thousands of ghouls went south... swept the five hundred miles of land granted by the Night Watcher..."

"We held the Great Wall." Robb said.

Suddenly, Grey Wind's neck hair stood up, and Bai Ling had already rushed towards the Ghost Forest.


The long swords of the three were unsheathed and they were ready for battle.

On the top of the city wall, the soldiers stared down, only to see three figures the size of ants. Bai Ling and Gray Wind rushed into the ghost forest one after another. The sentries who stood guard looked into the distance and found nothing unusual.

Soon, screams and screams rang out in the ghost forest, and the roar of Grey Wind and Bai Ling was full of murderous intent.

Jon, Robb, and Mans Reid looked at each other, and Mans said, "There are still living people in the forest, do you believe it?"

"I heard a voice." Jon said.

"I heard it too, but I think this might be a trap." Robb said, "There was a battle here last night, and the army of ghouls ran over everything in the ghost forest. There should be no living people."

"Yes, we have to be careful. The Night King is here. Look at the sacrificial picture around us. This is his way of praying to the cold god." Mans Reid looked at the forest, "I will This sacrifice will be burned, and you two must be careful to enter the ghost forest."

"Call back Bai Ling, Grey Wind, we have to return quickly." Robb said.

"No, I'm going to see." Jon said, "I heard people shouting, not the roar of ghosts, nor ghouls, that's people. We can't let wolves kill people."

Jon ran to the ghost forest, and Mans shouted: "Jon, there was a big fight here last night. Tens of thousands of ghosts and ice spiders were crushed out of this forest as if they were animals. It's still a human being, and there can be no living creatures.

"Help!" The shout came, very clear. It is the voice of a woman.

"We won the battle last night. Why can't anyone be outside?" Jon insisted, "I believe I heard."

"I agree with what Jon said, let's go see it," Robb said.

"When we encounter the Night King, the three of us will definitely die." Mans Reid reminded, "If it is a battle, I think only Tyron Ashes can kill the Night King."

"There are Bai Ling and Grey Wind, they will issue a warning when they encounter danger." Jon insisted.

"Two wolves are fighting with people. Is this a warning sign?" Mans Leiden said with irony.

Jon and Robb looked at each other and ran into the ghost forest at the same time.

The two brothers entered the forest and hurried over with the sound, only to see Bai Ling and Grey Wind spinning round and round under several big trees, raising their heads and screaming at the big trees from time to time.

The two brothers looked up and saw several figures lying on the tree.

In the snow, under the claws of two ice wolves, two figures were still pressed.

When they came closer, they were two dwarfs with short hands, short arms and short legs, about the same height as the little demon Tyrion.

Two midgets.

But looking at their attire, Jon and Robb could recognize who they were.

"Son of the forest?" Jon asked.

The two dwarfs nodded desperately.

Jon issued an order, and Bai Ling loosened his claws, but he still refused to leave the dwarf's neck with his wolf teeth, and his blood-red eyes stared at its prey, making a threatening low growl.

The ice wolf is an adult, the size of a pony, and looks very scary. Even if the Mountain Forest King Shadow Lynx meets these two ice wolves, there is only one escape.

The ice wolves are different from other wolf species. They are twice as big as other wolves. With a single bite, they can bite off a person's arm. Lions and bobcats will not be opponents when they meet the ice wolves. No matter how powerful the warhorse is, as long as it smells the breath of the ice wolf, it will be frightened and uneasy, and just want to escape.

Robb ordered Grey Wind to let go of the dwarf. The dwarf lay on the ground, still afraid to move. The wolf kiss was just behind his neck, and the heat sprayed the back of his neck.

Jon and Robb drank white-collar workers and gray wind, calming the emotions of the two wolves, and seven dwarves descended from the tree one after another.

There are a total of nine dwarfs, male and female. It looks the same.

"Where are you from?" Robb asked.


"The son of the forest in the dungeon has already passed the Great Wall."

"The dungeon is huge, and the children of the forest have many branches. We are the last batch, and we have gone off the road because we met the army of ghouls." said one of the bearded dwarves. He carries a hatchet on his back, which is rare. The children of the forest hate iron tools and refuse to use steel weapons. They have their own polished obsidian daggers and arrows.

"We hid in the west of the forest for a long time in order to avoid the ghoul army." said another dwarf. She is a female dwarf with very long hair tied around her waist.

They carry obsidian daggers and arrows on their bodies. The short bow is so small that it looks like a child's toy.

Although Bai Ling and Huifeng were drunk by their master, they still made a low woof threat to the nine gnomes. Two ice wolves threatened with their teeth. In front of the dwarf, the two wolves looked like giant beasts. It was the first time that the ice wolf did not obey the master's orders and was full of hostility towards the gnomes.

Mans Reid rushed in, and he was very alert when he saw the nine dwarfs in total. He has heard that there are people who believe in cold gods among dwarfs. They left the dungeon and rushed to the Land of Eternal Winter to join the Night King.

In the children of the forest, there are several branches, one of which wants to use the power of the cold **** to avenge the invaders, and these invaders come from the other side of the narrow sea. They are Andals, Roinas, and Valyrians. , Ancestors. The people south of the Great Wall of Despair are their enemies.

On this continent, the first aborigines were the children of the forest. At that time, the whole continent was a virgin forest without any castle.

The ancestors were later migrants who came from the other side of the narrow sea. At that time, there was a long-armed land connecting the two continents. The ancestors followed the long arms into the virgin forest of Westeros continent, and they drove away the children of the forest. , Cutting down trees and building a castle. The war lasted for a thousand years. In the end, obsidian daggers and arrows could not withstand the sophisticated long swords and armor. Both sides were on the Thousand Faces Islet in the Shenyan Lake in the current riverland. A peace agreement was signed, but before long, the human race tore up the agreement and again carried out a massacre on the Son of the Forest.

Only the children of the forest with obsidian daggers and obsidian arrows could not withstand the attack of the steel sword. They retreated one after another, and finally had to retreat to the northern ice and snow. In order to survive, the children of the forest built underground cities under the ghost forest, but this blood feud originated from the ancestors, some branch tribes of the children of the forest cannot forget. Thousands of years later, they had internal differences and alienation. A group of children of the forest chose to believe in the cold **** and follow the night king. Waiting for the revenge of winter.

This story has been passed down from generation to generation among the free men of the north, and Mans Reid knew this legend.

In the eyes of the human race, the children of the forest are all dwarves, and their appearances are basically the same for men and women. To let Mans Reid recognize who is the son of the forest who follows the cold god, Mans Reid also Can't do it.

Outside the gate of the tunnel that has been frozen by ice and snow in the Black Castle, there is a spiral picture of fresh blood sacrificed with the corpses of the gnomes. Are the sacrificed gnomes and the current batch of gnomes the same race? ? Some of their people were caught by the Night King? Or is this indeed a branch of the scattered children of the forest?

Mans Reid noticed that Jon and Robb had no defense against the children of the forest, and he couldn't help saying more. You can never prove anything with a story that has been legendary for thousands of years. Mans Reid was secretly wary.

The Night King is a highly intelligent humanoid life, human military strategy, war planning, etc. He has this wisdom as well. If these children of the forest are the eyes and ears of the Night King, Mans Reid does not feel it at all. accident.

But Jon and Robb were really unguarded against the gnomes. Mans Reid reckons that Jon and Robb have never heard of the children of the forest who believe in the cold god. Human races and humanoid lives are the objects of the Cold God and the Night King to rule and enslaved them. Neither Jon nor Robb thought that there would be a child of the forest who believed in the Cold God.

The group of people came to the tunnel gate of the black castle, the outline of the gate was still there, and the ice formed by the condensation of water had a huge semicircle. The gnomes saw the remains of the tribe on the ground. They were all grief and anger. Robb decided to let the nine gnomes enter the Great Wall with them. Otherwise, these nine dwarfs would be dead.

Jon agreed.

Mans Reid did not comment.

The headed bearded dwarf said: "Three generals, the tunnel is full of ice, blocking the passage. How can we enter the black castle?"

Jon said: "We have our own secret way."

"Secret way?" The gnomes were surprised and happy.

Robb said: "Yes, there is a secret way, as long as you can say the night watchman..."

"General Robb Stark!" Mans Reid stopped Robb. "We go to the Great Wall, and then we will put down the rope baskets and hang them on the wall."

"Master Mans..."

"That's it." Mans Reid said sharply. He stared at the nine dwarfs, "I don't believe you at all, remember, dwarfs!"

It is impossible to tell the secret of entering and leaving the Great Wall. This will increase a huge risk.

Mans Reid's insistence caused Jon and Robb to make concessions.

As a result, the Son of the Forest was temporarily taken aside, and Mans Reid took the lead in reciting the Night's Watcher's Oath against an ice wall next to the gate of the black castle, and a face of the door slowly appeared in the ice wall. The material of this face door comes from the fish beam wood that has a special relationship with the son of the forest.

It is said that all the faces of fish beams on the mainland are all painted by the children of the forest. In the past era of magic, the children of the forest learned everything about the enemy through the faces and eyes of the trees.