The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1041: The death of the dragon·The death of th

"Are there any survivors?" In Winterfell, Will's face was very ugly.

"No, Prime Minister," said Hansa Mack, the lord of Ironman Town.

"No one?" Will asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Prime Minister. The fire burned everything."

"Where's the boat?"

"The ships inside and outside the port were all burned."

"There are no boats in the White Blade River? No witnesses?"

"A fishing boat saw it, but the fishing boat fled further towards Hanoi, and did not dare to go back and see the situation until dawn."

Will looked at Her Majesty Shireen, Bran Stark, and the Royal Guard. The new captain of the Royal Guard was Brienne Tas.

"Your Majesty, I request to go to Baigang to see the situation."

"I'll go with you, Prime Minister." His Majesty Shireen said, "Commander Bran Stark, order the garrison, and we will set off immediately."

Daenerys stood up and said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to go with me. I hope I can do something for the unfortunate."

"Your Majesty Daenerys, there are rumors that the three hundred warships entering Baigang are flying your Majesty's Three Dragon Banner.

"The rumors are not reliable, Your Majesty Shireen." Daenerys said calmly.

"Then, why are the troops that your Majesty wants to support us to fight against the ghosts so late? It is very likely that the group of people who burned and killed Baigang was done by your fleet."

"It's impossible, Your Majesty," Daenerys said.

Jon Targaryen stood up: "Your Majesty Shireen, I think we should put aside suspicions and investigate the warships that have been invaded. Her Majesty Queen Daenerys sacrificed her own dragon in order to attack the ghost. She and us It's together. The northerners owe Her Majesty Queen Daenerys a kindness."

Arya Stark stood up: "Jon, don't forget that the blood of the Stark family is also flowing in your body."

"I will never forget Winterfell is my home." Jon said, "But for this matter, we should give Her Majesty Queen Daenerys the opportunity to participate in the investigation."

"I have dragons!" Daenerys said, "I have two dragons. I can now ride the dragons to hunt down those murderers at sea. Three hundred warships are not a small number. I can see where they are from far away. ."

"No matter how far away, the murderer will be arrested by us." Bran Stark said coldly, "The Seven Powers are not so easy to provoke."

Daenerys looked at Will, her eyes full of requests.

Will said: "Everyone, step back, we have to deal with some things first, Commander Bran, please order the soldiers to prepare to go south."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

"Bachelor Trolop Carter, please spread the news of the slaughter of Baigang to the seven countries and order the major lords to prepare. We will go to sea to fight."

"Yes, Your Prime Minister."


The ministers withdrew one after another, leaving Arya, Daenerys, Will and Shireen in the room.

"I request a roundtable to resolve this matter, President!" Daenerys said.

"But we don't have enough numbers now. Since it is a possible war between the two continents, Sea King and Mai Yin of the Black and White House must participate." Arya said.

"Then we will go to Pantos." Daenerys said, "In Pantos, Aquaman and Master Maine will be able to arrive easily. On the continent of Westeros, Lord Will, Mrs. Arya, Greek Your Majesty, the three of you can easily cross the narrow sea. Pantos is the center of the world round table, and I don’t want to cause a war between the two continents because of the White Harbor incident.”

"If White Harbor is indeed destroyed by Her Majesty's fleet, war is inevitable." Her Majesty Xilin said coldly.

"My fleet will not destroy Baigang, nor will it start a war."

"Then whose fleet will it be?" Shireen said.

"So this needs our investigation." Daenerys said.

"I agree with Daenerys's opinion that the World Roundtable has taken over this matter." Will said, "We have just warned against strange ghosts, and the loss of troops is serious. The whole country should not go to war again."

"Master Will, haven't you ordered the bachelor to inform the nation's nobles to prepare for war at sea?"

"Yes, we must be prepared first. Perhaps the enemy has already begun to attack us. But I believe that our soldiers no longer want to come to a war, especially a war between two continents."

"Baigang was destroyed, Lord Will." Her Majesty Xilin said.

"We will find the murderer and bring the murderer to King's Landing for trial, but there is no war between our two continents."

"It's us who came from the other side to provoke." Arya Stark reminded Will softly.

"What if it is really a pirate?" Will said, "Okay, I decided to investigate the truth first. Three months later, the members of the round table council of both sides met in Pantos to discuss the handling of this matter. The murderer must be found and tried."

"All the people on the three hundred warships should be sentenced to hanging." Her Majesty Xilin said. She really couldn't believe that a pirate team would slaughter the city in White Port to challenge the endurance of Westeros.

Shireen believes that the battle against White Harbor this time is a plunder and massacre by Daenerys's fleet.

Suddenly, the scream of the dragon rang out outside—correct!

That was Lei Ge's voice, a tweet that was dying, and a tweet that informed the owner of danger.


The cry of another dragon rang, followed by the loud shouts of people, the sound of Long Yan's ejection, and the screams of countless people.

Daenerys was shocked, and Will was equally shocked as Shireen and Arya.

The four of them snatched it out together, and saw a giant dragon flying in the air with its wings spread out like black clouds. That was Zhuo Geng. Many spears are inserted into its wings, and while flying, it sprays flames downward. Below, a lot of arrows shot out, longbow hard arrows, densely packed. This caused a danger to Zhuo Geng, and it had to be elevated.


Brother Lei’s screams continued. With a huff, it fluttered from the winter town, staggering in the air, unable to maintain its balance. It had many roots stuck on its neck, head, and wings. Spear. There are many arrows on the body.

"Brother Lei!" Daenerys shouted.

Brother Lei seemed to have heard it, and wanted to turn his head back. He just twisted his head halfway before he crashed.

Zhuo Geng roared in the sky, dived down, and countless arrows shot at it like raindrops. Zhuo Geng drew an arc and flew towards the main castle of Winterfell. The dragon's mouth opened and a purplish-red pillar of fire spewed out. The stump of Winterfell was wrapped in flames, and with a bang, the stump fell down. .

The tallest building in Winterfell is the remnant tower collapsed by lightning. Many wintering people were killed under the stump. Zhuo Geng kept flying towards the castle of Winterfell, and in Daenerys's cry, Zhuo Geng expelled the flames of revenge, and wrapped the castle of Winterfell in the dragon flame.

As if in the blink of an eye, the main castle of Winterfell was burnt by Zhuo Geng flying around, and the whole main castle fell down like a fragile building block tower.

Will, Daenerys, Shireen, and Arya were simultaneously smashed down by the main fort, which was drowned in fireworks and rumbling down, and also smashed to death many wintering people, royal courtiers, and some noble ladies.

Arya and Will are agile, dodge the boulder. But Daenerys and Her Majesty Shireen did not have such good skills, but the dragon flew down and grabbed the moment the main fort collapsed. The dragon's claws stretched out and grabbed Daenerys. One dragon took one person. Pulling up and flying, the rolling stone giant tree drowned Her Majesty Xilin in a blink of an eye.

In the schoolyard outside the main castle, Bran Stark was rushing over, watching the main castle fall, drowning Will, Shireen, and Arya.

In the schoolyard, countless spears and bows shot at the dragon. However, the dragon was too big, and when its wings fluttered, it flew high. The dragon’s wings were two dark clouds, which circled twice over Winterfell. Hu's flying towards the narrow sea.

In Winterfell, the ruins and the main castle are burning.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister." Many people shouted at the martial arts field.

"Mrs. Arya!" the knights and warriors of the Stark family shouted.

"Your Majesty Shireen!" Captain Brienne, Bran Stark and some lucky courtiers shouted.

The flames are raging, and the main fort keeps collapsing, no one can approach.

One person separated the crowd and broke into the fire-Will Jr. He found Will and Arya under a falling boulder. The dust of the two people can no longer see their hair, all of them are dust.

Will Jr. reached out and pulled out the first person, his father Will, and Will held another person: Arya. He protected Arya, his head was hit by the gravel, the blood flow unceasingly, was sealed by dust, and the person had fainted.

Little Will found a way out in the fire, and the raging flames did no harm to him. He first carried Will out and placed it on the open space outside, then turned around and brought Arya out. Then, when he was about to go in to find Her Majesty Shireen, the entire main fort collapsed, and there was no one who could come out, and all were killed.

The fire was raging, and the Winterfell Castle became a piece of ashes.

Bran Stark knelt down, her head against the ground; Brienne also knelt down, crying.

Yulin Tiewei, her majesty who failed to protect her, is her dereliction of duty.

Arya hugged Will: "Bachelor, bachelor!" She ran to the bachelor tower. She, who was already tall and tall, still seemed to bump into Will.

Little Will shouted: "What is going on? Who ordered the dragon slaying?"

In the schoolyard, the soldiers looked at each other. The Dragon Slaying incident took place in the town of Bidong, where the legions of Winterfell City and the northern legions were stationed, and some small southern legions that did not leave.

No one answered Will Jr.'s words!

"Who is in charge of Bidong Town, who ordered the dragon slaying?" Little Will asked again.

"It's me!" a person replied in a deep voice, and walked through the door. It was Sir Hansa Mack, the lord of Tiemin Town who had come to report.

"Why?" Will Jr pulled out the Lightbringer.

"We confirm that Daenerys's fleet slaughtered White Harbor."

"But during the meeting, you were in the lobby of Winterfell. That's not what you said."

"Because Daenerys Targaryen was there at that time, I can't let her know that we already know the truth. She has a dragon, we have to kill the dragon first."


One drew his sword out of its sheath and went straight to Hansa Mack.

Hansa Mack was not afraid, drew his long sword and assumed a defensive posture.


The two swords intersect, sparks are flying everywhere.

Hansa Mack's body shook, and the opponent's sword had been cut again. He blocked again, with a buzz, this time the sound was louder, Hansa Mac fell to the ground, a sword swept cold light, and went straight to his chest. Hansa Mack turned over to dodge, the opponent kicked out, hitting his body, and while rolling, a sword pierced his throat. He swung his sword apart, but slowed by half a minute. throat.

Hansa Mack held up his sword and dared not move!

"Leave your sword, sir." Jon Targaryen roared.

Hansa Mack dropped the sword, his throat was pointed at.

"Jon!" a voice called.

Jon looked back and Bran Stark stared at him.

"This is my forever home, Bran!"

"His Majesty Shireen is dead, and your aunt Daenerys killed her."

"It was the soldiers from the North who attacked the dragon first, Bran. They killed Lei Ge first. Zhuo Geng was angry and had nothing to do with Daenerys.

"Mother has not returned yet, so I am the Patriarch of Stark here. Leaving the North, Jon, this is no longer your home. You are not Stark, you are Targaryen." Bran Stark Staring at Jon.

Jon looked at Bran!

By Bran's side, Stark's vassals, warriors, and the black armor of the royal garrison were slowly gathered, everyone looked at Jon, and everyone pressed their sword hilt.

"I want to know the truth," Jon said, pointing his sword at Hansa Mack. "Get up, Sir Hansa Mack."

Hansa Mack stood up slowly, holding his hands, not daring to move.

Jon's sword pointed against his throat: "Sir, you said that Daenerys's fleet slaughtered White Harbor. Show me your evidence."

"Remove your sword."

"Show me your evidence."

"I am the evidence!" A voice rang at the school gate.

Jon looked at the door. There, a bachelor, four children, and seven women appeared. They describe being haggard, with the corners of their clothes scorched by the fire.

Everyone looked at the twelve people together.

"I am a bachelor of Sir Mandalay, and my name is Fink Weiland. We are twelve of us. It was the earl who sacrificed his life to protect us from the murderer’s massacre. We hid in the old fort through the secret road. The basement of the city. We are the only survivors of the whole city, the city and the outsiders. It is the Earl of Mandalay... who gave up his life to protect us!"

"Bachelor, tell us, who is the enemy?" Brienne stood up with red eyes, her expression grim, she strode over.

"I'm pretty sure it is Daenerys's fleet. Their messengers came to Baigang to tell our Lord Earl that they are Daenerys's fleet, and they are ordered to come and help us destroy the ghosts. The count told them that the ghosts have been They were wiped out, and the Night King was killed. Although they arrived late, we were moved by their righteousness. Therefore, the count ordered to open the gates of the outer and inner harbors and let their warships enter the harbor. I was at the count’s Around."

"You can be sure they are from across the narrow sea!" Jon said quietly.

"Yes, General, I can hear where they are from. The captain at the head is Emily Dean. She is a female captain. She is a general under Daenerys's banner."

Jon pointed at Hansa Mack’s sword and slowly put it down!

In the schoolyard, everyone was staring at him. Many people were preparing to draw their swords, waiting for someone to give an order or make a dangerous move.