The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1044: Long night, sinister everywhere

"Only the Red God is the only true God. He gave you two lives. Kneel down and believe in the Red God. From then on, you are protected by the Red God. Sinister people can no longer approach you. The long night is long and sinister, and the Red God is the only one. True God."

"I believe in the old gods of the North, and my mother is Stark."

"No, you are Targaryen!"

"I am Targaryen and Stark," said Jon. "This will never change."

"Jon, you were resurrected by the Red God, in this temple. Stark should also believe in the Red God, kneel down, Jon, the idol in front of you is the Red God Rahlo."

Jon looked at the statue with a big beard and felt that the red **** was like a certain iron man in the Iron Islands.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master, I will not believe in the Red God, but please let me be grateful." Jon was not grateful in his heart, he did not want to be resurrected. In Winterfell, when he was under siege, Bran Stark was indifferent and watched him be killed.

Although Bran did not do it himself, he was no different from doing it himself.

If loved ones don't help, that is murder.

Life is difficult and people's hearts are complicated. Perhaps long sleep is the best peace.

"Master!" Daenerys said, "We need to give Jon more time."

"Your Majesty, please become a believer of Lakhlo. Your dragon Zhuogeng is the child of the Red God Lakhlo, and you are also his child. The Red God takes care of you and resurrected Jon with your hand. Please kneel down, Your Majesty."

"Yes, Master." Daenerys knelt, faced the statue of Lakhlo, bowed, then stood up and lit a candle for Lakhlo.

"Your Majesty, on the Westeros continent, there will be a king election. Taking this opportunity, we should gather our forces and attack King's Landing."

Jon's heart was shocked: "Master, don't go to war, people shed too much blood."

"The continent of Westeros is a place where evil gods are believed. It is chaotic and dark. Only the light of Rahlo can dispel the darkness. On the Iron Throne, there will surely be a queen, Daenerys Targaryen."

"No, it's the same for anyone on the Iron Throne, as long as they can be kind to the people."

"You are wrong, Jon, the Iron Throne was made by a king named Aegon Targaryen with a thousand swords of the enemy. Only Targaryen can sit on the Iron Throne, not any other False king." The high priest's voice was sharp and sharp, which made Jon feel uncomfortable.

"Priest, you hope to spread the faith of the Red God to Westeros. Melisandre once assisted King Stannis and established the followers of the Red God faith. Queen Cyris devastatedly believed in the Red God, and A rear party dedicated to the belief in the Red God was established, but Melisandre sacrificed her children in the sacred woods, which caused disgust among the people, which also triggered the turmoil of King’s Landing, and King Stannis was also killed. Melisandre I had to stay incognito and turned to Will University for security protection."

"The long night is dark and sinister everywhere. In the end, Melisandre gave her life to fight the ghosts. Everything she did was guided by the Red God and was favored by the Red God."

Jon sneered: "Priest, the Red God did not treat his people kindly. Melisandre died at the hands of an alien, and the Red God did not save her. She should have seen her death in the flames."

"Our life and glory are given by the Red God. Everything is dedicated to Lahlo. Lahlo will take it back whenever he wants. Melisandre did what she should do. Her life in the dunya At the end, her life in the temple has just begun. Melisandre returned to Lakhlo's embrace, entered the Temple of the Holy Fire, and received eternal life."

Jon shook his head. He felt that this world would change, and the two continents would be at war, because the Red God believers were restless and wanted to cross the narrow sea, invade Westeros, and then promote the Red God.

He looked at Daenerys, Daenerys had already believed in the Red God, which was good or bad. If Benello wants to do anything, he must rely on Daenerys's queen authority.

"Jon, apologize to the master." Daenerys said.

"I will not apologize, Your Majesty."

"Red God forgive the ignorant children and be kind to the frail and sickly elderly. His light walks in the world, illuminating the lost sinners." The priest said as if singing.

"Priest, can your flames tell us where the fleet assembled by Her Majesty the Queen has gone?"

"My flame has long understood everything, Jon, the fleet assembled by Her Majesty the Queen, went to the East China Sea on the Great Wall of Impasse. But the war has ended, they are still sailing in the Seal Bay of the narrow sea, before they approach the East China Sea, they Encountered by the storm, one thousand warships lost half, and the other half was blown to Skaggs Island by strong winds. Her Majesty the Queen is going to visit her men and go to Skaggs Island, all the truth is revealed."

"Now that there is no storm, why didn't they return from Skaggs Island, or go to the East China Sea."

"All the ships are destroyed. Jon. Skaggs Island has only one route to enter and dock, and the rest are all rocks and reefs, no ships can approach."

"I'm going to see them." Daenerys said.

"I'll go with you." Jon said immediately.

"it is good!"


On the other side of the narrow sea, the Seven Kingdoms and the Night Watchman headquarters all received the Prime Minister’s raven letter: Dorn at the far south; Freedmen and Night Watch at the far north; the Tyrell family at the Granary of the Seven Kingdoms; the Windbreak at the sea ; The Tuli family in Hejiandi and the Aylin family in Aylin Valley all received a letter from the Prime Minister. The letter asked these big families to send their staff to King's Landing to participate in government affairs and discuss the king's candidates.

Dorn’s Martell family has existed in name only. The entire Dorne adopted a democratically elected system. The governor was elected by the people. The first governor was Dorn’s Martel and the Bremen family in charge. Joe Nisha Bremen and several other generals went north to fight against the ghosts, and they all died in battle. The governor of Dorne had not had time to be reappointed, and Daolang Martel was in charge of Dorne alone.

Daolang could not move to King's Landing, his leg disease had made him unable to walk for many years. He sent the Ravens, and Don decided to delegate the voting rights to the Prime Minister. In this way, Will had three votes in his hands.

One vote for the Northern Night Watch and Freedmen belongs to Will, and Donne’s one vote is entrusted to the Prime Minister, so it is also his. The Prime Minister himself has one vote.

It takes at least one month to reach King’s Landing from all parts of the Seven Kingdoms, so the King’s Election Conference is scheduled to be held in King’s Landing two months later, so that everyone has enough time to vote.


Dorn, Daurang Martel likes to soak up the sun on the big balcony after eating in the kitchen and see the spectacular view of the sea.

He Ta, the captain of the guards, stood behind him like a shadow.

From Prince Daolang to local governor, Daolang has always had the illusion that he is still the prince of Donne, and it was not until a letter from Lord Will arrived that he was brought back to reality from his fantasy.

A ship appeared in Daolang Martel's vision. The sea was calm and waveless, the coastline was not far below the large balcony, seagulls passed by, and the sound of seabirds could be heard everywhere.

The second ship appeared, and then the third.

There is a port in Yangji City. Although it is not big, it is also a port. Many of the business between Dorn and the other side of the narrow sea are completed in the port of Yangji City.

The fourth ship, the fifth ship... many ships appeared.

Daolang was slightly disturbed, where is this ship?

"He Ta, come and have a look, is it a battleship in the sea below?"

He Ta came and stood in front of a glass wall. He saw many boats, and more boats emerged from the sea level.

"It's a battleship, my lord."

"Send an order, a warning!" Daolang Martel said. His face was calm and calm.

Countless warships emerged and were heading towards the port of Yangji City.

He Ta ran out in a hurry, and soon there was a horn sounded outside: oooooooooooo-

The sound of the horn alarmed Yangji City, the Shadow City, the Spear Tower, the Sun Tower, the Sand Boat Fort, and the harbor.

The horns of warning sounded everywhere, and the horns were sounded everywhere, as if the enemy had already entered Yangji City.

In the harbor, thirty battleships lined up in battle queues, drawn out of the harbor, and spread out on the sea.

However, the enemy ships came in densely and quickly divided into three arrays, one array rounded back to the back, one rounded back to the side, and one array frontally contained.

Various drum beats sounded intensively, and each battleship relied on drum beats to march: impact speed, combat speed, and constant speed, all of which were controlled by drum beats.

On the sea of ​​Yangji City, the sun was set to the west. The huge Sunji City blocked the sun and cast a huge shadow on the sea surface. Thirty warships in the harbor were surrounded by enemy ships.

Unlike Baigang in the north, the natural danger of Yangji City is not in the port, but in the city on the shore, the shadow city is a maze that is difficult to break. As long as there is no inner ghost, foreign enemies cannot come out of the maze of the shadow city. . But the port has no danger to guard.

The city garrison was mobilized, and all the residents outside of Shadow City entered Yangji City. Inside the maze, soldiers entered key positions one after another. No matter how many enemies there were, there were always hidden passages through which soldiers could surprise.

Daolang Martel has been looking at the sea from the large balcony. Don's 30 warships were besieged. The other side did not immediately launch an offensive. Instead, they sent a warship to go up. It seemed that the two sides had started negotiations.

After a while, without knowing what conditions the two sides negotiated, the 30 warships hung the white flag together, which meant that they had surrendered without a fight.

Prince Daolang watched as the thirty warships in the harbor joined the enemy's fleet. Then, hundreds of warships began to move forward and into the harbor. Due to the angle, Daolang could not see the enemy ship entering the port.

The garrison has reinforced the port. After the enemy enters the port, it is not easy to get ashore to attack Yangji City. Many arrow towers were built on the shore. Ever since Lord Will conquered Dorne, he saw that the port of Sunji City was a weak point and had no military defenses, so many arrow towers and ballistas were added. Battleships are afraid of ballistas firing barrels of oil and asphalt, as well as cobblestone.

After a while, Daolang did not hear the sound of the ballista shooting, nor did he hear the fighting of the soldiers.

This is strange!

Of course Daolang heard the news of the slaughter of Baigang in the north. The tragedy has spread throughout the seven countries. Lord Will and His Majesty Shireen issued a warning that the unknown fleet took advantage of Westeros to fight against ghosts. When weakened, they raided Baigang and looted a prosperous city. It is estimated that they have tasted the sweetness and will come to looting more cities. A wealthy port city, with the dominion of the Heishui River, the old town of the river bay, the Lannis Port in the west, and the Seagull Town in the Ailin Valley.

Daolang did not expect that the second city chosen by the enemy was Yangji City.

The city of Yangji was conquered by Lord Will, and the combat strength was weak. The entire Dorne was in a state of weakness. The enemy suddenly attacked and the sea could not be resisted. Why was there no resistance on the shore?

"He Ta, send soldiers to see the situation." Dao Lang felt bad.

"Yes, my lord."

"Bachelor, release the raven to warn Lord Will."

"My lord, now the enemy and our situation are unknown, so let's wait a while."

"Release the ravens, I saw the naval fleet that surrendered without a fight. That is the enemy's certainty. Don't forget the slaughtered White Harbor."

"My lord, what if it is our own person who comes?" said the bachelor.

Daolang Martel stared at the bachelor suddenly: "Bachelor, you colluded with the enemy to invade Yangji City?"

"Prince, the one who came is not someone else. The one who came is Princess Arianne Martel."

Dao Lang was dumbfounded.

"Prince, Princess Arianne quickly conquered several pirate organizations on the other side of the narrow sea, and then led her troops to retake Sunji City. Dorn belonged to the Martell family. It used to be, is now, and will be in the future."

"No, Bachelor, this time, Lord Will grabbed Arianne and won't give her life again. Tell her to stop."

"Don't be afraid, Prince, Daenerys Targaryen is standing behind Arianne. She has a dragon. She is our backer."

Daolang suddenly became silent!

The bachelor smiled and said: "Prince, the Iron Throne was cast by Aegon Targaryen. The king above can only be Targaryen, not anyone else. The dragon is back, and the Martell family is back."

"I know Will and Daenerys are the strongest allies."

"Yes, that was before. When the princess led the fleet to slaughter Baigang, the people from the North furiously killed a dragon of Her Majesty the Queen and killed Jon Targaryen. Although Zhuo Geng was injured, he burned. In Winterfell Castle, a large number of civil servants and generals were killed, and Her Majesty Xilin was also killed. This hatred cannot be solved."

"No, you underestimated Lord Will's ability and Daenerys' wisdom."

"Prince, the princess will be here soon, and Dorne can declare independence tomorrow. In addition to Daenerys's back, Princess Arianne also relies on the support of Valantis. Valantis has a huge red The temple, the Grand Priest Benello is Daenerys’s faith guide."

Prince Daolang looked at the bachelor: "Bachelor, you broke your oath and cannot participate in any government affairs. You have changed. You should be deprived of your bachelor's necklace and banished to the other side of the narrow sea."