The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 117: Military Order Like Mountain·Wind Spiri

The fire is raging.

The night watchman, the wolf forest warrior, and the three hundred cavalrymen of the young lord Robb, all silently watched the fire of the seven-story wooden building in front of them devour the bodies of thirty night watchmen in the dark.

Four rebel officers, twenty-four followers, plus Dong Haiwang's deputy commander Watt and Yanyang Jimmy's bodies were also in the fire. They had different positions before they were alive, but they were buried in the fire after death.

There are also the bodies of two innocent children-Carter Parker's two sons: one is five and the other is four.

The cremation of the seven-story wooden building symbolizes the return of faith in the Seven Gods.

These night watchmen from the south all believe in the seven gods.

The fire was raging, burning up half of the night sky.

Seven is the sacred number of southerners. There are seven constellations in the sky, and the will of the seven gods travel on the ground. Westeros is the seven kingdoms, and **** is said to have seven layers.

Although Carter Pike believes in the drowned god, this is not the sea. His children were not born on Pike Island or the sea. The child's mother, Alice, is from the south and believes in the Seven Gods.

Carter Pike did not release the child's body to the sea. They did not belong to the Flooded God's Water Palace.

Carter Parker was bandaged on most of his face, revealing one eye. He stood straight, his small eyes were still sharp and wild, as if his face had not been injured by arrows. The lone wolf Arnold stood beside him. Behind the two brothers are the silent brothers of Dong Haiwang in an array.

Beside Carter Parker, there were twelve women in Darjeel's party, their faces flushed with fire. It also burned the hearts of the last guard night watchers and people from the north in their hearts. The woman Bella next to Darjeel is a savage woman who almost never speaks with sullen eyes, but she now feels that Abel Ash, who is standing next to Lord Will, does not look so much at her. It's an abomination.

Lord Will spoke like a mountain and did not deceive them. Lord Will did not sell any of them into the girls' den.

As long as they want, they can rest here, get married, and have offspring. They swear allegiance to the jurisdiction of the night watchman, pay property taxes, and then they can own land, plant and breed them, hunt in the Wolfwood Mountains and the Black Castle Forest, and conduct fair trades with merchants from the south.

This is a dream they never dared to think of. Now that the fire is raging and all the rebels are hanged, they feel the determination of Lord Will, and they feel the temperature of the fire for the first time. The fire buried the rebels and sent two brothers and two innocent children to heaven.

In fact, since the twelve of them came to the Great Wall, they are still very vigilant. Every night they sleep, there will be people on duty. Because of the high level of alertness, men who want to take advantage of them are unable to succeed.

It is not difficult to force one woman, but it is difficult to force twelve women who unite and dare to fight for their lives.

Now they are really at ease, there are new laws announced by Lord Will to protect them. All crows who do not obey the law will be hanged and burned to ashes.

At the side of Darjeeling and Bella, the fire turned the face of the wild female savage Osha from the ice and snow bright red.

Osha is used to squatting like a cat. This is a long-standing habit of hiding her hunting enemies. This fire has also burned out her inner guard and the barriers to southerners.

The people on this side of the Great Wall are all called Southerners by the savages.

Lord Will really is a real man who can do what he says.

The crows that the Osha tribe has fought for thousands of years have obviously really changed. The leader Will decided to accept them and the free people of the north.

Lord Will knew that the ghost was coming... He knew that the Human Race had to keep the ghost out of the Great Wall, otherwise, maybe the people on this continent would be killed. Because in the winter, every human race that died in battle would immediately become a warrior of a ghost: a ghoul.

Even if the ghoul's head is cut off, the ghoul's attack will not stop. Cut off their hands, they still have mouths to bite.

They are dead people, any sword injury is useless to them, and they can't stop their attack.

Only fire and obsidian weapons.

Among these night watchers, apart from Lord Will, I am afraid that no one really understands the terrible ghosts. Osha got up and walked to Lord Will. She was as agile as a cat, walking silently, as if sneaking in the forest.

Lord Will, like the king outside the Great Wall, speaks like a mountain and military orders are like iron, and they are all worthy of follow.

Mans Redburn, the king of beyond the Great Wall, is also a crow, a night watchman on the Great Wall. He once fought alongside Dennis Melist. Before the right hand of Colin was broken, he and Colin were alive and dead. Comrades in arms.

But now, he has become the king of free people.

Mans Reid is the king of the freedmen, and Lord Will is the leader of the human race. Osha thought.


At night, the King's Tower.

Jon and Robb are practicing Wind Spirit.

The movements of the two people were as fast as the wind, with black and silver swords coming and going, but they couldn't hear the sound of the sword strikes. The two of them didn't seem to be practicing swords, but dancing.

A very elegant dance in the wind, they are like two butterflies in the wind, but they are deadly poisonous bees in an instant.

There are two famous killer organizations in Braavos. One is the well-known Faceless Organization, which is very famous and famous on all continents; the other is little known, and ordinary people have never heard of it. It is the Wind Spirit Assassin Organization.

Wind Spirit, a killer organization dedicated to assassinating knights, nobles, governors, and princes in free trade city states.

This organization was originally created by Sea King Braavos.

In order to force the free trade city-states to abandon slavery, Braavos declared war on the rest of the free trade city-states. The Spirit of Wind was formed by a group of top swordsmen who were proficient in the swordsmanship of Water Dance and Wind Spirit.

The founders of the city-state of Braavos were fugitive slaves from Valyria and refugees from wars initiated by the Valyrians. The Valyrian Empire was destroyed in the doomsday catastrophe four hundred years ago: The five hundred li volcanoes of the Valyrian Empire erupted at the same time, burning everything to ashes, including the dragon flying high in the sky. ——History is called the doomsday catastrophe.

After the apocalypse, an island kingdom in the hidden bay in the northwest corner of the mainland of Essos that is often shrouded in mist sent a waiter to the outside world and declared the existence of Braavos. Then, the Sea King of Braavos launched a war: all trading city-states that practice slavery are their enemies.

The war was cruel and lasted for a long time. It is not easy for Braavos to challenge all free trade city-states to win.

From this, the unknown Wind Spirit Assassin organization, which is least known to ordinary people.

The Wind Spirit Assassins secretly assassinated the most important knights, nobles, lords, and princes in the major free trade city states; they eventually forced the eight free trade city states such as Pantos, Mill, Reese, and Taloxi to abandon slavery.

The top swordsmanship named after the spirit of wind was created by the assassins. The excellence of swordsmanship is still above the dance of water.

Wind Spirit believes in the patron saint of the **** of life: the sword god. The assassin’s belief is: to kill is to save.

Will believes in the **** of time and space among the old gods. The stone chamber of the eye of time and space includes all the beliefs in gods, and naturally also the belief in the sword **** of the spirit of wind.

The secret of any faith, there is no secret before the God of Time and Space.

Osha stuck in the shadow of the stone pillar in the corner, like a human-shaped lizard.

She was fascinated by Wind Spirit Swordsmanship, her breathing became heavier and the figure gradually appeared.

A cold dagger slowly pressed against Osha's neck, and Osha suddenly stiffened.

"Osha, good evening." Lord Will's voice.