The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 13: Don't take the sword easily

Ed looked at Caitlin: "Caitlin, don't you believe in the oracle of the Chosen? This time?"

"Aaliyah is a girl, Ned." Caitlin said solemnly, adding to her tone.

"Who said that girls must embroider? As long as the children like it, we should like it too. The child is happy, aren't you happy? The Chosen who is standing in the schoolyard downstairs seems to be transformed into an alien soon He always saw some oracle fragments in his sleep, which is the characteristic of the Chosen who began to transform into aliens. I believe his oracle revealed that he saw Arya’s future and she learned martial arts. No one can match martial arts."

Caitlin said, "My God, Ned, Arya is a girl!"

"She is indeed a girl, but did you hear the name of her little wolf? Namelia! That was the heroine of the Loyna four hundred years ago, and the Loyna was being killed by the dragon of the Valyrian Empire. After the Legion was defeated, she led ten thousand warships across the narrow sea and landed along the Green Blood River in Dorn. After she married Morse Martel of Dornyang Halberd City, she led troops to unite Dorn Six Kingdom, established a unified Dorn Empire. To this day, for more than four hundred years, Namelia’s descendants, the Martell family, are the absolute lords of Dorne. Arya admires Namelia, but Namelia is not an embroidered lady."

Caitlin looked at Ed in disbelief: "Ed, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ed said slowly, "Caitlin, Arya is running wolf blood! She is different from Sansa." He said to the guard standing not far away: "Elin, go to the silence of Sister Madan Room, call Arya over."

The blood of running wolf is a classical ritual of the Ed family. Brother Brandon and younger sister Lyanna are all people considered by the family elders to have the blood of running wolf.

Elin, the deputy captain of the guard, bowed and said, "Yes, my lord, I'll go and invite Miss Arya over."

Will bowed and said, "Master Ed, swear in the name of the old god, what you did is right and it is in line with the divine enlightenment."

Ed Stark said: "Brother Cao, do you feel that your alien talent is turned on?"

"Maybe, I can feel something different about myself."

The Night's Watch Corps has another name, the Brothers in Black. From the king lords to the wandering singers and poets, they all agreed to call them brothers in black.

Theon Greyjoy shouted: "Hey, you are the Chosen, are you dare to compete with me?"

"It doesn't matter if the winner is divided, I am used to life and death when I use the sword." Will knows that Jon will join the Night Watch Legion soon, and it is good to let him see the swordsmanship concept of the Night Watch in advance.

"Then life and death!" Theon said.

He puts on his shield, covers himself, and defends tightly. There is no chance for Will Cao's trick of kicking the dust. He put the wooden sword on the shield and pressed Will Cao step by step.

Will stood still, holding the wooden sword casually, facing Theon casually. This wooden sword is the same weight as a real wide sword. The inside is hollowed out and filled with lead blocks. When practicing like this, it will be the same as a real sword.

Will is not used to wide swords. His sword is a rapier, thin and pointed. It looks like it will break when knocked, but it is as deadly as a snake.

The thin sword pierces straight, because the force point is small, the pressure is enough, it can pierce the armor of the opponent's body in one stroke, and make a small hole in the opponent's body, such as the heart. For a neck armor that protects the neck, a thin sword can also penetrate through the gaps in the neck armor and pierce the opponent's throat.

Will, the predecessor of Will Cao's body, is a master with a rapier. After four years of honed in the cruel environment outside the Great Wall of Extremis, his swordsmanship has become more refined. Any fancy and redundant moves have disappeared. The essence of swordsmanship honed in countless lives and deaths is killing.

On the swordsmanship of winning or losing, and on the swordsmanship of life and death, there are completely two levels.

Theon defended tightly, stepping to the offensive distance step by step, slashing at Will Cao's neck with a sword.

Will leaned back, his feet still on the ground. Theon’s sword swept past his eyes, Will bounced back, fit and slammed forward, with a loud bang, Will’s body slammed against Theon’s shield, smashing Theon. He flew out with the shield, and when Theon got up from the ground in a hurry, Will kicked the sword in Theon's hand casually. The wooden sword in his hand was lightly tied with the sword flower, and the tip of the sword was pointed. Theon's face, who had just stood up.

"You are dead, Theon," Will said lightly, whistling softly.

Theon Greyjoy was pale, but there was killing intent in his eyes, his eyes flickering.

Will didn’t look at Theon Greyjoy’s embarrassment. If he could use his rapier, he could pierce Theon’s throat with a shot. The wooden sword was too heavy because of the lead, which affected the speed of the sword. And the delicate and erratic changes of the charming eyes.

"Jon, how did I win the swordsmanship Sir Roderick Kelso?" Will Cao looked at the condensed Jon Snow and said.

"Fraud!" said Jon Snow, "you abandoned your honor."

"Between honor and life, who do you choose?"

"This is not a duel of life and death."

"Jon, I suggest you treat every practice as a duel of life and death. If you have this awareness, you will have another understanding of the sword."

"What do you understand?"

"Don't take out the sword easily."

Will suddenly turned his feet slightly, turned sideways, and stabbed a wooden sword across his chest. He stretched out his left hand to grasp the wrist of a person holding a sword, swiped the sword in his right hand, and with a snap, the heavy blade hit a person's face severely.


A scream.

Theon Greyjoy fell on his back, half of his face covered in blood.

In order to survive, even in his sleep, Will has one eye open. It is rare that Arya touched the room this morning without noticing it, and Will knew it had something to do with being too tired last night.

"Jon, how did I win Theon Greyjoy for the first time?"


"You have good eyesight." Will Cao Chong Jon Snow gave a thumbs up, "I also know how to think, but I still want to say that your swordsmanship is very good, but you will still be unable to beat Arya in the future."

"Aaliyah dragged a tree branch and followed me to practice swords at the age of three. I know she is very talented." Jon Snow said, his solemn expression became relaxed, and a rare smile appeared.

He was very happy to see Theon Greyjoy suffered from the attack, and also very happy that his father allowed his sister Arya to practice the sword, because that was Arya's favorite.

Among the six sisters, Arya and Jon Snow are the best and the most intimate. Jon Snow has always supported his sister Arya to practice sword and martial arts. He is the only one who has secretly taught Arya swordsmanship, archery and riding. Now Arya has a foundation in archery riding, shooting an archery target within fifty steps, ten shots and ten hits, which is far above the archery skills of Bran and some soldiers.

Jon Snow secretly glanced at the top of the main castle and saw Caitlin's condescending gaze. He lowered his eyes, the smile on his face disappeared, and his calm and hard expression was restored: "Robo, let's practice the sword. Right."

"I want to compete with the brothers in black." Robb was eager to try.

"Robo, you are not my opponent with a sword. I heard that you are better at using a gun. Use a gun." Will said.