The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 138: Prescribe the right medicine, small test

"Okay, I will treat you bedsores first."

In Will's eyes, bedsores are minor diseases. This kind of bacteria multiplying diseases, as long as you **** out the pus, change your clothes every day, and get more sun, externally apply herbal medicines, and you don’t need to take them internally. The bedsores will become scarred on the first day, The itch disappeared, and new meat grew on the third day.

"Okay!" Duke Horst could do everything.

"Master Wayman, is it credible?" Will said.


"Master Duke, I only have one day for today. Everyone will set off for King's Landing tomorrow to participate in the Martial Arts Conference. I will hand over the secret treatment to Master Weiman today. If he is not credible, wait until we come back from the King's Landing contest. The condition will worsen. Human jealousy is a sharp sword." Will pointedly said.

Master Weiman was unfriendly to him, and Will knew it well.

These stinky bachelors have an extreme repulsion of others and only recognize the bachelor chain. The bachelor chain awarded by the Bachelor Church in the Old Town has authority in the seven countries. That is a recognized certificate. There is no bachelor chain hanging around your neck. All medical knowledge will be regarded as heresy by devout bachelors.

"I believe Master Weiman, maybe he doesn't trust you, but I will order him to do what you say."

"Okay." Will let go of Sir's tightly held hand. When the old people are fragile, once they see the direction of hope, they can't help but devote themselves, trust can't be added, just like faith.

"Come here." Will raised his voice slightly.

The Bachelor Weiman from outside the door came in, followed by Robb Stark and Edmund Tully.

"Bachelor Wayman, I want a clean bowl, just washed with water, two raw eggs, freshly picked cat's eye, two fresh loofahs, a small knife and fork, and a scalpel."

Master Weiman glanced at Duke Horst's eyes and replied: "Yes, Lord Will, these things will be delivered soon."

"Dream wine and poppy flower milk, never drink to the duke again."

Master Weiman, who was walking towards the door, stopped, turned around and looked at Will, with his eyes like a **** about to fight: "Master Will, Master Duke can't sleep if you don't drink Dream Wine; if you don't drink poppy milk, you can't relieve the pain. "

"Oh, Lord Duke just slept a while ago, but didn't drink Dream Wine. Why is that?"

Master Weiman said.

"Because the adults and Robb had a happy conversation, they were in a good mood, and when they were physically exhausted, they would naturally fall asleep when they were relaxed." Will said lightly, in a polite but indisputable tone, "good mood is dream wine , And help the adult to take a walk outside, activate his vitality, and even let him cross the river by boat, go to see in the fields of his people, so that his body functions can be properly exercised and make him feel happy. It’s the best poppy milk."

Master Weiman said: "Master Will, Master Duke's body..."

Will interrupted Master Weiman's words, but did not feel abruptly: "That's why you need your help, supporting him, or pushing him with a car. Do you know why Lord Duke likes to stay on this balcony? He? He likes to bask in the sun and see the river scenery. In his heart, he is extremely eager to go out and see. A good doctor, not focusing on treating physical diseases, must first make the patient feel happy, which will have a benign effect on any disease. The most important point in medicine."

Master Weiman gaped.

"Go ahead, as I said." Will was polite but authoritative as iron, without any doubt, just like an order.

Master Weiman made a cough in his throat, looked at Lord Duke, Lord Duke nodded.

Master Weiman turned and left.

Will said, "Sir Edmund."

"Please order, Lord Will." Edmund was convinced by Will's momentum. We must know that Master Weiman is the supreme academic authority in River Run. No one dares to question him, and no one dares to speak to him in a polite but indisputable tone. Both the Duke of Horst and Edmund himself obeyed the bachelor's degree, and they were nothing but promises in the bachelor's professional field.

"Call the servants in, take out all the underwear that the Lord Duke wore before and burn them, leaving no one behind, as well as all the bedding on (Guang + wood, anagrams, river crab), blankets, animal skins, Pillows and quilt covers, new and old, all burned out."

On the bedding, bedsore germs can not be guaranteed to be cleaned by manual hand washing.

To completely eliminate the possibility of germs.

Edmund was shocked for a short time, but he saw his father's expression and knew what to do. He immediately admired Lord Will. You must know that Duke Horst is a very persistent person, and he only believes in Master Weiman’s medical skills. He dismissed any bachelor he found during the period, and just a few words would make people go. .

Edmund went out immediately, and soon, three servants came in, one of them was holding a brand new bedding, the other two were empty-handed, to replace everything on the Duke (Guang + Wood).

Master Weiman also came in, with a young student by his side.

Will opened the egg, let the egg white flow into the bowl, then crumbled the cat's eye into a sauce, put it in the egg white, and stirred well. Finally, I took the scalpel and scraped off the skin on the surface of the loofah. The skin of the loofah has cool properties and has a miraculous effect in removing bedsores. Then the skin of the loofah is crushed into a sauce, and it is mixed into the egg juice that has been mixed with cat's eye to make a cream.

Edmund, Robb, Master Weiman and Junior Bachelor all looked attentively.

They had never seen this kind of ointment, they had never heard of it. A faint cool air is flowing, and it smells very comfortable.

Lord Duke has been in bed for a long time, his body turned uncomfortable, qi and blood stagnated, the southern climate was hot, and it was not surprising that he would develop bedsores over time.

Will instructed Master Wayman to remove all the old medicinal liquid applied on the bedsores of Lord Will, and then pick up the egg white ointment he prepared in front of everyone with a scalpel and apply it evenly on Lord Duke's back buttocks. As soon as the ointment was put on, it was as cold as silk and penetrated into the Duke's heart and soul, causing the Duke to hum comfortably.

Bed sores cause fire, and the skin is hot. The skin of the loofah, cat's eye and egg clear are all cool, and the ice and fire are incompatible with each other, and the effect is immediate.

Lord Duke was tortured by illness for a long time, and for the first time tried to prescribe the right remedy for the refreshing miraculous effect. For the first time, the sad face that had always been frowned and frowned showed uncompressive comfort.

Master Weiman's eyes slowly straightened.

From the enjoyment expression of Lord Duke, we can know that Will's position in Lord Duke's heart is unshakable. Lord Duke values ​​love and righteousness, knows his gratitude, and honors supremacy. Will Lu's hand will definitely capture Lord Duke's heart.

We must know that every time Master Weiman changes the medicine to Lord Duke, Lord Duke is very painful and sometimes very resistant, roaring angrily and overturning the liquid medicine. The enjoyment of this kind of ointment to the Lord Duke is like the expression of enjoying the intoxicated music.

A long drought meets sweet rain.

There was a smile on Edmo's face. It was the first time he saw that his father's face was free from the pain of being tortured by the pain. The stretched wrinkles on his father's face made Edmo surprised and happy.

Edmund looked at Robb happily, his eyes full of gratitude, Robb also looked at him, with smiles in his blue eyes.

Lord Will made an extraordinary move, and Edmund suddenly had full confidence in Will's next treatment of the numbness of his father's left body.