The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 141: Green Prophet Blood Raven·Dead Knight B

The tough guy Sauron Smallwood hurried to catch up.

He came to the entrance of the big jagged tree, jumped up, inserted a short knife in his hand, and tried to insert it on the fish beam and climbed up with strength. However, an invisible repulsive force made his short knife stabbed in the air and unable to penetrate the tree. In the middle, there was a stalemate for a moment. This has already shocked Sauron, an invisible force rested on his falling back, his body lightened, and he rose into the air, amidst the loud cry of ah, a scream Fell into a tree hole.

A smell of rotten leaves in the forest rushed into his nostrils, almost suffocating Sauron.

His mouth and face were buried in a pile of dead leaves and decayed branches.

When he stood up, there was no child of the forest in front of him. In front of him was a gloomy tree hole with no end in sight. The breath was cold and the top of the cave was high, as if he was in the passage of the castle. In front, there was light, as if in the darkness. A lightsaber stabbed out.

Sauron inserted the short knife into the scabbard. What happened just now made him know that Lord Green Prophet didn't like this scabbard.

Sauron walked forward and walked about several feet away, the white light in front of him was bright and bright, but he could no longer move, unbelievable—

An old man, a skinny old man, with his clothes already in tatters, was sitting half-sleeping among a pile of tree roots, and a brown tree root got through his right eye, not knowing what was coming from his body. Part of it came out, and his body was half exposed and half hidden in the roots like a snake. Arms, legs, and tree roots came out of his skin, around his body, maybe from his back again--

The old man has only one eye, the left eye, the eyeball is blood red, the same color as the blood-red palm print of the fish beam tree, and the leaves are the same color. If you look a little longer, your head will feel dizzy.

The tough guy Sauron felt that time and space were frozen!

The old man's hair was snow white and very long, dragged from the top of his head to the ground, emitting a faint white silver light, and the brown tree roots were entangled with the white long hair. Some white hairs go straight through the roots, hang down to the ground, and get into the soil.

There was a red birthmark on the old man's cheek and neck, like a flying scarlet crow-this is the sign of Lord Blood Raven. ——Soren Smallwood knows this, he has heard Bunyan Stark say, and knows that the mission of this patrol is to find Lord Blood Raven, the commander of the night watchman in the past, and now belongs to the son of the forest The Green Prophet.

Look at the old Blood Raven now, and the roots of this huge fish-beam tree, have merged into one, completely growing together...

The tough guy Sauron couldn’t bear to look straight. He didn’t know if a person and a tree were in pain or something else. He couldn’t understand how a person and a tree could grow together like this, and the roots of the tree came in and out of the old man’s body. Hovering, and the old man’s body seems to be confining the roots of the tree...


The old man's mouth did not open, only the red eyeballs of his left eye flickered brightly, but Sauron heard the voice, which was the voice of the human race, and spoke the common official language on the continent of Westeros, with a pure voice.

Sauron Smallwood believes in the Seven Gods. He is a native of the Riverland. He comes from the Acorn Hall not far from the Tully family’s Rushing City. The Smallwood family is loyal to the Vance family in the Paid City. The Si family is loyal to the Tuli family in Runliu City.

Faced with this situation, Sauron Smallwood, who believes in the Seven Gods, felt a sense of collapse.

His first feeling was that the old man was too pitiful, rather than the deity of the Green Prophet. Although the prestige of the Green Prophet has always been in the legends of the Seven Great Kingdoms, like a god, the dragon sees its head and ends...

Sauron was a tough guy and didn't know how to answer the Green Prophet...

"Sauron, I'm sorry, Bunyan Stark and Gal...the delay was a little longer...I can't bring them back to life..."

Sauron’s sanity returned, and his eyes fell on the feet of the old man, like a skeleton. There, Bunyan Stark and Gail the mouse were lying side by side, calmly, the arrows on the two of them had been pulled out, and the blood had stagnated. Dark black.

"You are the Green Prophet, how can you not save them?" The tough guy Sauron did not use honorific words when facing the Green Prophet. He is a tough guy like a black rock, speaking straight.

Sauron looked around and found that the dozen children of the forest who had brought him here were all standing behind the Green Prophet, hiding in the darkness of the Green Prophet's back, as if they did not exist. The eyes of the children of the forest glowed green and faintly in the darkness, just like cat eyes. In their eyes, Sauron felt hostility and alertness.

"Their life force has all gone, and I have no way to return your previous Bunyan Stark..."

"No!" The tough guy Sauron's voice suddenly became loud, and he was a little out of control.



"I can make Bunyan Stark and Gail stand up and continue to fight with you against the ghosts in the future, but they are no longer humans. Can you accept it? Are you afraid of them?"

Sauron's heart was shocked: "Then... what would they... be?"

"They are undead knights. Strictly speaking, they are dead." Green Prophet said, "living, capable of fighting, capable of communication, intelligent judgment, dead."

Sauron felt choked in his chest!

Are Bunyan Stark and Gale like ghosts?

"Is this the result you need?" Sauron Smallwood asked sharply.

Bunyan Stark said on the march that they would be known by the Green Prophet as soon as they entered the north of the Ghost Forest. In the same way, the Green Prophet must know the route of the scout troops of cannibals and hardfooted people.

However, the Green Prophet did not warn Bunyan Stark through the three-eyed crow.

"This is not the result I want, and the Green Prophet is not an omnipotent god." The Green Prophet sighed. The red eyes in his one eye were shining.

Sauron said: "Master Green Prophet, I don’t know the choice between Bunyan Stark and the Gale brothers. Since you can talk to the undead, you can also resurrect the dead and return to their own bodies. I think, should you let Bunyan ·Brothers Stark and Gale become the living dead who can fight. They have to choose for themselves. You have to listen to their own voices, Lord Green Prophet."

"I heard their voices, they agreed to my suggestion, just hope you can accept them, after all, they are no longer a living human race, but an undead race."

"I respect their choice." The tough guy Sauron said bitterly. There was a slight tremor in his back, like a chill.

He continued to patrol and fight with Chief Bunyan Stark and Gail. Together with the undead, he felt absurd, and he also had an instinctive chill from the bottom of his heart.

"Guli Guxi." The Green Prophet said strange syllables.

A child of the forest behind him responded. As short as a dwarf, he was very agile. He held a piece of shiny black spiked glass. This was an obsidian dagger. Sauron and the others had been affected by Lord Will against the obsidian dagger. With the display and explanation of obsidian arrows, hundreds of these daggers and arrows are buried in the deepest part of the wormhole of the Great Wall, and all of them are dug out and placed in the armory of Black Castle.

Sauron watched as the son of the forest had inserted the obsidian dagger into Bunyan Stark's heart, then took out a smaller one and inserted it into the heart of Gail Mouse.