The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 142: Tough Guy Hero: Bunyan Stark

In the strange soft singing of the Son of the Forest and the Green Prophet, Sauron Smallwood saw Bunyan Stark’s complexion begin to change, slowly becoming grayer, and finally completely devoid of blood. Pure dead white, like the white skin after soaking in water for a long time, but the skin on his hands began to turn black.

The obsidian inserted in Bunyan Stark's chest slowly pulled out, and the black obsidian gradually turned gray. The wound on the chest heals slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tough guy Sauron felt cold on the toes of his hands and feet, and the cold was a bit tingling.

Bunyan Stark became the living dead like this? The undead family?

And I will fight with him? !

This is incredible!

Need a rest for the undead? Need to eat? If needed, what will they eat? Is Bunyan Stark still our Ranger Chief?

The living and the dead together? ! fighting? !

In the past, killing Sauron Smallwood would never believe it.

It is not in accordance with common sense, nor in accordance with the will of the Seven Gods.

It's just that, on the Great Wall of Impasse, anything unreasonable seems to be possible.

Gradually, Bunyan Stark’s face began to show thin black cracks, very thin black lines, which appeared on his face, a bit like the cracks that appeared after the center of glass was hit. Pattern.

Lifeless white face, small black crooked cracks.

It didn't look hideous, but it was a terrifying face that was so cold to the bottom of my heart.

Gail, the mouse beside Bunyan, has changed exactly the same as Bunyan.

With two soft sounds, the two obsidian daggers in the hands of the forest son shattered into particles, and they were scattered all around. When they were in the air, the particles floated into dust again.

I don't know when, the singing of the children of the forest and the green prophet has ended.

"Obsidian is also called Dragon Crystal. It is a spar burned by the essence of earth fire, containing the purest fire energy." Green Prophet Lord Blood Crow's voice said.

Sauron didn't say a word, his eyes straightened, as if frozen.

Isn't the dead afraid of fire?

But the corpses of Bunyan Stark and Mouse Gail absorbed the fire energy of obsidian. Isn't this a contradiction? It must have something to do with the singing of the Green Prophet and the Son of the Forest. Did their magic spells change something, allowing the energy of obsidian to enter the body of the undead to support the mobility of the two corpses?

Sauron Smallwood couldn't understand.

The Son of the Forest quickly retreated into the shadow behind the Green Prophet. In Sauron’s wide-open eyes, Bunyan Stark and Mouse Gail sat up, and their eyes looked towards Sauron Smallwood. Without eye pupils, it seems to be two black eye holes.

The dead are resurrected.

The former officers and comrades-in-arms have become a family of undead.

Sauron stood firm and didn't move.

Bunyan Stark and Mouse Gail stood up, and they both reached out and pulled up the hood at the same time, so the two pale, terrifying faces with cracks and fine lines disappeared and disappeared into the darkness of the hood.

"Master Blood Raven." Bunyan Stark's voice said, still the same as before, but with a hoarseness and coldness, "The leader of the night watchman Will, Bachelor Amon, Commander-in-Chief Mormont Hello."

"Banyan Stark, you are the greatest hero I have ever seen. All races should remember your name, your deeds and choices, sacrifice and dedication, and should be sung by wandering singers and chanting poets from generation to generation." The voice of the Green Prophet was full of sadness and sighs, and it also meant infinite admiration.

"Master Blood Raven is overwhelmed." Bunyan Stark said, "Master Will hopes that the Human Race can reach an alliance agreement with the Son of the Forest, and fight against ghosts in the winter."

"I can't answer you now, Bunyan Stark. The children of the forest have four clans and believe in four different gods. One clans of them believe in and follow the Winter God and pursue superb cold power. The whole clan has entered Yongdong. The remaining three tribes will not form an alliance with the human race unless they see the hope of victory. The number of people of the Guri tribe and the other two tribes is already small, and they have been hidden in order not to be annihilated. I am the Green Prophet of the Guli tribe, and what I can promise you now is the ground scout of the Guli tribe, who can be sent by you."

Bunyan Stark’s hood moved slightly, and Sauron could see that Bunyan was looking at the dozen children of the forest on both sides behind the blood crow. Could this team be the ground scout team of the children of the forest, the Guri tribe?

The children of the forest walked out and bowed slightly to Bunyan Stark.

The hood moved slightly, but Sauron could see that it was Bunyan Stark who nodded slightly in return.

The Scouts of the Guri Clan, Son of the Forest, are waiting for Bunyan Stark's dispatch? So in the future, the night watchman scout team will patrol with the undead chief, the son of the forest?

"Master Blood Crow, I am afraid we cannot give a hope of victory to the children of the forest."

"My Lord Prophet, if we must win, we don't need to ally with the Son of the Forest." The mouse Gail's voice said, much different from the voice he had before his death, low and dull, "I think there should be other ways to order the forest. Son of it."

"Yes, unless the prince of the Son of the Forest can be found, only he can give an order to unite the three clans of the Sons of the Forest. At the same time, the light messenger sword of the human race reappears, and the hero of the Light Era, Azor Yahai, reincarnated, and the Son of the Forest I will come out to form an alliance with the human race and fight against other ghosts."

"Where is the prince of the Son of the Forest? Where is the Lightbringer Sword? For whom is the hero Azor Yahai reincarnated?" Banyan said.

"I do not know."

Bunyan Stark and Gal were silent.

The Green Prophet doesn't know, who else can know?

Does Lord Will still know?

Lord Will is the chosen one, is he guided by the oracle?


Half an hour later, outside the fish-beam, Bunyan Stark and Mouse Gail stood in front of the tough guy Sauron, behind them were a dozen forest son scouts, Sauron led the mouse’s war horse before his death, and he turned back to the Great Wall. Report to the chiefs the situation of this meeting with Lord Blood Crow. And Bunyan Stark, Mouse Gael and the Guri scout team will go after the scouts that kill the cannibals and hardfoot people.

Sauron and Bunyan were close at hand, and Sauron couldn't see Bunyan's face hidden in his hood, he could only see darkness.

Sauron stretched out his hand, so Bunyan also stretched out his hand. Bunyan's hands were pitch-black and dry as leather. They were held together with Sauron's. Sauron shuddered, as if holding a piece of sharp ice. The cold spread quickly with his arms. Half of his body, but he immediately held on: "Master Banyan, did you die on purpose, Master Blood Crow actually warned you?"

Sauron stared at the darkness in Bunyan's hood.

Bunyan Stark’s hoarse voice: "Sauron, you must go deep into the land of Everwinter to detect ghosts, unless you are also a dead man. I am the Ranger Commander of the Night Watch. Winter is here. We need scouts to go deep into Eternal Winter. Winterland, so I made my choice."

Bunyan turned to Gail Mouse: "Sorry, brother, I concealed the warning from the Green Prophet, because I need a helper. I thought we would be together with the four brothers. Master Blood Crow didn't agree with my choice. He ordered Guri to scout Xian. Let’s take a shot to save people. I’m sorry, Brother Gail, the undead can never cross the Great Wall. You and I will stay here forever..."

"Sir Bunyan, let's set off." Mouse Gail's low and dull voice interrupted Bunyan, "I can't wait to kill the scout troops that killed the cannibals and hardfoot people. Whether it is Yongdong If you order it, I will execute it, Lord Bunyan."