The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 16: Longling at night

Bachelor Luwin laughed and said: "Theon, what is a pseudo-alien? Did you create it? This is the first time I heard this name. Alien only has yes or no, there is no pseudo-alien."

Sansa, Arya, Riken, Robb, and even Jon, who never smiled in front of Caitlin, couldn't help but smile faintly.

It is always a joy to see someone stupefied and stupefied.

Theon Greyjoy doesn’t think that his natural conclusions seem a bit stupid and reckless. He always likes to draw conclusions without understanding and stick to what he has seen, as if he lacks a guitar string in his head: "Pseudo Alien means fake, he is a liar, I can see clearly, I see a lot of guys like him."

Theon began to be speechless again.

Guards captain Jory Kelso, deputy captain Erin, and coach Sir Roderick all couldn't help but smile. Theon often had these impulsive and impractical judgments and behaved decisively. To put it more plainly, he is often a bit nervous.

To know that Lord Ed and Mrs. Catelyn took out the famous wine to entertain the guests at breakfast, they had already determined Will's position in their hearts. They regarded Brother Cao as a guest of honor. Although Brother Cao was unworthy of his status and status, Lord Ed was so generous. The indifference and toughness of Ed Stark's Snow Rock is an illusion.

In particular, Mrs. Caitlin was obviously superstitious about Will Cao. She wanted Will to stay and be a knight next to Lord Ed. Fortunately Lord Ed did not agree.

Otherwise, Will’s status is suddenly higher than that of Jory Kelso and Erin, and more noble than Stable Supervisor Hu Lun and Financial Director Viyan Poole, and he can even ask Lord Ed to give He gave the last name.

Theon Greyjoy categorically denied Will Cao's serious look, and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Sometimes Theon is like this: he denies some ready-made facts very hard to make himself unique.

The letter crow will bring back tomorrow, the commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch, Mormon, all the details about the brothers in black, and it will be time for Will Cao to return to the Great Wall. The man in black who has taken the oath cannot leave the Great Wall unless it is death or a special order from the king or lord.

Mirin's wine was so delicious that Will Cao couldn't control himself as he drank, and finally let go of his belly to get drunk. After Jory and Erin threw Will Cao onto the big bed in the guest room, he fell asleep until dark.

The old and familiar voice rang in Will Cao's ear: "Cunning kid, it's time to wake up."

Will opened his eyes, full of energy, and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air: "Old demon, do you see that I am pretending to be drunk?"

"I can see and hear everything in Winterfell. For me, Winterfell has no secrets. You can rest well with this big sleep."

"Of course, even if you let me run all night, I have strength. The thieves are favored by the night god, and at night, my energy is particularly abundant."

"Okay, let's go."

Will got out of the bed, brought an unsuitable wide sword, opened the window behind, and walked out along the window. His fingers clasped the raised edge of the stone wall and easily descended to the ground of the sacred woods.

Behind the guest room castle is the sacred wood forest.

Under the qualitative and invisible guidance of the Heart Tree, Will passed through the sacred tree forest in the silence of the night, climbed out of the northern wall, and came to the tomb of the Stark family.

The mausoleum was not guarded, and a large iron gate naturally could not stop Will. He opened the huge iron chain, and in front of him was a dark staircase leading to the abyss, and a icy air blew out from the entrance of the cave.

Will close the big iron gate of the tomb first and walk down the stairs into the underground tomb. He realized that his eyesight had improved, perhaps because of the evolution of the alien heart tree last night. It was like an injury on his right hand. After only one night, it was as good as ever.

He quickly adapted to the darkness in the cave, and his eyes could see things. Sneak in the dark night, under any circumstances, there is no need for lighting, because lighting is not the sneak in the dark night, it is the dark night. If it is military reconnaissance, it is telling the enemy's secret whistle to shoot me to death.

Will has the talent of the night pupil, and this ability has obviously been strengthened after the heart tree was formed last night.

After a short while, Will's eyes adjusted to the darkness completely. On the right side of the mausoleum are tall stone statues, taller than an adult. On the knees of the huge male statues are a huge iron sword, and at the foot is a stone statue of a crouching ice wolf.

This is a resting place where the descendants and ancestors of the Stark family gathered together.

Uninvited outsiders are a capital crime.

Will's speed is very fast, everything in this mausoleum is very clear in his mind, the roots of the heart tree crawling all over the wall were his eyes last night.

He came to the last stone statue like a gust of wind, his black clothes soaked with sweat, and steaming heat came out of his head. The appearance of this stone statue is vaguely familiar. This stone statue is the statue of Brandon who built the city in the Bright Era 8,000 years ago.

Under the guidance of the heart tree older than Brandon the city builder, Will reached out and grabbed Brandon's arm holding the huge iron sword, and turned it hard, and the huge sword turned into rust with the sound of clicking. . In the blink of an eye, the iron sword became a pile of powder.

The stone statue was squeezed away, and in the dark tomb at night, the voice spread far along the cave. But for a cave several miles deep, Will was not afraid of the sound reaching the ground. Even if the guards who happened to be patrolling in the silence of the dark night heard a little abnormal noise passing by, they didn't have the guts to open the locked tomb door and enter.

A faint light shone from the cave below. It was a fist-sized night pearl inlaid in a circular hole in the stone.

The cold around Will was dissipated, and heating came up from the hole below.

You know, it's filled with fire-type keel bones.

Will jumped down the hole, as agile as a night cat, as if he had fallen on a thick carpet without making a sound. In front is a low cave with invisible sides. Will knew that at the end of the cave was a downward spiral staircase. Beside the spiral body is a hot spring, and at the end is a huge dragon tomb.

This low cave is incomparable to the tall tomb of the Stark family above. Will can only squat and cannot stand upright, but it is better than countless beautiful jade inlaid on the stone wall for lighting.

Just take down a beautiful jade and take it out, enough for Will to buy a villa around Junlin City and marry a few wives. He stretched out his hand unceremoniously, and just took down a golden amber jade, and the air moved slightly with a whistling sound, and a gray-brown boy with silver hair and sharp ears and gray-brown eyes appeared out of nowhere. In front of.