The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 160: Growing Robb·Second Snow Nordson

Chapter 0160 Robb who strives to grow up·Second Snow Letter

Red Fort, Prime Minister Tower, restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, but not small. A long table can seat about two hundred people.

Robb Stark and Jory Kelso met Ed Stark here.

When the father and son met, Robb Stark tried his best to control the excitement, making himself look solemn and solemn like a mature adult. In this regard, Jon Snow is better than him, and will not show any inner emotions.

Robb Stark always wanted his father to be proud of him.

Even if he was agitated, his father's surface emotions were like the frozen ground in the north. Robb Stark also wanted to do the same as his father.

Ed Stark saw Robb's nervousness and anxiety, as well as the excitement he tried to control.

After all, he is only fourteen years old. A Thousand Miles Jin is here to compete. Seeing his straightened chest and the little fluff on his lips, Ed's heart is full of fatherly love, and Robb has done very well.

Ed Stark's expression eased, he didn't want to put strong pressure on his fourteen-year-old son. After all, the child had just arrived in King's Landing with a martial arts team, and he was in the dust.

"Sit!" Ed Stark said.

There are a lot of fruits, bread, honey, boiled eggs, grilled meat and bacon on the table-Ed Stark is busy on business, and the whole dynasty has to make decisions in the end, and the food intake is to ensure that he can overwork. Foundation.

Neither Robb Stark nor Jolly Kelso sat.

There was something in their hearts.

"Send them all in." Ed said, seeing the difference between them.

Since Robb came to the Red Fort and didn't go directly to the martial arts venue to set up a tent, then the sons of the nobles in the north must have come together.

Then see them first.

Ed Stark's original intention was to go to the competition ground to meet his vassals!

He issued the Prime Minister's decree that the lord, nobles and knights must go to the competition field to set up tents and not to live in King's Landing City. He is a person who has stricter requirements on his own people.

Jory Kelso said: "Master Ed, Young Master Robb also brought a lot of gifts to the king, queen, courtiers, big and small courtiers, and court ministers. Including Paxier, the eight-claw spider, the little finger of the finance minister, etc. Wait."

Ed Stark frowned slightly: "Robo, what do you want to do?"

Robb's palm was sweaty, and he didn't know why he did it.

This is Will's idea and plan. He believes in Will!

Robb took out a wax-sealed scroll and handed it to his father: "Father, this is a letter from Jon Snow..."

Ed Stark was startled.

He took the letter and nodded to Jory Kelso. Jolly Kelso bowed slightly, nodded to Robb again, and turned and walked out.

Ed Stark crushed the sealing wax on the letter and unfolded the small piece of paper. It really wasn’t Jon Snow’s letter. This letter was the same as the last time. It was written by Will to Ed Stark. . But why does this Will repeatedly use Jon's name?

why? Jon Snow! What exactly is Will hinting at?

The last letter in the name of Jon Snow actually wrote about how to contain the thieves and robbers from the Seven Kingdoms who swarmed in King’s Landing in a short period of time. It was very simple: the whole city recruited the reserve of the capital guard team. Special talent recruits, who have been trained to become garrison clerk officers, are well-paid. In addition to normal items, the assessment subjects will be special for those who can climb high walls and dig tunnels, or have various unlocking skills and skillless skills. Priority enrollment.

As soon as the city’s public recruitment notice for reserve recruits for the garrison team came out, they were armed with unlocking skills, climbing walls, digging tunnels, and masterless skills. Tens of them were recruited in just half a day. This kind of professional talents put on reserve golden robe on the same day. Early the next morning, hundreds of professionals flocked to the garrison to sign up for the army.

In just one day, the robbery, robbery, and the resulting police fights and murders in the city dropped by 70%.

Most of the heroes of the Seven Kingdoms with professional skills dream of entering the reserve service, putting on the garrison recruit uniforms that they could not even imagine before, and a bright future is beckoning them.

The officer of the golden robe is one of the soldiers with the most status and the best treatment in the seven countries. As soon as you wear the golden cloak, you will return home with good clothes, and you will be rampant in King's Landing.

The brothers who are in the bottom of the society and wandering on the black edge, no one can imagine that one day they will become the golden robe of the capital Junlincheng because of stealing technology.

And Will's so-called brilliant plan for Littlefinger and Varys in the Throne Hall is not only complicated and troublesome compared to the way he gave Stark a note, but also increased the burden and resentment of the civilians.

To enter the gate of Junlin City, you have to register and pay. This is an exorbitant tax that Ed does not like. ——Of course Littlefinger likes it very much.

Secondly, Fudge Varys’s effort is indeed based on Varys’s professional skills-let Varys send people who are proficient in thieves’ techniques to recruit special skill recruits at the gates. Anyone who can open the locks on the gates, two There is a choice, only registering identity information to exempt the city fee, or choosing to register as a reserve recruit.

Although this method has mastered the identity information of all the people who enter the city and will unlock, it is not as straightforward as the military order for the garrison team to recruit special talents throughout the city.

Will's thoughts were careful, and he played little finger and Varys gently.

Octopus spiders are known for their cunning, and their little fingers are brilliant.

Robb Stark looked anxiously at his father's face. He didn't know what was written on the note. But he knew that the note had nothing to do with his brother Jon Snow.

He was sure that the note was written by Will to his father.

Only Will asked him to hand it over to his father in the name of Jon Snow.

Robber really wanted to know what was written on Will's note to his father?

And Ed Stark solved the tricky government affairs of King’s Landing because of Will’s two light suggestions, and his wit is close to the prophet’s admiration for Will. Although he did not agree with Will’s “I have one condition, I only give it to...” this kind of frivolous frivolity, but the flaws are not concealed, and Will’s heavy contribution of advice cannot be denied.

Ed Stark looked at the note for a long time, put it away, and looked at Robb blankly. Robb's heartbeat speeds up, and he secretly controls himself to prevent any expression of his anxiety. He is trying his best to make himself a real big man quickly.

"Bring in all the brothers from the North Territory, your ox cart gift, how you want to give it, do it."

Robb Stark was in ecstasy, his fingers trembling slightly, but he controlled it so well that his father could not see it. He said calmly, "Yes, my father." In fact, his heart was already flying, and many beautiful voices sounded in his ears.


According to the total confirmation of Lord Weir, as long as the father agreed, the Big Wooden Box Project succeeded the most crucial step.


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