The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 168: Speed, strength, tactics, life and death

Cut diagonally over the shoulder strap.

The angle is tricky and difficult to resist.

With Shen Xiong's strength, the sword's edge cut through the air, making a faint howling sound.

The hound's body is much taller than Bolong, the two-handed sword is twice as heavy as the Bolong long sword, and its length is longer.

Tyrion clung to the wall, one green and one black eyeballs without turning, unconsciously opened his fist hands, and his fingers clasped the wall firmly.

Bolong stepped back obliquely, not daring to fight hard against the hounds, dragged his shuriken diagonally, and the sword walked with him, only in front of his chest.

Cersei smiled, and the sommelier next to her poured red wine for her. Several red cloaks guarded her front, back, left and right, all of them pressed their hands on the hilt.

With just one sword, the hound has the absolute upper hand.

The diagonal cut forced Bolong back, with the backhand, the long sword was tilted from bottom to top, like a flying star, which was faster than the previous diagonal cut. Bolong was taken aback. The clumsy movements of big men are common problems, but this big The stature is unusually agile. He is not surprised when he uses the force downwards and the speed is fast, but when the backhand moves from bottom to top, the anti-joint force is slow, and the speed should be slow, but the speed of this big man is faster...

Moreover, the hound's pace was larger than Bolong, and he took a random step and approached Bolong.


Bolong was originally a single-handed sword, so his attack surface was wider and his footwork was more flexible. However, the speed of the hound exceeded his imagination. When he retreated, the one-handed sword became a two-handed sword, from top to bottom. !

An unrivaled force came from the sword, Bolong was surprised again, the strong grid turned into a diagonal block, unloaded the hound's power and stamina, rolled back and jumped away, like a cat squatting on the ground, kneeling on one knee, sword tip Moving forward, the human sword is one, like a tight bow.

The hound moved slightly in his heart.

Since the Red Fork River was defeated by Arya’s dance teacher Silio, he has only done two things a day, one is arm strength training, and the other is sword skills. Every ten days, he goes out of the gates of the gods in the woods. He practiced hard in his wooden house for a day to verify the swordsmanship in his mind. He was proud of his swordsmanship, he was more powerful and faster, but this little man was obviously not bad.

Although he seems to have the upper hand, the little man's agility and strength are not inferior.

The opponent is good, the hound is more energetic.

The stronger the opponent, the more he likes it.

A good opponent is the Demon Sword Stone, and he himself is the sword! For the decision and vow in his heart, he needs to keep grinding his own sword.

The hound strode forward. This time the opponent is too slippery with a sword in one hand. The attack surface of the sword in both hands is limited. With one hand, the space can be doubled. The room is not big. This expansion of the attack surface is the opponent's agile step. The advantage of the law is suppressed.

This is tactics!

Bolong saw the hound's two-handed sword change into a one-handed sword, his eyes cold.

The strength of this big man refreshed his imagination again.

To make a two-handed sword with one hand, this power must be super strong. One-handed practice of the epee is one thing, one-handed the epee to fight with people, because the strength of the two sides collide, the power requirement of one-handed is increased by twice.

Bolon has never encountered a knight who can use a two-handed epee with one hand.

Although this big man is tall, looking at his body, can he make an epee attack with one hand?

Bolong expressed his doubts!

The hound strode forward, and Bolong's bow-tight body suddenly rolled forward, a forward roll, and he reached the hound's face, thrusting his shuriken straight into the hound's abdomen.

Squatting on the ground with half knee and lowering the center of gravity is the best way for a small man to play against a big man.

The hound held the epee in one hand and circled, with a silver halo in front of him. However, Bolong was gone, and had already rolled to his left side-since the hound was holding the sword in his right hand, Bolong chose to attack his left side.

The roll and thrust just now was just a false move.

The big man's speed and strength are above Bolong, and his IQ is not low. One-handed sword suddenly doubles the attack surface. If he defends passively, he will be really passive.

Bolon made a decisive decision to change the tactics that consumed the big man's physical strength. Since the opponent dared to turn the two-handed epee into a single-handed one, the idea of ​​using dodge to block his physical strength was too naive.

Bolong, a warrior with almost unlimited stamina, has seen a lot. That kind of person is the result of crazy training. Normally, their training consumes more physical energy than real combat.

The tactics changed, a false move led the hound's sword to defend in front of him, Bolong rolled to the hound's left, and the long sword stab again.


In the fire, the hound suddenly changed his sword path, and his strength was not smooth, but Bolong had been prepared for a sudden thrust, and his strength was sufficient. In this fight, the strength of the two sides was evenly matched.

"Good!" Tyrion shouted. Pinch your right fist!

Bolon was inherently shorter than the hounds. With this short roll and attack, the hounds attacked him at a pitiful point, and the big guy attacking the ground was not easy.

But Bolong only attacked the hound's lower body, which turned the disadvantageous situation all at once. Even so, a swordsman rolled forward and backward on the ground, and it didn't look cool. If you wear a helmet, it is easier to expose flaws. ——The helmet will hinder the agility of people's roll.

"A little mouse rolling around on the ground!" Cersei chuckled.

The sommelier and the red cloak attendant around her laughed.

Tyrion didn't laugh, his eyes rolled around and he was nervous.

This tumbling dodge thrust block is all in a combination of quickness and reality, and it also defeats the disadvantages of the hunting dog. Bolong has a sharp vision and precise tactics. He has spotted the shortcomings of the hunting dog. The tallness of the tall man is an advantage, but he was instantly changed by Bolong. Become a shortcoming-but, Bolong is like this, how long he can last, he is flesh and blood, not iron.

Moreover, every time it was obvious that Polon had the upper hand, he was about to pierce the hound’s legs, but he was always blocked by the sword that came first. The hound’s speed was so fast that he changed a person... ...A completely different person, and he used the epee with one hand. Before that, Tyrion had only seen one person who could easily make the epee with one hand, that was the Hound's brother Gregor Clegane.

Bologne has tried his best, and although the Hound is busy defensive block, it is getting more and more smooth and accurate in prediction. Bologne's advantage is disappearing little by little, and the strength of the Hound is showing little by little.

"Sister!" Tyrion interjected in the increasing frequency of double-swords, he was not a person who was waiting to be killed, "I found a magical archer, Dornangai. We can be in the martial arts court. Someone was accidentally shot to death on or off the field of competition. Stark kept looking into your affairs. You know, Jaime is not here. You and your family need me."

"Don't worry, my brother, the trial of martial arts is not over yet, look at your captain, who is agile and vigorous as a mouse."

The attendants in the red cloak laughed in unison.


With a loud noise, the hound's epee knocked Polon's sword flying, and with a loud bang, the long sword stuck into the ceiling. Amidst the unanimous cheers of the crowd, Bolong jumped up, like an arrow with a tight bowstring, and a cold light flashed in his hand. The sharpest and most dangerous steel thorn shot in close combat. The steel thorn is no longer a finger, but narrower than a finger. Three-sided thorns, extremely sharp, as if Bolong’s fingers suddenly doubled, sticking straight into the hound’s throat...

Steel thorns are also a weapon for piercing melee armor. When the throat armor meets the steel thorns, it is like leather, which can penetrate with one strike!