The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 2: Pray for enlightenment

Ed Stark reacted violently!

Cao Dali's heart suddenly became calm. He knew that his words had pierced Ed Stark's deepest and most dangerous secret.

This will convince Ed Stark that he is indeed here to give the oracle and issue a warning.

Jon Snow’s father is Rega Targaryen, he is the eldest son of the last king "Mad King" Iris Targaryen II. He is both civil and military and proficient in music. · Baratheon was killed in the Trident River. Jon Snow’s mother is Ed Stark’s most beloved sister, Leona Stark.

The dragon in the oracle implies Rega; the ice wolf in the oracle hints at Lyanna, and the pillar in the oracle implies that Jon Snow will become a great hero in the future.

This secret of Jon Snow cannot be revealed, because once revealed, Jon Snow will be killed because of the blood of the Targaryen family. The Stark family will also be implicated, and even be annihilated for the crime of deceiving the king.

This is the real reason why Ed Stark is so tight-lipped about Jon Snow's motherhood no matter what.

Anyone with the blood of the Targaryen family is today’s king Robert Baratheon’s greatest threat, even if it is the two slippery fishes far beyond the narrow sea—the stupid, cruel, naive and domineering Wei Serris Targaryen and the 13-year-old girl Daenerys Targaryen both disturbed Robert Baratheon on the Iron Throne, fearing that one day the two remnants of the Mad King would lead The army came across the narrow sea...After all, the Targaryen family ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros for nearly three centuries, and many families and people have been blessed by the Targaryen family and have aspirations...

Wildfires are endless, spring blows and regenerates!

Ed Stark is King Robert Baratheon's best brother, ally and comrade-in-arms, the most trusted person, more than his family and blood relatives. If this news is revealed and known by Robert, it will trigger the worst disaster between the two people.

Out of trust in the moral character of the taciturn Ed Stark, Cao Dali hinted at this deadly message. He metaphors everything with dragons and wolves, and avoided the danger of getting himself into knowing the secret.

"Will, how did you get the oracle?" Ed Stark asked in a deep voice, his voice slightly hoarse. The secret of Jon Snow, he is the only person in the world today who knows. Except for the gods of the ancestors, mortals cannot know.

"The fragments of dreams, the gleam of hallucinations, the whispers of the dark night and the vague enlightenment of praying under the sacred woods. Lord Ed, I believe in the **** of the ancestors." Cao Dali became more calm.

As long as you don't die, everything will turn for the better.

If it comes, you can also be at ease. What's more, it is the Stark family that I admire, this is an upright, brave and responsible tribe. The land under your feet is also the land of heroes.

"What other enlightenment did you get?"

"The male deer is compassionate, and the three wolves go south."

"What do you mean?"

"Will is dull and puzzled."

Ed frowned: "Will, your parents are wizards?"

"Master Ed, my parents have passed away, and there is an older brother and an older sister in the family, both of whom are commoners in Hejiandi. They live in Haijiang City."

"When and where did you get the enlightenment?"

"Master Ed, I have served in the Great Wall of Extremis for four years. I am good at sneaking and reconnaissance. After four years of hard work, I have never been afraid to enter the ghost forest patrol. However, this time, I was frightened. I saw strange ghosts. The fellow Gerry and Sir Weimar Royce were both killed by the strange ghost. I ran away on horseback and was caught by the strange ghost. I knew I was going to die. Suddenly the shadow flashed and the strange ghost changed with a bang. It's flying like icy debris."

"I took a life back, and I tried my best to escape, praying to the gods of the ancestors for blessings. Then, I saw the phantom, the shadow of the shadow, and heard the gentle whispers full of compassion, the winter is here, the winter is here , The voice is not malicious, so I feel at ease."

"I don't know how I have gone through the escape for a few days, nor how I crossed the Great Wall of Impasse. When I was so sleepy and dozed, I would enter some strange dreams with strange symbols every time. Some dreams are still countless. Fragments of blood and fire are flying. Finally, I saw a three-eyed crow, he said to me, go to Winterfell, Will, go to Winterfell, and tell Master Ed, Winter is here, and the ghost is here Go and tell Lord Ed that the male deer is compassionate, and the three wolves are going south; tell Lord Ed that Jon Snow has the protection of the dragon and the ice wolf, and he will become the Optimus Prime in the winter."

"Will, I want you to swear to the heart tree under the sacred tree forest in Winterfell, and speak your oracle and ask the gods to enlighten you."

Cao Dali was anxious. Before crossing, he was an atheist. But now, his soul merges with Will’s soul, possessing Will’s skills and Will’s memory of this world. This is a magical land. , Is also a fantasy world. There are many gods and endless miracles in this world. God of Drowning, God of Fire, God of the Ancestors, Seven Gods, etc., who entered Winterfell in the Shenmu Forest and lied to the eyes of the God of the Ancestors, would he be cursed by God?

In the north, every castle has a sacred tree forest, and every sacred tree forest has a heart tree. The ancient heart tree is ten thousand years old, with ancient human faces carved on it, and the compassionate eyes on the face reach directly The human heart, the tree body is like a person's white skin, the leaves are like blood, and the shape of a human palm. It is said that the heart tree is the incarnation of the **** of the ancestors, portrayed by the son of the forest who has disappeared for eight thousand years.

Cao Dali believes: The more ancient things are, the more they have supernatural powers.

If you lied under the heart tree of the Gods Woods, and asked for enlightenment, would you anger the ancient gods?

However, to come across by yourself, to know and understand something, that is not a lie.

"Master Ed, I am willing to swear by the eyes of the gods of the ancestors under the sacred woods, and say the oracle to request divine enlightenment." Cao Dali felt the coldness weakened and his body was heating up. He felt a little nervous about the heart tree in the sacred tree forest, as if he was dissecting a corpse in front of a professor with a scalpel for the first time.

Ed's eyes were as deep as snow-capped mountains, and Cao Dali could not see any mood swings in his eyes.

Ed turned his gaze, and the captain of the storm guard Qiaoli took a look. Qiaoli immediately came up, drew a short knife and cut the rope in Cao Dali's hand. Then he passed the deerskin gloves to Ed, took the ice from Ed's hand, inserted the ice into the scabbard, and put his back on his back.

"Give him a horse and return to Winterfell." Ed said.