The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 207: Beautiful Assassin·The Unsullied·Gover

The city of Pantos is the port of King's Landing on the opposite side of the narrow sea. The trade between the two cities is the most active. Trade in many other cities also often trades through the port of Pantos and Port of King's Landing.

James Lannister followed the crowd and approached the target silently.

The target was next to the prince's sedan chair, dressed in silk and silk, and the splendid service was shining. The ten fingers were covered with gems, emeralds, pearls and agate, and the neck was also covered with jewelry. This is a wealthy and young nobleman with a long and straight beard dyed golden, and dozens of small braids are braided on the lower jaw, and a bell made of jewels hangs at the end of the braids.

This is a Governor of Pantos, one of many.

By his side were two tall guards with no mood swings in their eyes, wearing the famous spiked helmet of the Unsullied, a long bronze thorn on the helmet, and wearing bronze armor.

A bronze thorn indicates that this is an ordinary soldier of the Unsullied.

The Unsullied are castrated slave warriors. They received cruel training in Astapo, absolutely obeyed their masters and fearless in the face of battle. They are guards of many governors, princes, nobles and knights in free trade city states. They sell from a hundred people, never rob, and are strictly disciplined. Compared with any other mercenaries, they certainly don't rape.

James Lannister didn't worry about how to get rid of these two Unsullied ones after he would kill with one blow, because they would never give up chasing James, unless they had been killed.

This is a bit tricky. When encountering the guards of the Unsullied, everyone will find it a little tricky, because they are not afraid of death, are absolutely loyal, and are proficient in spear and sword and shield.

But as long as they cannot find someone, no matter how pure loyalty is, there will be nowhere to rest.

James was convinced that he could easily hide in a crowd of people, like a fish hiding in the water.

James looked at the prince in the middle of the line. The prince was sitting on a sedan chair made of ivory and gold. This was a poor bug. After the parade, he would be executed and sacrificed to the harvest **** who was spurned by James. Then, another unlucky ghost will be born in Pantos's forty noble families, after a so-called fair election.

In Pantos, the prince is only the host of various grand festive ceremonies, and only presides over meetings and festive banquets. An empty official title without any real power. Perhaps the only advantage is that on New Year’s Day each year, there will be sacrifices to the virgins of the land and the sea, but when the war is defeated or the grain harvest fails, or the trade business declines, the natural disaster strikes, the prince will be paraded. God prayed and was cut open by the dear people in the square.

A smile appeared on James’ face hidden in his hood. He had learned the faceless secret of Braavos’ Faceless Man, but in his heart, he did not identify with the **** of a thousand faces and the **** of death. God is god, how can he be free? It's just wishful thinking to pay attention to a mere mortal, who always regard God as the only one.

It's like the sun's rays, no matter whether you are a beggar or a prince, the sun's rays shine. In James' understanding, the will of God is like the sun's rays. He is not obsessed with superstitious beliefs in the Thousand Faces God, but still has learned the dark mystery of the transformation technique. ——When the sun shines, you will never open one eye to see if you are a beggar or a prince, a thief or a hero. Sunlight does not make a difference, it is the mortal who makes the difference.

For example, now the Prince Pantos, who is sitting on a gold and ivory palanquin with a face of earth, is the unlucky person who is distinguished by mortals in the name of god.

With a little effort, James squeezed behind the target, just separated by two attendants. This governor's attendant is not an unsullied one, attacking from behind is the best position. James took off the sword strap and let the narrow sword slide automatically and fell to the ground. The flow of people became more and more crowded. After successful, the narrow sword hanging around the waist was a cumbersome. Killing a governor in the street crowd is best to use a flying knife or an arrow, but James likes to pierce the flesh with a close sword. The feeling, moreover, is more exciting.

He has learned all kinds of assassination techniques, using poison, disguise and stealth, but he still chose the most dangerous, clumsy but most exciting one, although there are two absolutely fearless by the Governor. And the unsullied soldier who will chase to the end.

James is Lannister, he is a lion, the lion is the king of beasts, and the lion is fearless.

As soon as James moved, the elbow brace popped out, and the short and sharp steel thorns slipped into his hands, like a slender finger like a needle, or like a finger growing out.

"Hi!" James affectionately patted the shoulder of the governor's attendant in front of him. The attendant turned around and opened his eyes, but saw the face of a delicate girl under his hood smiling at him, and the attendant was full of anger. Disappeared, even though the face of this beautiful girl was hidden by the hood, it was still as shiny as snow.

The girl’s slender fingers pointed forward, her delicate red lips moved forward, the attendant turned her head, the girl’s hand pressed on his shoulder, and the person flew up like a big bird, and the person fell gently on the governor. On the back of his horse, the steel thorns in his hand flashed coldly, piercing the back of the young governor's neck. His other hand hugged the governor’s waist, and his red lips lightly kissed the governor’s cheek, leaving a lip mark, waiting for the unsullied on both sides to find something wrong, the girl has flew off the horseback Next, squeezed into the raging crowd...

Everything is like a dream, like an electric light, like an imaginary shadow swaying in a fire shadow-dreamy and unreal... But the young governor began to falter, his throat gurgled, and black blood came out of his mouth...

The marching crowd roared with gongs and drums, and the songs of the nuns and monks in front of the prince sedan chair were still beautiful and reverberating across the sky.

"Grab him, Man in Grey!" A man with a Westeros accent shouted in Common, "There is an assassin. The assassin killed Governor Barnett."

James, who is easy to form a woman, is like a leaf floating in the stream of people. The leaf swirls in the water and disappears completely.

The young and wealthy Governor Barnett fell from his horse, blood gushing out of his mouth and nose, an unsullied man jumped off his horse and extended his arms to support his master, another unsullied man drew out a short knife, raised his shield, and stood on the horse With a very calm search for the murderer on his back, the Governor's attendants shouted in exclamation, and the team began to chaos.

There are many Governors of Pantos. In order to balance the power, the forty noble families that control the city of Pantos elected more than 20 Governors. Today, the Prince Pantos is sacrificed to the God of Harvest. All the Governors will accompany. Before and after the prince’s sedan chair, everything was there, including the close friend of the intelligence chief Varys on the other side of the narrow sea: Illyrio Mopatis.

When Varys was the leader of the mice in the nine free trade city states of the Narrow Sea, Illyrio Morpatis was a top killer. The thief boss formed an alliance with the killer, one stealing information and the other selling information, and soon made a fortune.

After getting rich, Ilirio Mopatis washed his hands in the golden basin and started a trading business in Pantos. He had Varys's intelligence system to enhance his trading business. He quickly changed and became Pantos. The super-rich, who donated money to repair bridges and repair roads to build glorious temples for monks and gods, naturally became Pantos's respected celebrities, and naturally, he became a Pantos governor.

And Varys, also because of his excellent intelligence ability, crossed the narrow sea and became the intelligence director of the mad king Iris Targaryen. Since then, his talent has finally found a suitable and justifiable position.

Governor Barnett was killed by an assassin. The news spread. The Governors were shocked and the team was in chaos. In the chaos, a woman's voice became clearer and more beautiful: "Sir Jorah Mormont, don't chase the assassin, protect Viselis."

A rough voice seemed to curse: "I will protect myself, Daenerys, my sword is not vegetarian."

"Don't be confused, go to Harvest Square immediately. After the ceremony is over, we will find out the truth and catch the assassin and the murderer behind the scenes." A very fat guy who also wears a gem ring on each finger is riding on Immediately shouted, his voice was full of majesty. He has a very exaggerated bite of oily yellow forked beard and a bite of uneven rhubarb teeth, maybe all of those yellow teeth are pure gold.

——This obese but extremely prestigious governor is the famous Illyrio Mopatis. Beside him, a circle of Unsullied protected him, Daenerys, and Viselis. Unsullied's sword was unsheathed, shielded and shielded, and he watched indifferently at the crowd around him.

Not far from the crowd, James recovered his male figure, his hood covered his face, and his eyes fell on Jora Mormon's face.

James Lannister knew Jora Mormon and was very impressed.

Jorah was the second hero to rush to the wall during Greyjoy's rebellion, and the first was Red-robed monk Soros. Later, King Robert held a contest in Lannisport to celebrate the rebellion of the Iron Islands. There, Jorah met Linnis Haitar, in order to attract Linnis Haitar’s attention, Jorah won almost impossible matches one after another, and eventually won the championship, and then crowned Linnis is the queen of love and beauty.

It was in that competition that Jaime Lannister was impressed by Jorah Mormon.

James looked at Jora Mormon not far behind. There was a girl who looked almost exactly the same beauty as Linnis Haytar back then... This is very interesting because James heard one A completely different name: Daenerys Targaryen.