The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 216: Head over heels, interlocking, Ed's hono

(The monthly pass plus the third update.)


Ed Stark felt like he was dreaming. The fragrance and soft intoxication filled his heart with original desires. He wanted to reach out and embrace the softness of the fragrance, but he couldn't raise his hand. He wants to turn over, he wants to enter, his whole body is burning, as if he can feel the transparent invisible flame burning his legs, he wants to rub into the drunken ball, he is hot, he is the flame itself, just want to squeeze into that one The heaven-sent coldness that is pressing up...

But he couldn't do anything. In the bottom of his heart, a voice yelled: "Control it, you bastard, but two glasses of wine."

However, those were not two ordinary glasses of wine, he knew he was deceiving himself.

Queen Cersei was more determined and determined than he thought. She wanted to take him down, tie him to the chariot completely, and completely shatter Ed Stark’s honor that is more noble than life, just like shattering. A piece of gorgeous glass, and it was made by Ed Stark himself to smash his pride and honor as everything...

"No!" Ed yelled in his heart. However, when a sweet wet mark came up on his eyelids, there was a bang in his mind. Although he could not move, he had abandoned everything in his body and mind. Crazy...

Cersei's skills were mature and sophisticated, causing Ed to have uncontrollable trembling convulsions all over his body. The excitement erupted like a mountain. People fell into the abyss all of a sudden, and kept falling. The fear of weightlessness made him yell, hoarse, but this In this kind of panic, it is full of incomparable desire and joy...

—— Ed was surprised to hear his own magical hum, which made him feel embarrassed. However, a pair of magical flexible hands seemed to wander in the depths of his soul, wherever he went, it was that The candlelight that dissipated the thick darkness, the coldness that resisted the hot fire, and the clarinet of the magician under the moon, playing the fascinating tenderness and honey...

In the end, when the uncontrollable raw steel was dampened, Ed Stark felt like he was hovering on the edge of death, let me die, he cursed, but the sound turned into a mist in the breeze. Vaguely, like nothing, full of intoxicating temptation...

——When the explosion starts from the inside of the body, the uncontrollable explosion explodes like bamboo joints. All persistence, honor, morality, hypocrisy, tactics and scheming, evil, desire, anger, pain and joy, all disappeared there. In an instant, everything ceased to exist, and everything became nothingness. Ed was taken by Cersei and floated on the top of the sky for an instant, but then drowned into the bottom of the abyss...


Ed woke up, with the dim swaying red candlelight in front of him. He felt cold all over, and his body was soft. He sat up, a strange and satisfying feeling of being hollowed out of his body like never before...

Whether it is the experience before the crossing or the experience of Will himself after the crossing, all together, the experience of life with Cersei is unprecedented. I have to say that Cersei can make men experience a completely different male feeling. This is like poppy flower milk. It is very delicious and inhibits pain. The more you drink, the more dependent it is. The more you drink, the more inseparable it is. Harm...

"Master Ed, you are awake." A voice suddenly sounded in the shadow in the corner.

The voice of a man was cold and full of jealousy.

Ed Stark was taken aback, and he hurriedly reached out and grabbed the nightgown beside the ground, instinctively blocking the source of male life, the root of evil and the fountain of happiness...

Cersei’s cousin—Lancer Lannister—a young and handsome boy—slowly walked out of the shadow of the corner of the curtain: "Master Ed Stark, I remember Star in the North The K family has always regarded honor above life. King Robert's most trusted prime minister and his favorite brother without blood." He smiled softly, his face shy.

Ed Stark took a deep breath, the shock that Cersei left him was still wandering deep in his body. It was a magical woman who understood all the weaknesses of the man after taking off his clothes.

Ed Stark said lightly: "Lancer, do you want to say that my honor is as dirty as a rag in a flea den, and like a piece of fine glass shattered under a hammer? The honor is lost. Desire and betrayal satirize loyalty."

Lancel didn't answer, and tightened his lips, but the light in those blue eyes flickered.

"Master Ed, would you like to drink a bowl of bacon soup? Her Majesty the Queen made it for you personally, with very precious edible flowers added to it." A delicate-faced maid said humblely at the door.

Ed Stark's body stiffened!

Damn Cersei, even deliberately arranged for a maid to stand beside the gate. He is one now. wire. Do not. hang.

Ed Stark has a fever on his face, he gets dressed at a fast speed, his face is gloomy, and he strode away. However, there is still a trace of aftertaste lingering on his lips.

He really wants to rinse his mouth!

Cersei is like a rose, the rose is very fragrant and thorny, and this one is very different and poisonous.

If this matter is not handled properly, Duke Ed Stark in the north will definitely kill Lord Will in the future!

"Master Ed!" Lancel followed in small steps.

"What's the matter?" Ed Stark stopped, his eyes fixed on the young man with cunning eyes.

"His Majesty the King is waiting for you."

Ed Stark was startled slightly: "Take me there."

Cersei is really amazing, one after the other!

"Yes, Prime Minister." Lancer trot ahead to lead the way because Ed Stark's steps are so big.

"My lord, the king was hunting today. In the imperial forest, unfortunately, his belly was pierced by the tusks of a wild boar. The wild boar was very fierce. The fangs almost tore the entire abdomen of His Majesty the King."

Ed Stark shook his body and stopped abruptly.

"grown ups!"

Ed Stark understood why Lancer could wait for him here, because the king finally stopped yelling for drinking.

This day, the expected day, the day of psychological preparation, has finally come.

Robert is a good man, but he is not a good king, nor can he be a good husband. Even if he gets Leona Stark, he will not be happy, because Leona Stark requires marriage to be loyal to each other and unique; but Robert’s romance cannot be changed. He was fourteen years old and was in Arling Valley. With an illegitimate daughter—before he got engaged to Leona...he was so romantic, sowing seeds everywhere.

And Leona's engagement with him was not voluntary, but forced by her father and the whole family.

Moreover, Ed Stark also knew that Robert's excuse for starting the war was actually a selfish lie because of love, and that the Northern Territory and Ailin Valley were both kept in his dark.

This day has finally come.

When Cersei and him were in the rain, Robert was also being pushed into the abyss by her plan... Wine and the boar, seemingly accidental, but inevitable...

"Lancer, let's go." Ed Stark said in a soft and strange tone.

This made Lancel slightly surprised, but didn't care.

Your Majesty the Queen has arranged everything, Lancer knows that there are at least several plans, although he does not know all of the plans, if Ed Stark is so stupid that the queen is not the only one to look forward to, then one of the plans Maybe it was-the hand of a king who got drunk in the palace***** His Majesty the Queen, not only betrayed Robert, blasphemed loyalty, but also blasphemed the gods and the laws of the Seven Kingdoms... At that time, Lancel is one of the witnesses in this project...