The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 216: Soldiers want blood blade and dragon foo

The blood alliance guard Hargo's scimitar hit one person into the air. He was huge in size and powerful, and he was more suitable for warhammers than scimitars.

Kohor's arrows are flawless and fast. His arrows are also very long, with long bows and arrows, full of strength, and every arrow shot, one person must fall to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the governor and the guards fell.

Several of Zhuo Ge's guard cavalry were also injured. One of them was shot in the lower abdomen, and the spear penetrated his body, and the other three horses were stabbed to death by the spear of the Unsullied.

The guards of the Unsullied will never retreat, and they are absolutely fearless.

The companions around him fell down, their calm faces were as usual, the spear in their hands was cut off, they used the short sword, the shield was split, they threw the shield, and leaped on.

The Dothraki's cavalry were flexible in advance and retreat, roundabout, and soon, the governor's guards were all galloping cavalry.

After the cavalrymen were killed in close combat and three horses were killed, they immediately retreated and adopted an encirclement, and their weapons became long whips and bows.

Each cavalry has three weapons: a half-straight sword and half a sickle, a long whip, and a bow and arrow.

The scimitar is used for close combat, the long whip is used to draw the enemy at a medium distance, the throat is locked, and the bow and arrow are used for long-range combat.

In an instant, it became a one-sided massacre.

The Dothraki rided on the horse and attacked the infantry on all sides. The whip snapped and the arrows roared. One by one, the Unsullied soldiers and mercenaries fell amidst the screams.

The remaining dozen governors knelt down together, and several shouted to stop.

Illyrio said softly to Zhuo Ge, Zhuo Ge raised his hand: "The blood of my blood!"

As a result, the blood alliance guard and the guard cavalry returned to Zogo with a smile, as if they had just played an interesting game.

A blood-stained governor said: "Ilirio, Zogo Cao, my castle house and stone tower are yours, and my wealth, please allow me to leave with my family."

Illyrio smiled and said: "Governor Alston, if you resign as governor, you can stay. I allow you to keep half of your wealth. The other half, you have to dedicate it to Zogo Kao and his bloodguard. ."

"As you wish, my lord." Governor Alston quickly thanked him.

"There are too many Governors of Pantos. Any small government affairs cannot be dealt with within ten days and a month. It is difficult for everyone to reach a consensus. This seriously hinders the development of Pantos. Our wealth, business and honor are all because of this. Was affected."

"Master Illio, I ask you to allow me to resign from the post of governor." A governor shouted, earnestly, with a sincere expression full of expectation.

"That's right, Lord Andrew, your castle, merchant ship, mansion, and villa are all preserved. You only need to take out half of your wealth and give it to Zogo Kao."

"Thank you Lord Illyrio, thank you Zogo Kao and his blood ally guards. I am deeply honored. I hope that I can be a small official under Lord Illyrio in the future, helping adults manage maritime trade and repaying them. Of generosity and kindness."

"That's right, Lord Andrew. I was moved by your enthusiasm and Pantos' loyalty in serving Pantos. I believe you can do well in the management of maritime trade."

Dick Weishui coldly watched this **** Pantos change. He saw Illyrio's Unsullied Guard, standing still next to the City Guard, but Viselis was gone, the guy who claimed to be a true dragon. He is a future investment for Illyrio.


In Illyrio’s red wall fortress, beside the huge garden pool, there is a lifelike sculpture. The figure of this sculpture is young and handsome, holding a short sword in an attacking posture. From the boy’s eyebrows, one can vaguely see Illyrio’s shadow.

The young Illyrio is not the fat man now.

Under the sculpture, Daenerys’ snow-white palms swept the water with a smile on her face. She was in a very good mood. From afar, there are several unsullied people guarding the house, but not far from her. Under the window, a young Dothraki wearing yellow leather was dark and thin, holding a circled black whip in his hand.

His name is Qiao Ge, a Dothraki boy sent by Zogo to protect Daenerys. He is good at making long whips. He is sixteen.

There was a sound of horseshoes outside the gate, and the horse rushed into the gate and came straight to the garden. Daenerys raised her head and saw his brother Viselis.

Viselis was dressed in black silk clothes and a long sword borrowed from his waist. He jumped off his horse, picked up Daenerys, and walked quickly.

"What are you doing, let me down." Daenerys said.

Her loud noise made him annoyed. Since marrying Zhuo Ge in the big red temple next door, she seemed to be more and less afraid of him, so she dared to open her eyes and yell at him.

This made Veserys very angry.

"You are the only Targaryen bloodline. You must give Targaryen a true dragon bloodline, not a horse."

"My husband is Zogo Cao, and we have already held a wedding according to the ceremony of the Targaryen family. The gods are all witnesses."

"Yes, but the wedding has not been held in accordance with the Dothraki marriage custom, so you are not yet the official wife of Zogo Kao. Even if you are his wife, you are also obligated to give birth to Targaryen's pure blood. Dragon son. If it weren’t for you to be born late that year, Regar wouldn’t have married Martel and then fell in love with an ice wolf. Wolf, lion, and horse are just food for dragons. Horses do not deserve to have dragons, but he promised Give me ten thousand cavalry, and I will allow you to be ridden by him. Horses can ride dragons, but dragons can’t ride dragons."

"Let go of me, I'm already pregnant with Zogo Cao's child." Daenerys snapped, "He will come and take me away today. We will hold another wedding in accordance with the Dothraki marriage customs."

"I know, so I must ride you before he takes you away."

Weselis carried Daenerys up the steps and was about to enter the room.

"George!" Daenerys shouted.


There was a whip sound, the strong wind howled, and a black long whip slammed around Wesselis' neck. Wesseliston suffocated, and the steps on the steps could no longer move forward for half a minute.

Qiao Ge tightened his whip, Viselis was pulled back down the steps, his face began to flush, breathing was difficult, and his purple eyes began to congestion. After a few heartbeats, he had to let go of Daenerys and pull the whip around his neck with both hands.

Qiaoge pushed hard, Veserys fell to the ground, Qiaoge stepped on his chest and swished out the knife.

"No, Georg, let him go." Daenerys shouted.

Jogo put away the knife and let go of the whip. Veselis started to do it, hissed, and fingered Jogo: "Dragon food, you are all dragon food. Horses, lions, wolves, mammoths and sea monsters. It’s all food for dragons. I am a descendant of true dragons."

"Weselis, if you dare to touch me in the future, I will ask Georg to chop off your hand." Daenerys said.

Veserys was unbelievable: "I am a real dragon, how dare you speak to me like this?"

"Wesiris, you no longer have the right to order me to do anything I don't want to do, starting from today, at this moment, and forever. Because I am also a dragon." Daenerys said coldly.

"Yes, Daenerys, you are right, we are dragons, so whether it is horses, lions, wolves, mammoths, sea monsters, all living creatures, they are just our food."

Daenerys had a thud in her heart. After pregnancy, the dreams about dragons and flames appeared one by one. The dreams became more and more frequent, and she could feel that she was not afraid of fire or hot water. She never understood. Those dreams foreshadow what, and I don’t understand why I put my fingers on the flame of the candle after I was pregnant, but I just felt the warmth and not burn my fingers——

—— Veserys’s scream suddenly lifted the veil of the mist in her heart, which made her suddenly enlightened——After she became pregnant, countless dreams about dragons and flames and the unprovoked closeness of her body to flames were all because of—— She is a dragon!

"I am a dragon, and horses, lions, wolves, elephants, and sea monsters are all food for dragons!"

"I am a dragon, I am not afraid of fire, I am close to flames, and flames are close to me, because I am a descendant of true dragons."

The true dragon heirs of the Targaryen family and the awakening inheritance of the true dragon blood have always been male and female.