The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 224: The Beautiful Red-robed Girl·The Prophe

"Mrs. Melisandre, Master Stannis, please." Sairis's characteristic sharp voice sounded.

People who don't know her thought she was scolding. Cyris, like Stannis, was an unsmiling person with a cold face. The more joyful and excited her heart is, the sharper her voice will be.

Stannis looked at the door, and the red-robed woman appeared silently at the entrance of the Tuzao Hall.

She is very beautiful in a bright red robe. The face is impeccably heart-shaped, and the hair seems to be a deep red copper color that has been polished, a little shimmer is scattered on her hair, and the hair is shiny like a metal.

She walked into the picture table hall, looking at Stannis with big charming eyes, intently.

Stannis looked at the red-robed woman for the first time, and he found that her eyes were also red, from head to toe, the red-robed woman was red. She wore a red gold necklace tightly around her neck. The necklace was centered on a large ruby. Under the light of the torch in the picture table hall, the ruby ​​glowed charmingly.

As soon as she walked in, Stannis clearly felt the temperature rise in the table room.

This moved Stannis's heart: The red-robed woman has a certain mysterious power, and this power is real.

Then, inevitably, Stannis noticed the red-robed woman's stubbornness. Just like people's rumors, the red-robed woman is so full that the man's eyes cannot be removed anymore. In Longshidao, along with the magical rumors of the red robe woman, there are all kinds of beautiful and moving rumors about her.

Stannis had to admit in his heart that the red robe girl was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, no matter her figure or style, she was the best among women.

The red-robed girl approached Stannis, Stannis' eyes fell on her neck, and the beautiful heart-shaped face with her hands. Her skin is very white and tender, without any blemishes, just like the freshest cream.

The red-robed woman walked in front of Stannis, and Stannis was shocked to realize that she was actually very tall, taller than Cyris next to her, and taller than Stannis himself.

She is actually taller than most knights.

The tall figure makes the girl in the red robe look very slender and elegant. The waist is slender and soft, and the fullness and slender waist make her walk lightly and breathtakingly.

This is a very attractive woman. If Robert sees the girl in the red robe, he can't wait for a heartbeat.

However, Stannis looked at the red-robed woman who walked up to him, as if looking at a piece of wood.

In one year, Stannis had only barely fulfilled his obligation to be a husband once or twice to his wife Cyris, and the purpose was only to hope that Cyris could give birth to a son for him as heir. There was a daughter between them, Xilin, who was eight years old. Gray scale disease caused the skin on her left face and most of her neck to be covered with gray-black dead skin. The surface was dry, cracked, peeling, and mixed with black and gray spots. It feels like a hard rock. The child's illness is also a gulf between the couple.

Stannis is different from Robert. Robert only hates that he is not good enough when he sees a beautiful woman, while Stannis is indifferent, like a silent Blackstone.

Stannis is not good at being a woman, just like an old-fashioned insulator.

"Master Stannis, you have to be careful, the night is dark and sinister everywhere." Her voice was low, but it turned out to be very beautiful and exotic.

Stannis's gaze fell on the cut in her coat, where the skin was so white that she was slightly shiny.

"Girl in the red robe, Cyris said you foresee my future. I want to see what your flames can tell me?"

"Master Stannis, I saw Dragon Stone Island from the flames on an island in the Jade Sea half a world away. The King of Light guided me to come here to find you."

Stannis didn’t want to believe a word. It would take at least a year from here to the Jade Sea, across the Narrow Sea, and then across the Essos mainland, and then to the islands in the Jade Sea. It is said that the ancestors of Targaryen The magic creature dragon was found on the island of Jade Sea. Stannis is not polite: "Red-robed girl, what did your Lord of Light lead you to come here to find me for?"

"My lord, compared with the upcoming King’s Landing fight for the Iron Throne, your fight is just a fight between children. The ancient Ability God that mortals cannot know is gathering power in the north, terrible, evil and powerful, mortals can’t resist. The cold wind has blown, and the winter is coming quietly, and soon will be the long night and winter that will never end, never ending!"

"It's the argument of the strange ghost again? You are half of the world, and you also foresee the strange ghost outside the Great Wall?" Stannis was very disappointed in his heart. Recently, there has indeed been a talk of strange ghosts. It is an excuse for the Great Wall night watchman to benefit from the hands of lords everywhere. At the First Military Conference, Will, the night watchman who killed the Devil Mountain, was the most hard-working liar who preached the attack of the ghost. With the end of the warrior, his lies spread throughout the seven countries.

The current night watchman has become a gathering place for criminals, thieves, liars, and illegitimate children, and there is no honor at all.

"The King of Light showed me the fragments of the future through the holy fire, Lord Stannis, unless the upright people muster up the courage to spread the faith of the flames and red hearts. The ancient book of Asia predicts that when the stars are weeping and the cold darkness covers the world , There will be a warrior draw a burning sword from the fire, and this sword is the light messenger, and the person who draws the sword is the reincarnated hero of Azor Yahai. Master Stannis, you, that’s me in Yuhai At the time, Azor Yahai, the reincarnated hero seen from the flames."

Stannis stared at the red-robed girl, and the anger of being played by the witch rose in his heart. His deep blue eyes were like endless night: "Red-robed girl, if you talk nonsense, I will cut your tongue."

Stannis is a man who does what he says.

Celis hurriedly intervened: "Mrs. Melisandre, don’t you forget the time we were together? Me and you, in the flames, saw Master Stannis’s attack on King’s Landing Red Fort. Let’s not do it yet. Discussing the North and the Ancient Ability God, let us first see what the flame will tell us."

Stannis looked at Melisandre expressionlessly. His tight lips and cold eyes showed his attitude towards the red-robed woman. At this time, even the mighty knight would panic in front of him. , But the girl in the red robe did not, she had no fear, and there was a faint sneer in her eyes.

She is not afraid of me!

She thinks I dare not cut her tongue, so just cut off her head.

Stannis couldn't tolerate the rudeness of the red-robed girl, and her words were more abhorrent than Will, the man in black who brag about the attack of the ghost. Will is a night watchman, and it is excusable.

"As you wish, Mrs. Sairis." The red-robed woman walked to the brazier, her hands that were white and tender as fat holding up the copper plate that was scorching hot by the coals.

She is not afraid of fire.

Stannis knew the temperature of the copper plate, and once his attendant accidentally touched it while adding charcoal fire, and his skin immediately rose with blue smoke. The temperature of the copper plate is even higher than the temperature of the flame.

She lifted the copper plate gently, and Cyris immediately lifted the iron frame of the brazier below and placed it in front of Stannis.

The girl in the red robe put the copper plate on the iron frame, she reached into the red robe, took it out, raised her hand lightly, a burst of blue powder fell into the flame, and the faintly shrinking flame at the bottom of the basin boiled like boiling water , Almost overflowing from the big brazier.

"Look at it, Stannis, look at the sight in the flames." Sairis' voice sounded like a whip.

Stannis stared: In the flames, he saw King's Landing and Red Fort. He saw two groups of soldiers hacking, the Black Armored Army and the Red Army. The entire Black Armored Army was destroyed; he saw a shadow kneeling in the flames. ; He saw a giant man without a head; He saw a black prison, a shadow curled up.