The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 250: The man in black in the black prisoner V

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Ed Stark and Melisandre did not speak, but made eye contact, and they understood that Melisandre had made up his mind to demolish the sanctuary, flatten the sacred tree forest, and build her red temple.

In this way, Ed Stark's prediction was only half accurate, and the other part failed.

Her faith was firm, but she gave Ed Stark a little bewilderment: Is her main goal to deal with ancient Ability Gods? Or is it the main goal to promote the belief in the Red God? Maybe she herself may not be clear. If the main goal is to promote faith and absorb believers, of course it is best to be around Stannis I.

In this world, of course, the king's influence is huge.

As for the real ice and fire, it's like the forging of a sword. At the beginning, it was just an inconspicuous billet. It was far from a good sword.


Under the Red Fort, death row cells.


In the light of a torch, a person who wrapped himself in a black robe made a soft voice.

Varys raised his head, his pink face and smooth hands were still so tender, but his expression was haggard and his face was bleak.

"Which adult?" Varys' eyesight is always good, but he can't tell who it is.

"Think about your head being chopped off by Stannis I and put on the tip of the gun, oh, I don't dare to think about it." The person joked, but the voice was strange.

"Indeed, I can't even think about it."

"Stannis has a red-robed girl by his side. Your eight-claw spider seems useless."

"The flame may be able to see some secrets, but it is a very limited part." Varys said, "My lord, if you can save me out, I think I will be useful to adults."

Varys took the risk, taking a gamble without knowing who the other party was.

Stannis is definitely not a soft-handed person, he is famous for his stubbornness and toughness. It is difficult to change the things he has decided, not to mention that he is now the king of the Seven Kingdoms, and is no longer the lord of Dragon Stone Island bound by Robert.

"Tell me some useful information, maybe I will save you out."

"The adults talk about how to save me. When I am happy, I will think of many interesting things. I think there are always some things that adults are very interested in."

"Oh, it's very simple. See what it is?" The visitor took out a cloth bag from his arms, opened it, and the flames shone, Varys saw that it was a set of jailer's clothes.

"Change you to the jailer who brought me in just now, and you won't go out." The visitor chuckled.

Varys' pink face suddenly flashed light.

This is a very good idea.

"What do you want to know?"

"Jaime Lannister," the visitor said.

"Oh, a little bird said that he was trained in the Black and White Academy in Braavos. In addition to taking over the task of killing people, he usually doesn't like to hide his true face in Braavos. His pride and his As good as brave."

"Bravos Black and White House? Are you sure."

"I'm sure. One day a few months ago, he wore a gold armor and a gold sword on his waist and swaggered into the black and white courtyard of Braavos, unabashedly, as if walking into his courtyard in Kaiyan City. Around there, anyone with eyes can see it."

"Oh, the news is good. So, what is the situation of Veselis and Daenerys who live in the house of Governor Pantos Illio Mopatis?"

Varys' eyes narrowed imperceptibly, and he lifted his hand to wipe his eyes pretendingly, as if the light of a torch was irritating his eyes in the dark.

The other party knew Illyrio, which was not a good signal, which made Varys quite disturbed.

"My lord, before the death of King Robert, the secret killing order was revoked. The order was timely. At the wedding of Daenerys and the horse king Drogo Cao’s Dothraki, the killer’s poison was withdrawn in time.

The man in black smiled, meaningless.

Cold sweat slowly drained from Varys's back.

Who is this guy?

It seems that I can't hide anything from him.

Did the Red Witch see something in the flame?

Varys was conceited and extremely clever, and little birds were scattered across the six kingdoms of Westeros. Only the icy land in the north was much weaker. For the narrow sea trading city-state he started, his little bird has never stopped. But now, he has the absurd feeling of being penetrated by the other party.

"How long have Daenerys and the horse king Drogo Cao been married?"

"It's almost two months."

"Oh? You just said that the poisoned wine was withdrawn at the wedding, and that Daenerys and Zogo had been married for almost two months? But Robert died not long ago. Okay, I decided to take back what I just said, or let Stannis The king cut off your fat head more simply."

"No, no, my lord. Daenerys and Zogo Kao had two weddings. The first time was in Dahongmiao, according to the wedding customs of the Targaryen family. Although Daenerys was under the fence, it is said that Governor Pantos Illyrio refused to lower Targaryen’s royal status, so the first time he and Zogo Kao were married to the royal princess in the Great Red Temple next to Illyrio’s house, the wedding scene was very simple. It is said that hardly anyone congratulated him."

"Oh?!" The news made the black man's heart move. In the world structure he understands, Daenerys' marriage trajectory is not like this.

"The second time not long ago, on the plain outside Pantos, the wedding was held in accordance with the Dothraki wedding customs."

"Oh, since your people are responsible for the drinks at the wedding, did Illyrio give Daenerys three dragon eggs as a wedding gift?"

"No, my lord, there is no dragon egg."

The man in black visibly moved, his voice slightly sharpened: "There is no dragon egg? How is it possible?"

Sweat dripped from Varys' forehead and nose, and he couldn't help it. The opponent even knew Illyrio's dragon egg, who was he? Who is it? Who is it? Illyrio's dragon egg is only known to close friends. A dragon egg is very valuable.

But no matter who he is, what if he can save himself out? Otherwise, he didn't need to prepare this set of jailer clothes.

"My lord, Illyrio's dragon egg was stolen."

The man in black mumbled and cursed something. Varys did not understand, but he could hear the shock and resentment in his voice.

Who is this man in black?

Illyrio’s dragon egg was stolen, as if his treasure had been stolen.

"If you cross the Narrow Sea, you must ask Illyrio to offer a high price to buy the dragon egg. No matter how much it is, you must buy the dragon egg." The man in black had a command tone in his voice, revealing a hint of urgency.

This is an inexplicable order. This is a person who cannot see through.

Varys was confused.

"Sure, my lord, Varys swears in the name of the old and new gods that Illio will give a reward to buy the dragon egg back at a high price." Varys swears.

Varys regretted it as soon as he swore. There is a loophole in this oath. If he is not familiar with Illyrio, how could he let Illyrio buy back the dragon egg at a high price.

But the man in black seems to have no interest in this loophole. Maybe he hasn't noticed it at all, but the most likely thing is that the other party knows the secrets of him and Illyrio.

"Varys, Daenerys is a real dragon. You can hatch dragon eggs and raise real dragons. Remember my words. She can hatch real dragons. One day, you and Daenerys will bring Doss. The Rak and the Unsullied crossed the narrow sea and regained the Iron Throne. However, if there were no dragons, everything would be lost.

"Varys has firmly remembered what the lord said." Varys was uncertain in his heart, completely unsure of the superior of the other party, and what he said was even more incredible, but he answered extremely firmly and sincerely.

"Very well, I will save you, but you must first swear to join the Tribunal."

"Yes, sir." The first time Varys heard about the three words of the Holy Tribunal, he felt a little bit in his heart. He didn't know anything about the Tribunal. On the continent of Westeros, there was a secret organization that Octopus hadn't heard of. He couldn't believe it. ——But life is at stake. He didn't hesitate to kneel on one knee, stroking his chest with a pious left hand, "My lord, I, Varys, swear in the name of the old and new gods, join the Holy Tribunal, and never swear."

"Okay, I'm the Silver Judgment of the Holy Tribunal, and you recite the oath with me!"

"Yes, my lord."