The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 273: Sansa Loves·Sword as Star·Elegant Will

"Before the war, you can't fight internally." Ed Stark said in a deep voice.

Jory Kelso, Mia Stone, Erin, Fat Tom, Malwyn, the guards of the North forcibly separated the two.

Jon Royce said angrily: "I withdrew from the military conference, I will lead my headquarters to be the vanguard and set off immediately."

Yon Royce's five thousand elite soldiers is a powerful army among many vassals.

"The vanguard is mine!" Lynn Cobry shouted, "No one can compete with me for the vanguard."

"Pioneer can only belong to the Nine Star City Temperton family." Simon Temperton said, banging on the table.

However, Jon Royce turned his head and left.

Ed Stark’s grandfather had a sister who married Roma Royce as his wife. Roma Royce and Stark had three daughters, all of whom were married to Vale, and the eldest daughter married to Waywood. In the family, the second daughter married into the Kobri family, and the young daughter married into the Temperton family. These three families are all powerful nobles in the valley, and they are also the main fighters. They are relatives of the Ed Stark family. This is why it is easy for the vassals of the valley to accept Ed Stark as the guardian of the east.

When the former king Robert was alive, he planned to appoint James Lannister as the guardian of the east. If the king's decree is issued, it will only be a false name. The pride of the lords of the valley will never make them succumb to Lannister.

Seeing that Jon Royce was about to take his men out of the hall, Ed Stark sternly shouted, "Earl Jon, the scout has not yet been dispatched. Any vassal knight is not allowed to go into battle without permission. This is a military order."

Jon Royce didn't seem to hear it at all.

As long as he stepped out of the door, he would bring his own five thousand elite soldiers to be the vanguard, attack Lannister in the river, and no longer listen to Ed Stark's unification orders.

Will's voice was faint: "Master Yoon, your magic armor is vulnerable. I challenge you. Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Jon Royce really stopped.

When Ed Stark looked at Will, Will whispered: "You can't let him leave the military meeting, otherwise you can't order other valley troops."

The military order collapsed, and the vassals of the valley were fighting separately. It is hard to say that this must-win battle is even possible. It is possible that even the captive lord was rebelled by Tywin Lannister.

The end of the military conference is the general meeting of divisions, also known as the meeting of oaths.

In the eagle's nest city sanctuary, the vassals and knights of the valley will kneel under the statue of the seven gods and swear to send troops, and sworn to follow Ed Stark, guardian of the east. After the temple ceremony, Ed Stark will have the binding power of the oath. Those who do not listen to the order will beheaded, and the other lord knights will have nothing to say.

Jon Royce drew the sword, everyone had already vacated the hall, and Will also drew out the dark night and jumped into the field. The back of his left hand is behind him, his fingers slanting forward in the dark, with his chest and back, like a knight inviting ladies to dance. In this appearance, the pupils of the dance teacher Celio Friel shrank, and Arya’s big The eyes lit up.

On the tall spiral staircase overlooking the hall, three people stood: Mrs. Lysa Tully who embraced Duke Robert Alling; the servant Green whispering beside her; and Sansa who was beautiful and charming in an elegant dress Miss.

Green-Pointer Petir, before he can't become a duke, no matter how many conspiracies, he is not qualified to marry Lysa Tully, and it can only be limited to love. ——His current identity is the jester who makes Lysa Tuli happy. The lords have the customs of raising jesters, clowns, moon boys, singers and poets.

Lysa Tully's face became sharper, and she looked at Will with fear and hatred: "Jon, kill him." She gritted her teeth in a low voice.

Green's gray and green eyes were slightly smiling, as if he appreciated the duel.

Robert Allin was in his mother's arms, with his little hands busy in her mother's bra, shouting, "I want them to fly!"

In Sansa's eyes, it seemed to see a great hero in a fairy tale, flashing a beautiful longing brilliance. Her expression was flying and Green was quietly watching her. Green's gray-green eyes turned and the corner of his mouth smiled. Understand Sansa's ignorant and simple girl heart.

Will, besides his father, siblings and mother, is the only man Sansa has been very close to. ——It's just that at that time she treated him as close as her father. When she learned the truth, Sansa had a strange feeling in Will. It was another strange feeling that was different from the admiration of his father, a kind of amazing feeling that the great knight suddenly appeared like a meteor in a fairy tale... …

"Water Dance!" Arya asked her dance teacher Silio Friel softly, but she felt a little different.

"No, it's the Spirit of Wind." Silio was surprised. The Spirit of Wind is an unspoken mystery organized by the Wind Spirit Assassins of Braavos. The assassins in it are all women, and occasionally they have outstanding talents. Loyalty is a genius man who has gone through the sword **** ceremony.

Silio Friel does not know the spirit of the wind himself, the spirit of the wind is more suitable for Arya.

If swordsmanship is divided into male and female, then the dance of water is male, and the spirit of wind is female. Speaking of swordsmanship, elegant and flexible, fast and unpredictable, the spirit of wind is above the dance of water.

In the circle, Jon holds a sword in one hand, gently pulls the sword flower, showing strong power, his footsteps swaying from side to side, and the agility of the old man is also amazing. In contrast, Will's posture is still as graceful as inviting a lady to dance. , But the tip of the sword moved along with the movement of the old man.

"Hi!" The old man snorted softly, and the two sword flowers on the left and right sides of the long sword suddenly slammed up and the tip of the sword pierced Will's chest.

Jon's sword is nearly twice as long as Will's. The left and right swords are just a false move, and the step forward is strong. At the same distance, he can stab Will, but Will cannot stab him.

There was a cry of exclamation from the audience.

This stab is so fast.

Sansa on the spiral staircase closed her eyes in fright, and covered her beautiful face with her hands.

"Kill him, kill him." Lysa Tully gritted her teeth, her eyes glowing with excitement.


With a soft sound, Will spins under his feet, just a small broken step on his left foot, just like the subtlety of a lady, the grace of a lady, the body floats away, there is no room for hair, the long sword slams close to the body, and his narrow sword is growing. There was a sharp ding sound on the sword of the sword, and a star of fire spattered.

Stabbing into the air, his strength suddenly pushed horizontally, four or two thousand kilograms, and Jon staggered, but he reacted too quickly, taking advantage of the momentum, and slashing Will's waist with a long sword.

Power Shen Xiong, this cut brought sword wind.

"Okay!" The knight swordsman shouted loudly.

Winning in defeat, changing moves quickly, but turning disadvantages into advantages.

Will unblocked, slid down, and retreated in a straight line, as if a lady had stepped down from the dance floor after a dance, bowing and saluting, incredibly fast without losing grace and demeanor.

Apart from the blade of the long sword, Will still held his chest and back, with an elegant posture, with his left hand behind him, his narrow sword pointed diagonally forward, and a smile on his face, as if he was going to dance with a lady in the next moment.

"Good!" Sansa almost yelled.

With superb swordsmanship, Jon defeated Ed Stark and coach Roderick Kelso in Winterfell.

Cut horizontally and cut the air, the sword never stopped, and immediately backhanded, it turned into a diagonal split from top to bottom, the cold light was shining like stars, and the footwork was extremely fast. It was impossible to see that this was older than Ed Stark. The doubled old man, with backhands, swordsmanship changes, and footwork driving his body, has already reached the best distance to attack Will.

Will didn't retreat but moved forward. He was about to leave the circle again, and his right foot was a little half step forward, like a lady's small step, bowed and lowered his head, cold light passed over his head, blowing his black hair.