The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 276: Lannister's sudden army

(Adding more to the guardian of Rulong 1911, I wish the business is fierce and fierce)


Downhill is harder to walk than uphill, and it takes more time.

At dawn, the group finally came to Moon Gate Fort.

Moon Gate Fort is the largest castle. When winter comes, the lord on the top of the mountain will lead his family and servants down the mountain to spend the winter at Moon Gate Fort.

Nestor Royce, the Viscount of Moongate Castle, is a sideline of the Royce family. He has long received news of the raven and prepared horses, water and dry food for the black fish and his party.

Heiyuweier and his team immediately got on their horses after breakfast. They walked along the fertile valleys and plains with fragrant melons and fruits, full of crops, warm springs, rivers and lakes, passing through villages, and they had to walk for another day. Time to reach the foot of the valley of the blood gate.

The Raven had long brought the news to the light cavalry of the Blood Gate, and the scouts and the Raven Bachelor accompanying the army had assembled, only waiting for the arrival of the captain Hei Yu.

Everyone stayed awake all night, but the war horse was the best horse and knew the way in the valley plain. Angai's horse is a halterless horse that he brought from the border of Dorne. From King's Landing to the valley, they are all with their master. Ange whistled and the horse moved forward on its own. Ange closed his eyes and began to sleep immediately.

It was dark, everyone came to the blood gate. After changing horses and having dinner, apart from Green being left behind, everyone and the newly added fifty hussars, one bachelor and two bachelor’s soldiers’ assistants, carrying pack horses and tents, water and food, one person and two horses , Holding the torch high, marched towards the blood gate overnight.

Tyrion was already miserable after marching in such a hurry, he could only rest immediately, and he didn't even have it. But he also had a way. After reaching the blood gate, he found two high triangular wooden frames to tie around the saddle, then put his small body in the middle, marching at night, tied himself with a rope, and just closed his eyes and fell asleep. .

The scout is the eyes of the army, and must do everything possible to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible, and use the raven to pass what he sees to Lord Ed Stark.

Marching overnight, most of the rugged mountain roads in the Blood Gate Valley have been walked. By the time of daybreak, the most difficult road to walk has passed. Although the Mingyue Mountains are still on both sides of the road, the road is smooth and easy to walk.

"Sir Blinden, I suggest to put away both the Aylin family's flag and yours. Shouldn't the scouts be quiet? If we march quickly during the day, we can see Lannister's army in the evening. On this road , It is impossible to guarantee that there will be no Lannister scouts." Will said.

Blinden was munching on black bread, holding two black sausages in his other hand. The old man has a tough body and eats as soon as he is hungry, which is bigger than the young soldier.

"There will be no Lannister scouts yet, Lord Will. That's why I set up the valley flag and my black fish flag. On both sides of the mountain road, in the trees or in the crevices of stones, I bet that now There are a few pairs of mountain tribes staring at us, but with these two flags, they will not move. We need marching speed now, there is no need to have more branches." Hei Yu said.

A valley knight smiled and said: "My lord, Lannister's scouts can't touch this place. This is the territory of the mountain tribe. Even if we are valley knights, once we are alone, or if there are less than ten people, they will probably jump. Come out and do it."

"I see, my lord."


Under the night, a person's head emerged from behind a small mound: black fish; then the second person's head, Will; the third person's head slowly came out: Da Jie.

Below the hills, the only way out from the valley has been cut off. A big trench is not known how deep it is. It is estimated that the trench is also covered with iron nails and pickets are inserted. Behind the trenches are rows of wooden piles inserted upside down. The spikes of the wooden piles face up diagonally, densely packed, let alone people, even dogs can't get past.

Behind dozens of rows of spiked stakes, a high wall was built to completely block the way for the people from the valley to go out. The high wall was brightly lit with torches, and about twenty crossbow soldiers were guarding them.

Although Will has been a night watchman ranger for four years, it is the first time he has seen such a formal real ancient battlefield.

Before crossing, he was a doctor. For ancient wars, it is only limited to superficial understanding in books and film and television dramas. With this immersive experience, I suddenly felt that what I had learned and known was like a bubble in the water, bursting with a bang, invisible and invisible.

In his eyes, it was insurmountable just because of this huge trench and the dense spikes behind it.

How did the flesh and blood rush over? You haven't gotten close to the trench, it must be a rain of arrows from the defending soldiers.

As a ranger in the Great Wall of Impasse, it was only a battle with dozens of wild men at most, and more of a small group battle of a few people. As for the experience and experience of large-scale military operations, Will is safe. Before he became a night watchman, he was just a thief, not a soldier.

The experience of the two worlds was put together, and Will was at a loss and shock as a rookie about being in a real ancient battlefield.

Behind the high wall, there were campfires that could not be seen at a glance. The tents were one after another, and the flames shot out from the tent mouths, and there were dots everywhere, as if the stars in the sky were falling down.

"Hey, Lord Will, can you calculate?"

"No." Will's calculations are good, but he understands what Blackfish is talking about, that is, from these campfires, to calculate the number of Lannister's troops.

Lannister’s army is full of battalions on the east side of the Trident River. In order to guard against the valley army, they have set up obstacles, dug the road, inserted pickets, and built the only way they came out of the valley. High wall, and sent an army to be stationed here.

"Master Heiyu, Da Jili and I went up to grab a prisoner." Will said.

He didn't know anything about counting campfires and calculating the number of people, but he and Darjeel were caught in the dark for sneaking, reconnaissance, assassination, and capturing prisoners. These concealed skills, over the mountains and ridges, the shadows of the trees lie in wait, they are already perfect in their skills outside the Great Wall.

To capture prisoners, you will not pass through the trenches, but will only turn over the mountains on both sides, enter the forest, and bypass the obstacles on the road and the soldiers stationed.

"Okay, be careful, you go to catch the prisoners, I will go to the other side to see. Within an hour, gather here." Heiyu's voice was a little disturbed and doubtful.

"What's wrong?" Will didn't want to pretend to be confused. This is the real battlefield. If something is wrong, you will die. He is a rookie, he has doubts in his heart, so he has to ask questions and learn to lead troops to fight.

Large-scale military operations are incomparable with individual battles and dozens of people in the streets and narrow lanes.

"The Lannisters can't have so many troops." Hei Yu finally whispered, his voice with suppressed worry.

"Why is it impossible?"

"They have an army to stay in the west, an army to besieged Rushing City, and some rangers to patrol around the Red Fork River, to support the army of the Trident River at any time and to support the army that besieged Rushing City. Counting this down, the Trident we see before our eyes It’s impossible for the river army to have so many?"

"How many people out of their army?"

"At least ten thousand." Heiyu's voice was full of heaviness.