The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 301: Two dwarf attendants: Karen and Fred

(New Year's Eve, New Year greetings, brothers! Bow and bow!)


Although nothing can be seen, everyone can feel the ship moving forward.

"Is this in the tree's body?" Angai's voice was extremely shocking.

"Yes!" Will said.

His green field of vision is limited invisibly and qualitatively here, unable to possess his body, and his eyes cannot be far away, but he can still see the surroundings of the ship. The white roots and branches of the tree are as white as hands. The ship pushed forward.

The darkness is thick as it is.

"I can feel the aura of fish beam wood." said Da Jili from outside the Great Wall.

"The Green Man organization of Thousand Faces Island doesn't like the visits of the human race." Will said.

"I can feel that they don't want to be paid attention to by the human race. They don't trust the human race." Da Jili said.

"If there were dragons, looking down from the sky, their Qianmianyu would not be able to cover them," Ange said.

Will was silent in his heart.

The dragon is not a natural creature, but the highest magic creature.

Several soldiers from fishermen were lying on the bottom of the boat in a daze.

Everyone has no clear memory of how to get in the darkness and how to get lost in the lake, as if a memory was intercepted. When the lake was angry and formed a vortex and a dragon shape, everyone fell into the water and was pulled into the bottom by unmatched force.

After about an hour, a little light appeared in the darkness ahead.

The light is getting closer and closer, as if for an instant, everyone came out of the darkness, and there was an endless lake in front of them, and a force carried the boat forward, as if someone was pushing under the water.

Angai Dajiliwei turned his head together, behind him, the lake was vast, there were no islands, and no trees in sight.

But Will knew Qianmianyu was beside them, but they couldn't see it.

Shenyan Lake belongs to the old god, and Qianmianyu belongs to the tree god.

This is the only place in the south where the will of the old gods and spirits can be displayed.

Since the dawn of the Era, the Green Man organization has been here to guard the peace agreement reached between the ancestors and the children of the forest. Six thousand years ago, because the Andals sailed across the narrow sea and landed from the Five Fingers Peninsula in the valley to attack the valley, they defeated King Royce and launched a war across the continent. The peace agreement between the human race and the children of the forest has long been annulled. But the Green Man organization has always been here and guarding Qianmianyu.

Shenyan Lake and Qianmianyu are the only complete places that the children of the forest still have on the south side of the Great Wall.

"Hi, everyone." A voice came from the lake.

Will and others were all overjoyed, they saw Tyrion. Tyrion was also followed by two short dwarfs, with sharp eyesight, who wanted to hang a short sword and a short bow, and the handle and bow of the sword were a keel bow.

The three of them stepped on the water and stood in the air. Darjeel and Angai were surprised, but Will saw a huge black vine holding three people underneath, which might be the roots of a giant fish beam tree.

These tree roots are like living creatures under the power of the green man prophet.

This time, Will did not see Qianmianyu and knew nothing about the real situation of Qianmianyu. He brought Tyrion here, just taking a chance to try his luck. He knew that the blood of a royal family of the Son of the Forest was two eyes, one green and one black. The reproduction ability of the Bitefo people is the weakest among all the children of the forest, but the magic affinity is the strongest. People with the blood of the authentic Bit Buddha family, blood that has not been diluted by other blood powers, are the prophets and battle kings among the children of the forest.


The two dwarves who followed Tyrion, one with green eyes and green eyes, looked alert. The other is a golden yellow with a proud look. Both dwarves are very agile.

Da Jili saw that the dwarf’s green and golden clothes were made of leaf bark, which proved that there were many trees on Qianmianyu, including green and golden trees, not just fish beams. The bark of fish beam is pure white, like human skin; the leaves are blood red, just like human blood.

Tyrion was still dressed in black.

Will didn't see Tyrion's entourage whose pupils were green and black. Even if it is a branch of the Bite Buddha royal family, the offspring rarely have green and black eye pupils.

Tyrion and the two attendants got on the boat, the one in green was named Keren, and the one in gold was named Fred.

The three of Will and the others were surprised. Tyrion was as agile as a monkey, and the flexibility of his whole body was completely different from before. His two dwarf followers have piercing eyes, and they are not bullies at first glance.

"Karen, wake them up." Tyrion told the green dwarf.

Karen agreed, drew out the black short dagger, and knocked it on the helmets of several soldiers unceremoniously, making a loud noise. The soldiers woke up and saw the dwarf in front of him with bewildered eyes. Waiting to see Will and others. The expression is normal.

"Wake up, we should go back." Tyrion said, "Fred, you can give them directions."

"Yes, my lord!" Fred said. He is a short man, but his voice is loud and powerful. The golden beard is thick.


"Master Tyrion, have you been to Qianmianyu?" Angai asked.


"These two friends of yours?"

"Oh, what they saw on a big tree, they would like to follow me to the outside world."

Will said, "Tyrion, what do you think of your identity now?" This is the purpose of Will bringing him here.

"I have understood since I was sensible, I am Tyrion Lannister."

Will nodded, he saw that Tyrion was unwilling to talk about anything on Thousand Faces Islet.

"I want to make sure if I can help you, otherwise, we have to go noble."

"I'll go with the noble heart, you don't want to go, you won't see anyone if you go," Tyrion said.

"Okay, then we will wait for you under the noble heart." Will only wants to gather all his powers to fight against the winter ghosts in the future. For the children of the forest, he knows that it is best not to inquire.

The dragon family Targaryen, the forest son’s family Prince Bit Buddha, the giant family’s giant king, the winter horn of the savage family outside the Great Wall, the human wildfire, the knights and warriors, all these forces must be assembled...

Tyrion glanced at Will, who was mysterious and possessed many abilities, but perhaps very limited.

Tyrion decided to try Will's abilities in Noble Heart.

The Noble Heart is a big mountain where the Son of the Forest lived in the past. Tyrion, Fred and Karen can get down and slip away from another steep place with the help of trees after they have finished their work in the Noble Heart. Tyrion I want to try if Will finds them. The mountain top of the noble heart is the place with the most fish beams in all the mountains, but the old trees have been almost cut down. After the catastrophe, the small fish beams of the noble heart have grown into towering trees, and the old trees, stumps and roots that have been cut down are all there, and their power is...not dissipated...

Lord Will knows many things, but Tyrion naturally knows more about the children of the forest...

The way back went smoothly. It was dark. They saw the shore of the lake, the village, and the torch lit by the lake in Bolong...